
fǎ lǜ yì wù
  • legal obligation;legal duty
  1. 法律义务与法律责任作为法学上的基本范畴,有着密切的联系和严格的区别,应用到民事领域便产生了债务与责任的区分。

    Legal duty and legal liability are basic categories in jurisprudence .

  2. 因此,对法律义务进行广泛而有深度的研究就极为必要。

    So , it is necessary to study legal duty widely and deeply .

  3. 因此,我认为Web应用程序的架构师和设计者将发现本文所述的模型会帮助他们满足法律义务,同时能够充分地利用云计算的优势。

    As such , I think that architects and designers of web applications will find the model described in this article useful to meeting their compliance obligations while taking full advantage of the power of cloud computing .

  4. 而在实施MBO的过程中,管理层则利用各种手段来规避这些法律义务。

    However , the management authority used all kind of artifices to evade the legal obligations in the course of MBO .

  5. 例如,智能手机的普遍存在有利于公司履行关照义务(dutyofcare),它指的是公司确保商旅员工安全的法律义务。

    The ubiquity of smartphones , for example , is improving a company 's duty of care , a term that refers to its legal obligation to ensure the well-being of its traveling employees .

  6. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)公共机构与非盈利机构管理教授萨德•卡拉布里亚表示,虽然非盈利这个词包含有其他意思,但ALS协会在冰桶挑战善款支出上无需承担任何法律义务。

    Though the term implies otherwise , as a non-profit , ALSA is under no legal obligation to spend its ice bucket windfall , says Thad Calabrese , a professor of public and non-profit management at New York University .

  7. 巴洛赫选择了华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)的EMBA项目,但他在2012年毕业时却想跳槽,因为他既没有必须留下来的法律义务,也没有返还学费的义务。

    He chose Warwick 's Business School 's EMBA but expected to move companies when he graduated in 2012 as he was under no legal obligation to stay at BT , nor to repay his fees .

  8. 美国运输部长雷拉胡德(raylahood)对此表示满意,称丰田“已接受责任,承认违反了迅速报告任何产品缺陷的法律义务”。

    Ray LaHood , US Transportation Secretary , expressed satisfaction that Toyota " has accepted responsibility for violating its legal obligations to report any defects promptly " .

  9. 互联网中心运营商MarkleyGroup首席技术长吉尔摩(PatrickGilmore)说,公司没有法律义务进行升级;

    Companies have no legal obligation to make those upgrades , said Patrick Gilmore , chief technology officer for the Internet hub operator Markley Group . '

  10. 一位发言人补充道:Twitter有法律义务把包含儿童不雅照的任何帐户细节发给在美国的国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心[NCMEC]。

    A spokesman added : Twitter are obliged by law to send details of any accounts containing indecent images of children to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children [ NCMEC ] in the US .

  11. 一位发言人补充道:“Twitter有法律义务把包含儿童不雅照的任何帐户细节发给在美国的国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心[NCMEC]。

    A spokesman added : " Twitter are obliged by law to send details of any accounts containing indecent images of children to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children [ NCMEC ] in the US .

  12. 互联网中心运营商MarkleyGroup首席技术长吉尔摩(PatrickGilmore)说,公司没有法律义务进行升级;它们是私人公司,可以照自己的想法行事。

    Companies have no legal obligation to make those upgrades , said Patrick Gilmore , chief technology officer for the Internet hub operator Markley Group . ' They 're a private company , and they can do what they want , ' he said .

  13. 这些法案规定了不同的法律义务与要求。

    These acts entail a variety of legal obligations and requirements .

  14. 你没有法律义务必须要回答这个问题。

    You 're under no lawful obligation to answer that question .

  15. 作为义务的性质只能是法律义务,而不包含道德义务。

    Act duties are legal obligations , including no moral obligations .

  16. 家长有法律义务去教育自己的孩子。

    Parents are under a legal obligation to educate their children .

  17. 购买者没有公开个人经济情况的法律义务。

    Buyers have no legal obligation to disclose personal financial information .

  18. 双方都有法律义务扶养子女。

    Both were legally obliged to care for their children .

  19. 他们受到法律义务而不是道德义务的约束。

    They are bound by legal but not moral obligations .

  20. 美国政府有促进宗教自由的法律义务。

    America 's government is bound by law to promote that liberty .

  21. 他保证美国不会违反其法律义务。

    He promised that the US will not breach its legal obligations .

  22. 论商业银行在个人理财业务中的法律义务

    On Legal Obligations of Commercial Banks in Personal Financial Services

  23. 第四章阐述了董事的法律义务;

    Chapter 3 law obligation that elaborated a board director ;

  24. 离婚经济帮助属于法定义务,是由前婚姻行为产生的法律义务。

    Financial assistance is a statutory obligation which derives from former marriage .

  25. 董事的职责和法律义务问题研究

    Study on Board Director 's Job and Law Obligation Problem

  26. 然而,即使是这样的目标,签署国都没有任何法律义务要实现。

    Yet signatories are under no legal obligation to meet even these .

  27. 关键在于道德义务如何合理上升为法律义务。

    The key issue is how to reasonably make moral duty become obligation .

  28. 论我国上市公司的环境法律义务

    On Environmental Legal Obligations of Listed Companies in China

  29. 上市公司承担的环境法律义务可以分为两类。

    The environmental obligations of listed companies shall be divided into two kinds .

  30. 你有保证你的孩子接受良好教育的法律义务。

    You have a legal obligation toensure your child receives a proper education .