
  • 网络Capitalist Economic System;the economic institution of capitalism
  1. 它动摇了资本主义经济制度的基础。

    It destroyed the base of capitalist economic system .

  2. 社会主义经济制度正义是对资本主义经济制度正义的扬弃。

    The justice of the socialist economic system abandonment of the justice of capitalist economic system .

  3. 交易费用理论的发展&兼评威廉姆森《资本主义经济制度》

    Evolution of the Transaction Cost Theory & A Review of Williamson Economic Institution of Capitalism ;

  4. 马克思通过他的政治经济学对资本主义经济制度进行了深入地批判,使社会主义从空想变成了科学。

    Marx deeply criticizes the capitalist economic system in his political economy and so to turn the socialism from fantasy into science .

  5. 在资本主义经济制度走过的一百多年历史中,资本主义经济危机也从没停止过它的脚步。

    In the capitalist economic system . the capitalist economic crisis has never stopped in its footsteps through the hundred years of history .

  6. 马克思认为,古典经济学的资产阶级性表现为把资本主义经济制度看作永恒的自然形式;

    Virtually it is provided with its class nature even if the Classical Economics was entituled as a scientific bourgeoisie economics by Marx .

  7. 从封建经济制度到资本主义经济制度的巨大变革过程中,资本原始积累起了非常重要的作用。

    During the great reform course from feudalism economy system to capitalist economy system , the primitive accumulation of capital has taken great effect .

  8. 但是,在资本主义经济制度下,这种变化受到相当程度的约束,更多地表现为企业管理制度的边际调整。

    Under the capitalist economic system , however , these changes are to a greater extent limited to the marginal regulation in management of enterprises .

  9. 马克思《〈政治经济学批判〉序言》所集中表述的唯物史观基本原理,主要得之于对资本主义经济制度的研究。

    The fundamental principles expressed by Marx in his Preface to Crilique of Political Economy are the results of his study of capitalist economic system .

  10. 以人为本的法治化机制是构建社会主义和谐社会的根本保障社会主义经济制度正义是对资本主义经济制度正义的扬弃。

    Rule by law-rization people-oriented mechanism is that the foundation structuring harmonious society of socialism ensures ; The justice of the socialist economic system abandonment of the justice of capitalist economic system .

  11. 西方经济学是研究资本主义经济制度下如何实现资源最佳配置和利用的一门社会学科,研究的根本目的在于宣传资本主义制度的合理性和优越性。

    Western economics is a social science on studying how to allocate and utilize the resources in the capitalism . Its basic purpose is to propagandize the rationality and superiority of the capitalism system .

  12. 当时美国存在着两种不同的经济体系,北方是资本主义经济制度,工业产品突飞猛进,因此北方更注重自由劳工。针对性的管理策略有:提供有利于知识员工自主劳动的工作条件和组织环境;

    In the north , the capitalist economy developed rapidly and industrial capitalists of the north found free labor was more economical . Therefore , the managerial tactics include : work conditions and organizational environment to encourage their free labor ;

  13. 但是,经济周期实际上是由市场经济体制造成的,资本主义经济制度在不同程度上强化了市场经济体制的弱点,社会主义经济制度则可以在不同程度上弥补市场经济体制的弱点。

    In fact , economic cycle is created by market economic system , capitalist institution intensifies the weakness of market economic system in varying degree , socialist economic system can make up the weakness of market economy in varying degree .

  14. 柏克既要维护传统等级制的政治与社会秩序,又坚信资本主义经济制度的正当性和必要性。

    Burke intends to maintain the socio-political order of the traditional hierarchy and at the same time believes the rightfulness and necessity of the capitalist economic system . Therefore . Burke is greatly concerned to protect the property right of the upper class .

  15. 梁漱溟既反对资本主义的经济制度,也反对社会本位的经济制度。

    Liang both opposed bourgeois economic system , and also the social based economic system .

  16. 这确实是个大胆的预言,鉴于中国虽然接受了资本主义的经济制度,但仍然严格控制信息的流通。

    This is a bold prediction given that China , despite its embrace of capitalism , still strictly rations information .

  17. 马克思主义唯物史观启示女性主义从资本主义经济政治制度的根源上分析女性受压迫问题。

    Marxist material point of view reveals that the oppression of female is rooted in the system of capitalist economy and politics .

  18. 在借鉴资本主义国家经济制度的同时,我们也要借鉴与其经济制度相适应的法律制度。

    Drawing of the capitalist economic system , at the same time , we need to reference their legal system which adapts their economic system .

  19. 商品交换、自由市场以及国家资本主义等经济制度的成长具有重要的法律发展意义。

    The growth of the economic regulations , such as goods exchange , free market and state capitalism , played an important role in evolution of law .

  20. 另外,西方产业组织理论以自由竞争的资本主义市场经济制度为基础,在将其运用到转轨经济国家的分析时,不能忽视产权这一独特的制度因素。

    Besides , we can 't neglect the problem of property right institution when the theory of industrial organization , which was born in the economics institution of capitalism , is used on analyzing a transition economy .

  21. 对于企业制度,考虑到资本主义经济的基本制度特征,我们就会得出不同于新制度经济学的一些结论。

    Considering the basic institutional features of capitalist economy , we can draw some different conclusions on enterprise institution .

  22. 主要对资本主义和社会主义经济制度下商业信用和银行信用的作用进行了较为深刻的剖析。

    This paper has a profound analysis of the roles of commercial credit and bank credit in both economic systems .

  23. 至于自由市场和资本主义经济是否是最佳制度的问题,西班牙和德国的受调查者人员总体而言表示同意,但法国和意大利人则持不同意见。

    Asked if a free-market , capitalist economy was the best system , Spanish and German respondents agreed overall , but the French and Italians did not .