
  • 网络bucher;buch;Booher
  1. 方法45例格拉斯哥-庇斯布赫昏迷分度表(Glasgow-Pittsburghcomascale,G-Pcs)计分≤20分的急性脑血管病昏迷病人随机分为2组。

    Methods 45 patients with Glasgow-Pittsburgh coma scale ( G-Pcs )≤ 20 were randomly divided into two groups .

  2. 身为创业者,YCombinator合伙人之一、Gmail之父保罗?布赫海特总是说,要做出有些人绝对热爱的东西,而不是许多人仅仅有些喜欢的东西。

    As an entrepreneur , Paul Buchheit -- who is one of the partners at Y Combinator and the creator of Gmail -- always said build something that a few people absolutely love rather than build something that a lot of people just kind of like .

  3. 布赫瓦尔德称,阿里巴巴甚至已经开始投资无人机公司了。

    Alibaba is even investing in drone companies , says Buchwald .

  4. 布赫那的飞行员已经被叫到跑道上了。

    Buchanan 's pilot 's been called to the airstrip .

  5. 你要佯装成布赫那进去。

    You 'll go in posing as buchanan .

  6. 阿尔特?布赫瓦尔德著邹红云译今天是我和帕勃洛?毕加索相遇的50周年纪念日。

    This is the 50th anniversary of the day I crossed paths with Pablo Picasso .

  7. 布赫瓦尔德还注意到,该模型不是一个简单的实现和灵感自发的时刻,而是一个长期的过程。

    Buchwald also notes that the models were not simply a spontaneous moment of realisation and inspiration , but rather a long process .

  8. 布赫瓦尔德已经占据了能源和原料工业化兴奋,并把这些桌面大小的捆绑,它的机械对象。

    Buchwald has captured the raw energy and excitement of industrialization , and has bundled it into these desktop sized , mechanical objects .

  9. 蒙特布赫周一接受一家报纸采访时表示:我们不想让安赛乐米塔尔在法国经营,因为他们不尊重法国。

    In a newspaper interview on Monday , Mr Montebourg said : We do not want ArcelorMittal in France because they do not respect France .

  10. 在一台布赫霍尔茨钢琴(近似于肖邦拥有的一架钢琴)上,放着他的《第二钢琴协奏曲》的乐谱,还保留着他自己亲手做的修正。

    On a Buchholtz piano , similar to one Frederic owned , is a score of his Second Piano Concerto , with corrections in his own hand .

  11. 上面列出的多数因素都不令人意外,但布赫提出的第5个因素可能会让一些人感到意外。这个因素说到底就是生活质量问题。

    Most in the list is not surprising , but Mr Bucher 's fifth category , which comes down to quality of life issues , might cause some surprises .

  12. 明天我将访问布赫瓦尔德集中营,它是犹太人被第三帝国奴役、折磨、射杀和关毒气室屠杀的众多集中营里的一个。

    Tomorrow , I will visit Buchenwald , which was part of a network of camps where Jews were enslaved , tortured , shot and gassed to death by the Third Reich .

  13. 戴维把我的话向毕加索做了说明,他便用有色粉笔画了幅我们俩在一起手举酒杯的画,并在画的上方写道:“为阿尔特?布赫瓦尔德斟酒。”

    David explained this to Picasso and in crayons he drew a picture of the two of us together , holding a glass of wine , and wrote on the top ," Pour Art Buchwald . "

  14. 在信的结尾,他写道:“我,哈维?布洛德斯基,庄严宣誓:任何阿尔特?布赫瓦尔德寄给我的东西(即毕加索的签名),我决不会卖掉或送给除了格洛里亚?西格尔以外的任何人。”

    At the end of the letter , he said , " I , Harvey Brodsky , do solemnly swear that any item received by me from Art Buchwald ( namely , Pablo Picasso 's autograph ) will never be sold or given to anyone except Miss Gloria Segall . "