
  • 网络Manchurian wapiti;Cervus elaphus xanthopygus
  1. 东北马鹿与东北梅花鹿杂交F1遗传性状的研究

    Characters of hybrid f_1 between sika deer and Wapiti

  2. 东北马鹿肌肉生长抑制素基因序列的克隆、编码氨基酸序列及结构特征分析

    Cloning , sequence and structure analysis on myostatin gene of Manchurian wapiti

  3. 说明基础设施配备是否齐全与先进对东北马鹿的保护与管理是至关重要的。

    The results showed that infrastructure was critical to the protection and management of red deer . 3 .

  4. 我国是鹿类资源较丰富的国家,天山马鹿、塔里木马鹿、东北马鹿等都是最优良的鹿种。

    There are abundant deer resource in china , for example : Tianshan red deer 、 Tarim red deer 、 Northeast Wapiti etc.

  5. 东北马鹿脾脏白髓不发达,脾小结未见生发中心。在生发中心、T细胞90%以上分布于明区,而暗区则分布极少。

    The white pulp of spleen was undeveloped ; More than 90 % of T cells were distributed in the light zone , while only a few T cells were seen in the dark zone .