
  • 网络the Confederate States of America;The Confederacy
  1. 11个南方州脱离联邦,成立美利坚联盟国。

    A total of eleven southern states left the Union . They formed the Confederate States of America .

  2. 1861年2月,就在他就职前数周,美利坚联盟国成立。

    In February 1861 , a few weeks before his inauguration , the Confederate States of America are born .

  3. 1861年2月18日,杰佛逊·戴维斯阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市宣誓就任美利坚联盟国总统。

    On Feb. 18 , 1861 , Jefferson Davis was sworn in as president of the Confederate States of America in Montgomery , Ala.

  4. 他并没有坚定地主张废除奴隶制度,他这样做仅仅只是一种战略上的需要,为使联邦更为强大(毕竟我们不能忘了,在那期间,美利坚联盟国已经脱离联邦,并正与南部联盟交战)。

    He wasn 't a stalwart supporter of abolition ; he only wanted to do what would make the Union stronger ( remember , this was a time when the Confederate states had split from the Union and were at war ) .