
fǎ qì
  • musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass
法器 [fǎ qì]
  • [musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass] 举行宗教仪式用的器物

法器[fǎ qì]
  1. 然后重点提出了模板引擎设计中使用的关键技术:包括词法器、语法器和解释器的设计方法,CACHE机制和纠错机制等几个方面。

    Besides , the key technologies in the designs , such as scanner , parser , interpreter , CACHE mechanism and error-correction mechanism are presented in detail .

  2. 随着电流模式乘除法器的发展,CMOS电流模式乘除法器的研究和开发已逐渐成为主流趋势。

    Along with the development of the current-mode multipliers / dividers , research and development for CMOS current-mode multipliers / dividers has gradually become the mainstream trend .

  3. 主要采用的技术有:基于BM算法的词法器加速机制、语法树机制、万能变量构造、Cache机制和有效的纠错机制,从而实现了模板引擎从设计到使用上的全面高效。

    The main techniques used , which make the full efficiency both in design and in use , are as follows : fast scanner based on BM algorithm , syntax-tree scheme , the design of omni-variable , Cache scheme and effective scheme for error correction .

  4. 当然即使没有法器,你也能使用这些威能。

    Without an implement , you can still use these powers .

  5. 黑油模型新解法器的研制

    Developing a new solver for the black - oil model

  6. 模拟乘(除)法器在电工测量中的应用

    The Application of Simulating Multiplier in Electronic Measuring

  7. 你的法器是什么?

    What 's your law household utensils ?

  8. 变互导四象限模拟乘除法器

    Changeable Transconductance Four-quadrant Analogue Multiplier-divider

  9. 教堂中召开堂务会议和盛放法器的地方。

    A room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held .

  10. 说真的,这是我见过的资料最齐全的词法语法器软件了。

    Really , this is the most complete information I 've seen of the lexical grammar software .

  11. 第四部分展开叙述祭祀太阳神的场所、仪式、法器等。

    Part IV describes the worship the sun god started the place , rituals , and other adder .

  12. 在萨满名目繁多的宗教治疗仪式中,萨满法器均有其特定的象征意义与功能。

    In various kinds of treatment ceremony , the worship implement of Shamanism have their certain significance and functions .

  13. 本公司经营各类寺庙及居家所需之高档佛具法器。

    The upscale of our company that management various temples and daily life at homes need has the method machine .

  14. 今日萨满所用的服饰、法器以及舞蹈动作中,仍有其原始文化的遗存。

    From the clothes , musical instruments and dance movements of Shaman today , one can find relics of primitive culture .

  15. 由于乘法器的乘数之一为常数,我们设计了一种常数修改方案能够有效的降低成法器的硬件开销。

    What 's more , a novel multiplier architecture is given by modifying constant precision which can reduce the hardware cost efficiently .

  16. 根据供给它的控制信号,或起加法器作用或起减法器作用的一种逻辑元件。

    A logic element designed to act as either an adder or a subtracter in accordance with the control signal applied to it .

  17. 甘青地区为数众多的史前璧环类玉器和陶鼓是祭祀太阳神所不可缺少的神圣法器。

    Large number of prehistoric Gansu and Qinghai regions bi rings jade and pottery drum is essential sun god worship the sacred instruments used .

  18. 阐述了模拟乘除法器配合运放在电工测量中的测量原理与应用。

    In this paper , the application of simulating multiplier in the electronic measuring was introduced , and the principles of measuring were analyzed .

  19. 为了增强芯片的集成度和对噪声的免疫力,采用一种新颖的开关充电式乘除法器技术。

    In order to enhance the integration and the noise immunity of PFC circuits , the paper adopt a novelty technology about switching-charge multiplier-divider .

  20. 萨满祭祀仪式中的法器、服饰、歌、舞等,构成萨满文化的一体。

    The musical instruments , personal adornments , songs and dances in the ceremony of worshiping gods or ancestors are all parts of the Saman culture .

  21. 给出了一种采用模拟采法器、积分器、8098单片机构成的电力参数测量方法,该方法运用了双料式A/D转换的基本原理。

    A measuring circuit of electric power parameter is introduced , which consists of an analog multiplier , an integrator and an 8098 single chip microcomputer .

  22. 工作人员进行了风化石质加固、彻底清洗工作,共完成千手观音造像830只手和227件法器的修复,使用金箔超过100万张。

    Workers restored 830 hands and 227 instruments , using more than 1m gold foils , consolidating the dated pieces of the statue and thoroughly cleaning it .

  23. 佛教密宗传入大理后,逐渐被当地的白族人民所吸取,到南诏大理国时达到极盛时期,金刚杵是密宗重要的法器之一。

    After Esoteric Buddhism spread to Dali , it evolved among the Bai people and eventually reached its pinnacle during the period of Nanzhao and Dali Kingdom .

  24. 该水书法器结合了一种古老的写作形式,一种很风雅的公共艺术实践,以及机制的的魔力与神秘。

    The Water Calligraphy Device combines the inherent beauty of an ancient form of writing , a refined public art practice with the mystery and magic of mechanisms .

  25. 钟和鼓由乐器发展为礼器和法器,后来是城市管理和报时的工具。

    In history , bell turned into sacrificial vessel and the instrument of Buddhitst or Daoist Mass from musical purpose and later became the device to tell the time in town management .

  26. 后端物理实现表明,乘除法器的频率分别可到227MHz,305MHz,整体设计具有简洁、快速、计算准确的特征。

    The physical implementation result shows that the speed of Multiplier and Divider could be 227 MHz , 305 MHz , respectively . The circuits are accurate and efficient for the industrial automation applications .

  27. 如果你这么做,你可以把法器的攻击奖励和伤害奖励增加到这个种族典范之路威能中。

    When you wield a magic version of such an implement , you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of your racial paragon path powers that have the implement keyword .