
  • 网络Smolensk;Smolenskaya;Roslavl-Elnya-Smolensk
  1. 华沙公共事务研究所的JacekKucharczyk表示,斯摩棱斯克坠机事件不仅仅改变了选举日期。

    Jacek Kucharczyk , of the Warsaw-based Institute of Public Affairs , says the crash at Smolensk did just change the date of the election .

  2. 此外,波兰外交部长拉多斯瓦夫•西科尔斯基(RadoslawSikorski)称赞克林姆林宫在调查斯摩棱斯克空难时表现的开放性,并表示波兰是俄罗斯的盟友。

    Bnd Radek Sikorski , the Polish foreign minister , praises the openness of the Kremlin in investigating the Smolensk air crash and says Poland is an ally .

  3. 斯摩棱斯克失守了。这是违反了皇帝和全民的意志。

    Smolensk was abandoned against the will of the Tsar and the whole people .

  4. 飞机试图在大雾中降落在斯摩棱斯克机场时坠毁。

    The plane came down in a forest as it tried to land in fog in Smolensk airport .

  5. 他们准备在斯摩棱斯克前面向法军进攻,派遣了一名将官去视察阵地。

    Preparations were made to attack the French before Smolensk . A general was sent to review the position .

  6. 卡钦斯基原定于抵达斯摩棱斯克的卡廷,参加纪念卡廷事件受害者活动。

    Kaczynski had been flying to Katyn , near Smolensk , to commemorate the victims of the Katyn massacre .

  7. 俄国军队和平民为避免其冲击而撤退至斯摩棱斯克,再由斯摩棱斯克撤至波罗底诺。

    The Russian army and population fall back , avoiding a battle , to Smolensk , and from Smolensk to Borodino .

  8. 卡钦斯基是在三个月前的斯摩棱斯克空难中遇难的总统的孪生哥哥。

    Mr Kaczynski is the twin brother of the previous president who was killed in the Smolensk plane crash three months ago .

  9. 卡钦斯基总统专机的碎片散落斯摩棱斯克机场边缘的森林数百米的范围。

    The debris of president Kaczynski 's plane is spread through hundreds of meters of woodland on the edge of Smolensk aerodrome .

  10. 可是,俄国人仍能在自己的国土上继续后撤,拿破仑未能取得决定性的胜利,此刻他面临着一个重要抉择:是继续追击俄国军队,还是把军队驻扎在斯摩棱斯克,在那儿度过临近的冬天?

    Should he continue to pursue the Russian army ? Or should he keep his army in Smolensk for the approaching winter ?

  11. 波俄官员称,飞机在靠近斯摩棱斯克机场时遇到浓雾,撞树后,无人生还。

    Polish and Russian officials said no-one survived after the plane apparently hit trees as it approached Smolensk airport in thick fog .

  12. 该飞机于周六在俄罗斯城市斯摩棱斯克附近坠毁,波兰外交部确认总统和夫人在飞机上。

    The Polish Foreign Ministry confirmed that the president and his wife were aboard the plane that crashed Saturday near the city of Smolensk .

  13. 到了八月,法俄两军在斯摩棱斯克交战,这一战役中,双方各有上万人阵亡。

    In August , the French and Russian armies engaged at Smolensk , in a battle that left over ten thousand dead on each side .

  14. 飞机大约在当地时间上午11点坠毁在俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克地区,该州州长宣布没有生还者。

    The governor of the Smolensk region , where the crash took place about 11 a.m. ( 0700 GMT ) , said no one survived .

  15. 八月他在斯摩棱斯克一心只想如何推进,可是我们现在却看出,这种继续推进对他来说显然是自取灭亡的。

    In August he was in Smolensk and thinking of nothing but advancing further , though , as we see now , that advance meant inevitable ruin .

  16. 4月10日,搭载波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基的图-154飞机在俄罗斯的斯摩棱斯克机场附近坠毁,造成机上90多人死亡。

    April 10 : A Tupolev 154 plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashes near the Russian airport of Smolensk , killing more than 90 people on board .

  17. 到了十月,也就是法国人往斯摩棱斯克逃跑时,这些大大小小性质各异的游击队就已经发展到有几百个了。

    By October , when the French were fleeing to Smolensk , there were hundreds of these companies , differing widely from one another in number and in character .

  18. 电视图片显示了燃烧着的机身和飞机碎片散落在森林中,事故发生约距离斯摩棱斯克机场2公里(1.3英里)处。

    Television pictures showed the burning fuselage and fragments of the plane scattered in a forest . The crash occurred about 2 km ( 1.3 miles ) from Smolensk airport .

  19. 法西斯的空军正在扩大它的轰炸机的作战范围,并在轰炸摩尔曼斯克、奥尔沙、莫吉廖夫、斯摩棱斯克、基辅、敖德萨和塞瓦斯托波尔。

    The fascist air force is extending the range of operations of its bombers and is bombing murmansk , orsha , mogilev , smolensk , kiev , odessa , and sevastopol .

  20. 如果拿破仑在到达塔鲁丁诺的时候,立即只用他进攻斯摩棱斯克的十分之一的兵力进攻俄国军队,那将会怎样呢?

    What would have happened if later on Napoleon , on reaching Tarutino , had attacked the Russians with one-tenth of the energy with which he had attacked them at Smolensk ?

  21. 官员们说,搭载卡钦斯基夫妇及波兰高级代表团其他94人的飞机上周六在俄罗斯西部城市斯摩棱斯克机场降落时失事,机上人员全部遇难。

    Mr. Kaczynski , his wife and 94 others in a high-level delegation were killed Saturday when their plane crashed on landing outside the western Russian city of Smolensk , officials said .

  22. 4月10日,波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基与其他95人在俄罗斯斯摩棱斯克坠机身亡之后,选举日期提前。

    The election date was after Poland 's president , Lech Kaczynski , was killed along with 95 others in a plane crash on April 10th near the Russian town , Smolensk .

  23. 从斯摩棱斯克起,这片俄国大地上的所有城市乡村,没有拉斯托普钦伯爵的参与和他的传单,也曾发生过在莫斯科所发生的同样事情。

    In every town and village on Russian soil , from Smolensk onwards , without the assistance of Count Rastoptchin and his placards , the same thing took place as happened in Moscow .

  24. 俄罗斯国家电视台报导说,莫斯科时间上周六将近11点时,卡钦斯基等人乘坐的图-154喷气机在距跑道约一公里的地方坠毁,当时这架飞机试图在浓雾弥漫的斯摩棱斯克Severnyi军用机场第二次降落。

    Russian state television reported that the Tupolev-154 jet crashed about a kilometer short of the runway on its second attempt to land in heavy fog at the Smolensk-Severnyi military airport , shortly before 11 a.m. Moscow time .

  25. 但是斯摩棱斯克是居民受了省长的欺骗而自己毁掉的,倾家荡产的居民给其他的俄国人做了榜样,他们老想着自家的损失,从而心中燃起对敌人的怒火,向莫斯科逃去。

    But Smolensk was burnt by its own inhabitants , who had been deceived by their governor . And those ruined inhabitants , after setting an example to the rest of Russia , full of their losses , and burning with hatred of the enemy , moved on to Moscow .