
  • 网络the Civil War;the American Civil War;The Civil War in America
  1. 该故事是关于美国内战的。

    The story is about the American Civil war .

  2. 美国内战(1863)中的一次战役;罗伯特E的侵略同盟军取得了对联合军的重要胜利。

    A battle of the American Civil War ( 1863 ); the defeat of Robert E. Lee 's invading Confederate army was a major victory for the Union .

  3. 大卫·布莱特(DavidBlight)是耶鲁大学历史学家,也是一名美国内战研究专家。

    David Blight is a historian at Yale University in Connecticut and an expert on the Civil War .

  4. 在美国内战之前的30年间,最能代表进步的新教教义的政党当属辉格党(WhigParty)。

    The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party .

  5. 或许,导致美国内战不必要的延长的其中一个最重要的失误是选举杰姆斯沃尔夫里普利(JamesWolfeRipley)担任联邦军械首领。

    Perhaps one of the greatest single mistakes that unnecessarily extended the American Civil War was making James Wolfe Ripley the Unions chief of ordnance .

  6. 旧石屋(TheOldeStoneHouse;291StewartRoadNorth,419-571-0013;theoldestonehousebandb.com)是美国内战前就开业的经济型旅馆,却有无线信号,提供床位和早餐,占地10英亩,距离曼斯菲尔德闹市区仅十分钟路程。

    The Olde Stone House is a pre-Civil War but Wi-Fi-capable B & B on 10 acres just 10 minutes from downtown Mansfield ; from $ 89 to $ 109 ( 291 Stewart Road North , 419-571-0013 ; theoldestonehousebandb . com ) .

  7. 根据《CondeNastTraveler》杂志第29届读者选择奖的结果显示,美国内战爆发地、南部小城查尔斯顿名列世界最友好城市榜首。

    The southern town where the US Civil War started is now the friendliest city in the world , according to Conde Nast Traveler 's 29th annual Readers ' Choice Awards .

  8. 当然,重演美国内战的的活动一向都有很多,内战信托组织(CivilWarTrust)已经策划了几场活动,将在4月份,罗伯特·E·李将军(RobertE.Lee)向联邦军队投降150周年纪念日前后举行。

    Of course , there 's never a shortage of re-enactments when it comes to the Civil War , and the Civil War Trust has planned several in the months leading up to and through the 150th anniversary of Gen. Robert E. Lee 's surrender to the Union Army in April .

  9. 伟大的历史事件造就了收藏价值很高的报纸:伦敦大火、卡洛登战役(battleofculloden)、滑铁卢战役和特拉法尔加(trafalgar)海战、美国内战的主要战役。

    Great historic events make for highly collectable newspapers : the great fire of London , the battle of Culloden , the battles of Waterloo and Trafalgar , the major battles of the American Civil War .

  10. 上周二,桑托勒姆现身美国内战期间的血腥战场宾西法尼亚州葛底斯堡(gettysburg),宣布不再参与竞选2012共和党总统候选人,这赢得了我的钦佩。

    Mr Santorum earned my admiration on Tuesday when he appeared in Gettysburg , Pennsylvania , site of the bloody US Civil War battle , to announce that he was no longer running for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination .

  11. 这张令人毛骨悚然的照片出自于摄影师G.B.史密斯教授之手,他曾以绘制美国内战时期战犯的肖像画而闻名于世。

    The photographer who snapped the creepy pic , Professor G.B. Smith , was famous for his portraits of confederate Civil War prisoners of war .

  12. 在美国内战中,北方打败了南方。

    The North defeated the south in the American Civit war .

  13. 我想找一些美国内战的相关资料。

    I want to find infomp3ation on the American Civil War .

  14. 浅析美国内战前东北部城市化高速发展的原因

    An Analysis of Causes of Rapid Urbanization in Antebellum Northeast America

  15. 一个是美国内战,一个是世界性战争。

    An civil war in the US and a world war .

  16. 美国内战前的城市教育分析

    An analysis of the American Cities , Education before the Civil War

  17. 这就是美国内战,战争持续四年之久。

    This was the American Civil War , which lasted four years .

  18. 这个爱情故事不是发生在美国内战时期的。

    This love story isn 't set during the American Civil War .

  19. 分裂的声音&美国内战小说与评论综述

    Divided Voices : A Survey of American Civil War Fiction and Criticism

  20. 美国内战期间联盟军的成员。

    A member of the Union Army during the American Civil War .

  21. 这张照片拍摄于美国内战期间。

    This photo was taken during the American Civil War .

  22. 大致是这些原因导致了美国内战。

    These reasons largely account for the American Civil War .

  23. 林肯总统的宣言是在美国内战时期提出的。

    President Lincoln 's proclamation was made during the U.S. Civil War .

  24. 引起美国内战的奴隶制和废奴运动也概莫能外。

    Slavery caused the Civil War and the abolitionist movement is no exception .

  25. 1861年,美国内战开始了。

    In eighteen sixty-one the American Civil War began .

  26. 美国内战期间南方联盟军的游击队。

    A Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War .

  27. 美国内战时期的北方军队。

    The northern army during the American Civil War .

  28. 在美国内战前期辉格党成员。

    A member of the Whig Party in the US in pre-Civil-War times .

  29. 这些是美国内战期间黑人战士的面孔。

    These are the faces of black soldiers during the American Civil War .

  30. 自美国内战以来,截肢规范并没有发生根本性的改变,

    The current amputation paradigm hasn 't changed fundamentally since the US Civil War