
zī běn chōnɡ zú lǜ
  • capital adequacy ratio;rate of capital sufficiency
  1. 由于各种历史原因,我国商业银行的资本充足率管理一直处于比较低的水平,主要表现为资本充足率偏低、资本结构不合理和使用效率低。

    Because of many historical reasons , national capital adequacy ratio management dropped behind international bank industry : capital adequacy ratio is still very low , capital structure is irrationality and unefficient .

  2. 金融方面,葡萄牙银行业由于一直比较保守的经营传统业务,因此并没有太多的有毒资产,资本充足率也比较高,在欧洲进行的两次银行业压力测试中都顺利过关。

    In the financial part , for the banks of Portugal have been doing traditional business for a long time , they has little toxic asset and has a enough capital adequacy ratio , so they can pass the Banking Press Tests two times in European .

  3. 在美国,美联储(Fed)正在进一步收紧银行的资本充足率要求。

    In the US , the Federal Reserve is further toughening the banks ' required capital ratios .

  4. 应当暂缓执行巴塞尔协议III(BaselIII)的资本充足率和流动性标准。

    The implementation of Basel III capital adequacy and liquidity standards should be delayed .

  5. 有关资本充足率的巴塞尔(basel)体制无助于抑制信贷繁荣。

    The Basel regime for capital adequacy does nothing to constrain credit booms .

  6. 比如,身为《财富》美国500强公司的美国银行(BankofAmerica)的资本充足率将仍将达到7.4%,略低于7.5%的法定要求。

    Bank of America ( BAC , Fortune 500 ) , for instance , would still have a capital ratio of 7.4 % , just south of the required 7.5 % .

  7. 美联储(Fed)迅速宣布,将继续接受把美国国债作为抵押品,银行业将不会因此次降级事件面临资本充足率不足的惩罚。

    The Federal Reserve quickly announced that it will continue to accept Treasuries as collateral and that banks will suffer no capital-adequacy penalty as a result of the downgrade .

  8. 加入WTO后,面临国外银行的竞争,国有商业银行从盈利能力、资本充足率,到管理等各方面看,都是落后的。

    After entering WTO , facing the competition of overseas banks , state owned commercial bank has disadvantage starting from benefit capacity , capital abundance ratio ending with the area of management .

  9. 汇丰的核心一级资本充足率达到10%以上,远远超过《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的规定,因此该行可以在其竞争对手收缩之际继续放贷。

    Basel III core tier one capital is comfortable at more than 10 per cent , so HSBC can keep lending while rivals cut back .

  10. 在这一理论的影响下,美联储委员会提出了预先承诺制(Pre-commitmentApproach)的资本充足率监管制度设想。

    Against this background , the Federal Reserve Board of the United States proposed the pre-commitment approach to capital adequacy regulation .

  11. 一个绝佳的例子是《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)资本充足率各国央行官员上周末会晤时拟定了该比率,各国政府希望在11月份最终敲定。

    Case in point : the Basel III capital-adequacy ratios , which central bankers met this weekend to fix and governments hope to finalise in November .

  12. 基于CPV模型的信用评级及银行监管资本充足率研究

    The Study on Credit Rating and Banks ' Regulatory Capital Adequacy Rate Based on CPV Model

  13. 富国银行(WellsFargo)的管理者想出了一个新的比率,用来与拨备覆盖率和资本充足率等银行业使用的可靠比率一起追踪银行的状况。

    At Wells Fargo , managers have dreamt up a new ratio to track alongside such banking stalwarts as provision coverage and capital adequacy .

  14. 风险价值(VaR)是进行金融风险管理的一种工具,它通常用来决定资本充足率。

    Risk value ( VaR ) is a kind of tool to carry on the finance risk management . It is used to decide the sufficiency rate of capital .

  15. 即便是盖特纳(timgeithner)的公私合作计划,也无法以足够快的速度和足够大的幅度,扭转预期中的资本充足率恶化状况。

    Even the Geithner public-private partnership plan is not going to reverse the expected deterioration of capital ratios at sufficient speed and on sufficient scale .

