
fán yù
  • breed;produce
繁育 [fán yù]
  • [breed] 繁殖培育

  • 繁育良种

繁育[fán yù]
  1. 辅助生殖技术(ART)在山羊的繁育中具有重要作用。

    Assisted reproduction technologies ( ART ) plays a crucial role in goat breed .

  2. CG报道。气候变化会影响季节,比如春天的花开得更早,鸟儿繁育得也越早快。

    Climate change affects seasonal events - spring flowers open earlier , songbirds breed sooner .

  3. 这一地区现在吸引了60多种鸟类到此繁育后代。

    The area now attracts over 60 species of breeding birds .

  4. 国家林草局为该老虎取名为“完达山1号”,并将其送往中国横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心进行医学检查和健康监测。

    The tiger , which was named Wandashan-1 by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration , was transported to the China Hengdaohezi Feline Breeding Center in April for medical examination and health monitoring .

  5. 该财团去年在肯尼亚内罗毕开办了非洲植物繁育学院(AfricanPlantBreedingAcademy)。

    The consortium opened the African Plant Breeding Academy last year in Nairobi , Kenya .

  6. 养分主要分布在繁育器官中,其中N,P主要分配在棉籽中,而K分配在铃壳中。

    The nutrition is main distribute in propagation organ . N and P distribute in cotton breed , K distribute in boll shell .

  7. ~(60)Co辐照日粮对KM小鼠繁育情况的影响

    Effects of Feed Irradiated by ~ ( 60 ) Co on Reproduction and Breeding of KM Mice

  8. 目的探讨被转入的人SRAI基因的整合与复制情况及其对小鼠繁育的影响。

    Objective To investigate human SR AI transgenic integration and reproduction and its effect on mice breeding .

  9. SCID小鼠的繁育及其在肿瘤研究中初步应用

    Breeding of SCID Mice and Its Preliminary Application in Cancer Research

  10. 这对应用AFLP技术鉴定大白菜品种的真伪,保护品种繁育者、生产者和种子使用者的利益提供了有效技术体系的依据。

    AFLP fingerprinting provides the best currently available technology to establish differentiation for plant variety identification .

  11. 用吗啡对A、B、C3家实验动物繁育生产专业单位KM小鼠进行镇痛、耐受性和身体依赖性的比较实验。

    The analgesia , tolerance and dependence of morphine were studied in KM mice from three different laboratory animal breeding organizations A , B and C.

  12. 方法:应用IVC笼具进行清洁小鼠繁育生产及动物实验并通过严格的软件管理。

    Method : IVC was used to bread clean mice and experimentation under strict management .

  13. 收集了成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的8只圈养大熊猫的12个粘液样品并测定了其中17种水解氨基酸(AA)的含量。

    Twelve mucus samples from 8 giant pandas were collected and contents of 17 kinds of hydrolysis amino acids ( AA ) were tested .

  14. [目的]为巴戟天规范化种植(GAP)的优良种质筛选和种苗繁育提供科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To provide scientific evidence for the screening of excellent germplasm and the breeding of seedling of Radix Morindae Officinalis ( RMO ) in Good Agriculture Practice ( GAP ) base .

  15. Scid小鼠的繁育及其骨髓象分析

    Preliminary report on the breeding and rearing of SCID mice and examination of their bone marrow smear

  16. 林蛙人工繁育及18S测序的研究

    Forest Frog Artificial Breeding and 18S Sequence Research

  17. 金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus,SA)广泛存在于空气和水中,是一种条件致病菌,可以影响鼠群繁育并对动物实验结果造成极大的干扰。

    Staphylococcus aureus is a conditional pathogenic bacteria widely existing in the in the air and water , affecting rodents breeding and the experimental results .

  18. 结论:SHRsp繁育能力与WKY相似。

    CONCLUSION : The reproduction ability of SHRsp is similar to normal rats .

  19. 植物立体培育器+ABT生根粉是目前桑树扦插育苗的最佳途径,在桑树良种繁育方面具有广阔推广应用前景。

    It was best way of mulberry cuttage breeding to use the incubator and plant growth regulator ABT.

  20. 风箱果(Physocarpusamurensis)繁育特性及繁殖体系研究

    Breeding Characteristic and Propagation System of Physocarpus Amurensis

  21. 采用20~50mg/kg的生根粉-6处理2h,可促进福建观音莲座扦插叶柄的生长发育,缩短繁育周期、提高繁殖系数。

    Treatment with 20 ~ 50mg / kg by 2 hours could promote growth and development of cutting petiole , shorten cultivation period and increase cultivation index .

  22. 熊蜂(BombusLucorum)的人工繁育技术研究

    Studies on Breeding Technology of Bumble Bee ( Bombus Lucorum ) in Captivity

  23. 棉蚜AphisgossypiiGlover在棉花不同品种上的生长繁育和排蜜的研究

    A Study on the Growth , Reproduction and Honeydew Excretion of the Cotton Aphid ( Aphis gossypii Glover ) on Different Varieties of Cotton

  24. 用VB软件开发肉羊生产管理系统,包括日常管理、遗传分析、繁育系统、优化饲料配方和羊病诊断专家系统。

    The software package for modern sheep and goat production management ( MSG ) was developed with Visual Basic system . MSG includes daily manage system , genetic analysis system , reproductive manage system , feed formula system and disease expert system .

  25. 结论:这15个STR基因座可以用于指导犬的繁育,其中12个STR基因座能有效用于犬的个体识别和亲权鉴定。

    Conclusion : Such fifteen canine STR Loci can be used to guide the breeding of purebred dog . Twelve STR loci can be effectively applied to individual discrimination and Paternity Test of purebred dog .

  26. 为了对Cd污染农田实施农业生态整治及安全高效利用,将Cd污染土壤作为一种特殊的资源,在Cd污染农田建植绿化草坪繁育基地是近年提出的新方法。

    We take the Cd polluted farmland soil as a special resource in order to implement agro-ecological regulation and safe high efficient utilization of farmland polluted by cadmium . It is a new way to construct a propagation base of evanescence grassland on farmland polluted by cadmium .

  27. 基因分化系数(GST)分析结果表明,苜蓿的遗传变异主要存在于品种内,这一特点与多年生苜蓿的繁育体系(异交)有关。

    Analysis of gene differential coefficient ( GST ) indicating that genetic variation of Medicago sativa is mainly exits within varieties . This characteristic is related to the breeding system ( out - breeing ) of Medicago sativa .

  28. 综述了姜科Zingiberaceae植物繁育系统和传粉生物学方面的研究及其进展。

    In this paper we presented a review of the advances in the studies of breeding system and pollination biology of gingers .

  29. 本文是1999年上半年引自国际半干旱热带作物研究所(ICRISAT)的84份花生种质,于1999年秋植繁育出来的籽仁,经人工接种对黄曲霉菌侵染的抗性鉴定结果。

    Eighty-four Groundnut varieties collected from ICRISAT in 1999 after they were planted in autumn seasons in 1999 were identified for resistance against Aspergillus flavus Link Ex.

  30. 自1997年以来,以柞蚕(Antheraeapernyi)蛹为替代寄主的白蛾周氏啮小蜂繁育技术在美国白蛾生物防治中发挥了重要作用。

    The technique of using Chinese tussah , Antheraea pernyi pupa as a surrogate host to artificially rear C. cunea has been playing an important role in the biological control of the fall webworm since 1997 .