
  • 网络breda;nac breda
  1. 2002年,当布雷达汽车到了“退休”的年龄时,由布恩进行新的采购。

    When the Bredas hit retirement age in2002 , Boon went shopping .

  2. 1920年,德国风琴制造商卡尔·弗莱在布雷达开业后,荷兰就成了街头风琴业最兴盛的一个国家。

    After the German organ builder Carl Frei is established in Breda in1920 , the Netherlands become the pre-eminent country of street organs .

  3. 上周日来自世界各地、各年龄段的人们聚集在荷兰南部的布雷达参加第五届“红头发日”。

    People of all ages came from around the world to attend the fifth annual " red-hair day " in Breda in the south of Holland on Sunday .