
guǐ huǒ
  • will-o'-the-wisp;jack-o'-lantern
鬼火 [guǐ huǒ]
  • [will-o'-the-wisp; jack-o'-lantern] 夜晚时在墓地或郊野出现的浓绿色磷光。世俗迷信,以为是鬼点的火

鬼火[guǐ huǒ]
  1. 一股鬼火在宾克神色紧张的眼前滑过。

    A will-o ' - the-wisp caught Bink 's nervous eye .

  2. 它不是鬼火,而是辉光。

    It wasn 't a ghost -- it was shuttle glow .

  3. 是鬼火。哦,汤姆,这太吓人了。

    It 's devil-fire . Oh , Tom , this is awful .

  4. 魅惑的鬼火纯粹是在恶作剧。

    The lure of the wisp was sheer mischief .

  5. 我们做鬼火灯笼吧。

    Let 's make jack-o ' - lanterns .

  6. 宾克小时候的一个朋友就跟着鬼火,再也没有回来。

    One of Bink 's childhood friends had followed the wisp and never returned .

  7. 夜间在旷野或沼泽出现的闪光;鬼火。

    A luminosity that appears over swamps or marshes at night ; ignis fatuus .

  8. 被称为插孔,鬼火,灯笼,这些灯,意思是“杰克的灯笼”。

    These lights are called jack-o ' - lanterns , which means " Jack of the lantern " .

  9. 他不知道他是否知道他在看着他,他说,鬼火,你的身上充满了秘密。

    Don 't ask me who I am . Don 't ask me where I am . Don 't look for me .

  10. 花名册上还有那些当时已经绝望的青年男女,因为机会对他们而言已如鬼火虚无缥缈。

    Written on it are the names of those who despaired , young men and young women for whom opportunity had become a will-o ' - the-wisp .

  11. 我们愿意放弃我们的希望和追求,让一小撮别有用心的人在21世纪重新点起冷战的鬼火吗?

    Are we to give up our hopes and our pursuit today and watch a small number of ill-advised people resurrect the ghost of Cold War in the21st century ?

  12. 当斯克罗吉看到鬼火高高地明晃晃地照着时,他突然夺下灭火器,重重地放在了幽灵的头上。

    And Scrooge , noticing that the ghostly light was burning high and bright , suddenly took the extinguisher , and pushed it down hard on the spirit 's head .