
fán zhí chǎnɡ
  • Breeding ground;breeding place
  1. 挺好,幼犬繁殖场有很多

    Good . There 's too many puppy mills out there .

  2. 牡蛎苗,种牡蛎:小牡蛎,尤指适于移植至另一牡蛎繁殖场的;蚝卵。

    A young oyster , especially one suitable for transplanting to another bed ; a spat .

  3. 电梯按钮上的菌落是130个,地铁拉手上的菌落个数是86,这两样物体在细菌繁殖场排名中居后。

    Rounding out the list were elevator buttons at130 colony forming units and hand straps on subways at86 .