
  1. 信天翁和其它海洋鸟类,有时候会将塑料误认为食物,而用它们来喂食它们的幼鸟,从而致使幼鸟死亡。

    The Albatross and other sea birds sometimes confuse the plastic for food feeding it to their young who die .

  2. 西班牙西北部的沿海水域养育了多种海洋生物和鸟类。

    The coastal waters of northwestern Spain support many kinds of sea life and birds .

  3. 即使这种办法十分管用,漏油造成的危害仍将持续好几个月甚至更长时间,影响着海洋生物和鸟类的生活、海滩、渔业及旅游业。

    Even if it works perfectly , the damage will continue for months , if not longer , afflicting sea and bird life , beaches , fishing and tourism .

  4. A型流感病毒属于正粘病毒科,是多种动物的重要病原体之一,包括人、猪、马、海洋哺乳动物和鸟类;不但经常引发小范围的流行,偶尔还可在世界范围内引起大暴发。

    Type A influenza virus , belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family , is one of important pathogens of various animals , including humans , pigs , horses , marine mammals and birds . It was able to cause frequent epidemics and occasional pandemics .

  5. 米尔纳博士讲到,新的研究不仅显示始祖鸟能够控制飞行这样一种复杂的事,而且显示出海洋多少官员鸟类何时和怎样开始飞行的事情尚未发现。

    Dr. Milner said the new study not only established that Archaeopteryx was capable of " controlling the complex business of flying , " but also showed " how much there is still to discover about when and how bird flight began . "

  6. 这块湿地是各种海洋生物、珍稀鸟类与哺乳动物的家园。

    The area is home to a rich variety of marine life as well as rare birds and mammals .

  7. 科学家相信,这种在海豚海狮等海洋哺乳动物和多数鸟类身上存在的天赋,实际上有很多用途。

    Researchers believe that this talent that has been observed in marine mammals like dolphins and seals as well as numerous bird species , serves many purposes .