
  • 网络Demon Fox
  1. 蒲松龄寄情志于鬼狐,是源于一种人学精神的坚执。

    Pu song-ling expressed feeling and will by the clever fox and was obstinate to human spirit .

  2. 一是辨析鬼狐形象的异同,主要从作祟的鬼狐形象、情狐情鬼的形象、反映社会现实等三个方面进行比较。

    First , discriminates the clever fox image the similarities and differences , mainly from the clever fox image which , the sentiment fox sentiment ghost image , the reflection social reality causes trouble and so on three aspects carries on the comparison .

  3. 二书无论在鬼狐形象与艺术手法上都有很多相似之处,因此文学史家多认为《夜谭随录》是仿《聊斋志异》的文言小说,因而研究成果较少。

    Regardless of two books have many similarities in the clever fox image and the artistic technique , therefore the literature historian thought that " Yetansuilu " is imitates " Liaozhaizhiyi " the literary style novel , thus the research results are few .