
dōng hǎi
  • the East China Sea;sea in the east;the Donghai Sea
东海 [dōng hǎi]
  • (1) [The East China Sea]∶亚洲东部边缘海,西接中国大陆,北连黄海,南接南海,面积77万平方公里,平均深度370米,广阔的东海大陆架是良好的渔场

  • (2) [sea in the east]∶泛指东方的大海

东海[dōng hǎi]
  1. 南海深水海盆区现代沉积作用的初步探讨用DDT测年法研究东海大陆架现代沉积作用

    A preliminary study on modern deep sea sedimentation of South China Sea Recent Sedimentation estimated by DDT dating in the Donghai Sea continental shelf

  2. 东海平湖油气田海底管线保护施工

    Pinghu Oil Gas Field Seabed Pipeline Protection Construction in the Donghai Sea

  3. 长江流入东海。

    The Changjiang River empties into the Donghai Sea .

  4. 祝您老人家福如东海,寿比南山!

    I wish you long life and happiness !

  5. 意怠是东海里的一种鸟。

    Yi Dai is a kind of talentless bird over the East Sea .

  6. 青蛙听完番话后,惊讶万状地看着东海鳖,一脸茫然和失落的样子。

    After hearing this , the frog was at a loss , surprised and depressed2 .

  7. 任国的公子用五十头牛做了一个钓饵在东海钓鱼.

    The son of a high official of the state of Ren angled in the east sea , using fifty oxen as the bait .

  8. 趁着安期生没有注意,东海黄公悄悄偷走了安期生的宝刀,他认为安期生能能使老虎听话,完全是因为有这把刀。

    One day , he stole An Qisheng 's sword quietly when he wasn 't prepared . He thought it was all because of this sword that the tiger obeyed An Qisheng .

  9. 生活在一口浅水井中的青蛙,非常愉快地向东海之中的大鳖描述自己的幸福和快乐,并请东海鳖到自己家中做客。

    A frog living in a shallow well told merrily its own happiness and well being of life to a big turtle that lives in the East Sea and warmly invited the turtle to come to its home .

  10. 小鲤鱼回答说:“我是东海龙王的臣子,不幸落到这里。您能够给我一些水来救我活命吗?”

    The little crucian carp answered : " I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea . Unfortunately I fell down here . Can you give me a little water to save my life ? "

  11. 浩瀚的东海里,有一只大鳌,它头顶着蓬莱仙山,在大海中浮游,有时飞腾跃上云霄,有时下潜沉人海底。

    In the vast East China Sea , there was a huge turtle . It carried the Penglai Fairy Mountain on its head , floated and swam in the great sea , sometimes soaring into the sky and sometimes diving to the bottom of the sea .

  12. 伯牙的老师知道他的想法后,就带他乘船到东海的蓬莱岛上,让他欣赏大自然的景色,倾听大海的波涛声。

    Knowing what was in his mind , his teacher took him to the penglai Island , a fabled2 abode3 of immortals4 , on the East China Sea by boat . On the island , his teacher let him enjoy the natural scenarios5 and listen to the roaring of the great waves .

  13. 东海黄公安期生从艺从芝罘山学道回来后,学道回来后,手持宝刀就可以使老虎乖乖听话,宝刀向前一挥,老虎不敢后退;

    Huang Gong from the East sea saw that An Qisheng , who had come back from Mountain Zhifu after had finished his study of Taoist 's magic arts there , could work a tiger with a sword . He saved the sword to the front , and the tiger would not dare to go backwards .

  14. 土木工程套装软件plane在东海大桥建设中的应用

    Application of CE Packaged Software plane to Construction of Donghai Bridge

  15. 遥感与GIS支持下的海洋渔业空间分布研究&以东海为例

    The ocean fishery spatial analysis based on RS and GIS & Studying in the East China Sea

  16. RTKGPS定位技术在东海大桥外海工程中的应用

    RTK GPS Positioning Technique Applied to Offshore Engineering Works in Donghai Bridge

  17. 东海G断面上二十年(1956&1975)来黑潮表层流速的变动

    Variations of the surface velocity of the Kuroshio on section g in the East China Sea from 1956 & 1975

  18. 克林顿很可能就中国与邻国在南中国海(SouthChinaSea,中国称南海)和东中国海(EastChinaSea,中国称东海)领土争议日益深化的问题上向中国施压,这是她此行最艰难的任务之一。

    Among her most difficult tasks , Mrs. Clinton will likely press Chinese leaders over deepening territorial disputes with neighbors over portions of the South China and East China seas .

  19. 东海陆架区沉积有机碳的δ~(13)C值呈现出一个较窄的数值范围(22.920.8×10~(-3)),说明它们主要是海洋性来源。

    Sedimentary organic carbon in the East China Sea exhibits a relatively narrow δ 13C range ( - 22.9 to - 20.8 × 10-3 ), suggesting a dominant marine source .

  20. 根据东海大桥的具体情况,给出两个东海大桥GPS天线阵列变形监测的设计方案。

    Then , according to the specific circumstance , it presents two designs for GPS antenna array deformation monitoring of the using Donghai large bridge .

  21. 运用DAVIDA.White,1988介绍的方法,编制东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷和瓯江凹陷油气成藏组合图。

    Plays of Xihu Sag and Oujiang Sag in East China Sea Basin have been compiled according to David A. White 's method .

  22. 东海J断面上黑潮表层流速变化的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of the variation of surface velocity of the Kuroshio on section J in the East China Sea

  23. PDC钻头在东海西湖凹陷的实践与认识

    The Practice and Knowledge of Using PDC Bit in Xihu Trough , the East China Sea

  24. AVO资料在东海西湖凹陷的研究及应用

    Application Study of AVO in the XiHu Sag of the East China Sea Shelf Basin

  25. 利用NOAA卫星图像和水文资料研究东海水文的变化

    The East China Sea hydrographic change study of NOAA satellite images and hydrographic data

  26. 东海大桥PHC试桩垂直动静试验及水平荷载试验

    Vertical Static and Dynamic Load Tests and Horizontal Load Tests for PHC Trial Piles of East China Sea Bridge

  27. 东海海域海水中颗粒氨基酸(PAA)的组成与含量的分布调查研究

    Studies on the Distribution of Components and Contents of Particulate Amino Acids in Sea Water of the East China Sea

  28. 日中两国看来接近达成在东海(EastChinaSea)争议水域共同开发天然气田的协议。这项协议将有助于解决一个近年来最富争议的、造成中日关系紧张的议题。

    Tokyo and Beijing appear close to agreement on joint development of natural gas fields in disputed waters of the East China Sea , a deal that would resolve one of the most contentious issues to strain Sino-Japanese ties in recent years .

  29. 由(DDD+DDE)/DDT比值可知东海泥质区DDT类农药还比较新鲜。

    The Ratios of ( DDD + DDE ) / DDT suggestes that the DDTs in the mud areas is relatively new .

  30. 夏季,层化加强,上混合层厚度加深至约10m,温跃层强度比较大,并且黄海强度大于东海;

    Summertime , stratification strengthens , and mixed layer depth is deeper ( about 10 meters ), and the thermocline is stronger .