  16. 欧洲银行管理局(eba)正在收紧资本充足率标准,而没有对随之而来的信贷急剧收缩给予足够的注意。

    The European Banking authority is tightening capital adequacy standards without paying enough attention to the ensuing steep credit squeeze .

  17. 随着1988年巴塞尔协议(1988BaselAccord)在全球的普遍实施,最低资本充足率要求已经成为全球银行业共同遵守的国际准则,资本充足率监管也成为各国最重要的银行监管手段之一。

    With the popular enforcement of the 1988 Basel Accord , the minimum capital adequacy ratio has become the international norms generally accepted by the global banking industry , and has become one of the most important instruments in banking supervision mechanism .

  18. 本文尝试将CPV模型原理应用于信用评级,力求更加精准地度量信用风险价值和银行监管资本充足率。

    In this paper , CPV model will be used for credit rating so as to measure the credit risk and banks ' regulatory capital adequacy rate more accurately .

  19. 举例来说,监管机构上世纪80年代制定《巴塞尔协议i》(baseli)资本充足率框架时,就在资本金的计算方面赋予西方主权债券“零风险”权重。

    When regulators drew up the Basel I capital adequacy framework in the 1980s , for example , they gave Western sovereign bonds a " zero risk " weighting , in terms of how capital is calculated .

  20. 中国银监会(cbrc)银行监管一部负责人汤小青(tangxiaoqing)表示,大型上市银行在减少坏账和提高资本充足率方面“做得不错”。

    Tang Xiaoqing , a director - General at the China Banking Regulatory Commission , says that the large listed banks have done " a good job " in cutting bad loans and lifting their capital adequacy ratios .

  21. 本章在第二阶段SFA模型中引入风险因素指标-不良贷款率与资本充足率,并对风险调整后的商业银行效率值进行测度。

    This chapter in the second stage of the SFA model introduced risk factors index-bad loans and capital adequacy ratio , and the risk of commercial bank after adjusting the efficiency measure value .

  22. 在国外,曾有学者将中间业务的产生和发展的动因归纳成为一个trick模型,trick模型中列举的动因有:技术、利率风险、管制、竞争、资本充足率要求及理性的自我利益。

    In Western , some scholar has created a model - " trick " to explain the reasons of the appearance and development of IB. These reasons include : technology , interest risk , regulation , competition , capital adequacy and rational-self-interest ( RSI ) .

  23. 目前,中国的银行目前必须遵守基于全球银行监管框架&巴塞尔协议(BasleI)的国内标准。该标准建议银行将资本充足率保持在8%。

    Chinese banks are currently required to conform to a domestic standard based on the Basle I framework for global bank regulation , which recommends banks maintain capital adequacy ratios of 8 per cent .

  24. 中国银监会(cbrc)警告称,如果国有大型银行达不到资本充足率要求,它将拒绝批准业务扩张,并限制银行运作。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission , the banking regulator , has warned it will refuse approvals for business expansion and limit banking operations if the large state lenders do not meet the capital adequacy requirements .

  25. 结果显示只有资本充足率、不良贷款比率、高管人均薪酬对REVA的影响是显著的。

    The results showed that only the ratio of capital adequacy , the ratio of non-performing loans , the executives remuneration per capita impact on the REVA is remarkable .

  26. 尽管与政府的交易提高了花旗的资本充足率,但标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)股票分析师普雷瑟尔(StuartPlesser)说,我们担心损失额最终会超过政府救助的范围。

    While the government deal bolsters Citigroup 's capital ratios , 'we are concerned that losses may eventually exceed the government 's backstop , 'said Standard & Poor 's equity analyst Stuart Plesser .

  27. 存款准备金与资本充足率监管的货币政策效应

    Monetary Policy Effect of Reserve Requirement and Capital Adequacy Ratio System

  28. 提高商业银行资本充足率维护金融体系稳定

    Rate of Re-nurture Adequacy of Banking Vital to Financial Institution Stability

  29. 论银行资本充足率的监管

    Particularity of Bank Capital Structure and the Regulation of Capital Adequacy

  30. 对商业银行资本充足率要求的经济分析

    The Economy Analysis to the Request of Commercial Capital Adequacy Ratio