
  • 网络OTEC;ocean thermal gradient
  1. 海洋温差氨-水非共沸混合工质朗肯循环系统研究

    Study of OTEC Rankine cycle using non-azeotropic mixture of ammonia-water

  2. 海洋温差能驱动系统的原理和结构

    Principle and structure of ocean thermal power system

  3. 设计并搭建海洋温差能海水淡化实验系统,并对实验结果进行分析。

    Experimental system is designed and built , and the experimental results are measured and analyzed .

  4. 利用海洋温差能驱动的水下运载器在航行时无需能源补充,海洋温跃层上下的温差就是潜水器动力的来源。

    The idea of driving the underwater vehicle ( UV ) by ocean thermal power is proposed .

  5. 肯定能进入决赛的选手海洋温差发电有机朗肯循环工质选择

    Certain qualifier for finals Selection of working fluids for ocean thermal energy conversion power generation organic Rankine cycle

  6. 海洋温差能储量巨大,是国际社会公认的最具开发潜力的能源之一。

    Ocean thermal energy is one of the most potential energy accepted by the international community because of its tremendous reserves .

  7. 低温热能一般是指温度在200℃以下的热能,包括太阳能热、各种工业废热、生活废热、地热、海洋温差等。

    Low temperature heat sources refer to low grade heat sources including solar energy , waste heat , geothermal energy and ocean thermal energy .

  8. 因此,开发新能源同时解决水资源与能源问题,将极大地推动社会的发展。海洋温差能是海洋能的一种,储量丰富且较为稳定。

    Therefore it is important to develop new clean energies for desalination and ocean thermal energy is a good choice with abundant reserves and low cost .

  9. 海洋温差能是一种清洁、可再生的能源,可以被用作发电、海水淡化、海水养殖等多种用途。

    Ocean thermal energy is a kind of clean and renewable energy , which can be used for generating electricity , seawater desalination , and seawater breed etc.

  10. 温差能驱动的水下滑翔机,通过特殊的动力系统将海洋温差能转化为机械能,驱动滑翔机航行。

    The thermal glider changes its net buoyancy by a special power system which can convert ocean thermal energy into mechanical energy and drive the glider moving .

  11. 阐述了海洋温差发电、海洋波浪发电及潮汐潮流发电的原理、现状及发展趋势。

    The paper delineates the general principles , the state of art and development tendencies of power generation by making use of oceanic temperature differences , wave rocking energy and tidal energy .

  12. 对海洋温差能发电技术的基本原理、类型、系统与装置、发展历史和现状作了全面的综述。

    The basic principle , types , system and installation , developing history and the current situations of the Oceanic Thermal Electricity Conversion ( OTEC ) are comprehensively summarized in the paper .

  13. 鉴于我国目前对海洋温差能研究的不足,本文对混合式海洋温差能的利用系统进行了研究。

    There is lack of researches on ocean thermal energy at present in this country , so this paper studies on the integrated ocean thermal energy conversion ( OTEC ) cycle system .

  14. 开发海洋温差能不仅可以缓解我国能源压力,调整能源结构,也有利于我国的环境保护。

    The exploitation of ocean thermal energy resources not only can reduce the pressure of energy resources in our country , but also can adjust the energy resource structure and environment protection .

  15. 低温热能发电技术主要应用于太阳能热电、工业余热发电、地热发电、生物质能发电、海洋温差发电等方面。

    The above-mentioned technology is mainly used for solar-energy cogeneration systems , industrial waste heat-based power generation , geothermal power generation as well as power generation by utilizing biomass energy and ocean temperature difference etc.

  16. 在能源短缺日益严峻的形势下,开发海洋温差能这一清洁可再生能源,对我国整体能源结构的调整及缓解未来能源压力具有重要意义。

    In the serious situation of energy shortage , the exploitation of ocean thermal energy , which is clean and renewable energy , is important to adjust our overall energy structure and relieve the pressure of the future energy .

  17. 本文介绍了朗肯循环低温热能发电技术的现状和发展前景,这种发电技术主要用于利用和回收品味相对较低的热能,如太阳热能、工业废热、地热、海洋温差能等;

    In this paper , the development of power generation using low temperature heat is introduced . This technology is mainly applied in solar thermal system , industrial waste heat recovery system , geothermal power system , ocean thermal energy conversion system , and etc.

  18. 最近几年,世界各国积极开发这种新能源并取得很大的进展,在此,简要介绍了当今世界海洋温差发电、波浪发电和潮汐潮流发电的原理,开发现状和发展趋势。

    In recent years , great progress has been made in utilizing this energy . In this paper , the principles , development status quo and tendency of ocean thermal energy conversion ( OTEC ), wave and tidal current power generation in the world are described briefly .

  19. 温差能水下滑翔机是利用海洋温跃层温差驱动的新型水下运载器。

    Thermal underwater gliders are autonomous underwater vehicles driven by the energy from thermocline .