
  • 网络Sea bass;Bass;seabass;Perch
  1. 类似海鲈鱼的瘦肉型鱼的肉。

    Flesh of lean-fleshed fish similar to sea bass .

  2. 我点的主菜是红鲻鱼,她则要了海鲈鱼。

    I choose the red mullet as a main course , while she picks sea bass .

  3. 晚会菜肴包括了海鲈鱼和鸭子等美食。

    The early evening soiree included a fancy meal of sea bass and duck , the mag reported .

  4. 一条海鲈鱼被甩了出去,重重地砸到路面上,倒被砸得恢复了活力。

    One of the sea bass was thrown out and hit the ground so hard it was jolted back to life .

  5. 建议有限制地食用的鱼类有:石斑鱼、智利海鲈鱼、扁鲹、星鲽、银鳕、马鲛鱼和新鲜金枪鱼。

    They suggested limiting consumption of grouper , Chilean sea bass , bluefish , halibut , black cod , Spanish mackerel and fresh tuna .

  6. 我还喜欢用海鲈鱼加东方香料、姜、酱油、辣椒、柠檬草和一些菠菜,一起包在箔纸里烹制。

    I also like sea bass , wrapped up in foil with oriental spices , ginger , soy sauce , chilli , lemon grass and some spinach .