
  1. 西门庆的商业头脑与商业道德

    Commercial The Commercial Mind and Morality of XI Meng-qing business vision

  2. 潘金莲要和西门庆在黑天鹅宾馆开房乐。

    Beverly Pan and Jerry Macquire is gonna make out in the Black Swan Hotel !

  3. 小说中潘金莲与情人西门庆一起合谋杀害了她的丈夫。

    In the novel , Pan murdered her husband with her lover , Ximen Qing .

  4. 买卖:西门庆的灵魂

    Trading : the soul of Ximen Qing

  5. 西门庆笑问道:“干娘,隔壁到底卖的是什么?”

    Ximen also laughed . " Godmother ," he queried ," what do they sell next door ?"

  6. 西门庆从床上之前做着的什么坐了起来,面上挂着冷笑言道。

    Jerry Macquire sits up from what he 's been doing on the bed , a cold smile worn on his face .

  7. 这是西门庆与传统中国人最大的不同,是西门庆对中国文化传统最大的挑战和反叛。

    This was where he was different from the traditional Chinese , presenting the biggest challenge to , and rebel against Chinese cultural tradition .

  8. 作为明代四大奇书之一的《金瓶梅》,它最大的特色就是成功塑造了西门庆、潘金莲、李瓶儿、庞春梅等一代新人。

    Plum in the Gold Vase , as the most unique novels of Ming Dynasty , takes the most specialty of creating a kind of new person successfully .

  9. 《金瓶梅》的贡献,在于塑造了一个具有多重社会身份和广泛历史内涵的不朽形象西门庆。

    The contribution of Jin Ping Mei lies in the creation of the immortal image of XIMEN Qing , a character who has varied social status and profound historical connotation .

  10. 不论是从财产来源还是经营模式看,西门庆都不具备新兴商人的性质,而更多地带有封建商人的特征。

    Either for the source of his wealth or his management model , Ximen Qing has little nature of the new merchant , instead , he is more characteristic of a feudal one .

  11. 西门庆集商人、官僚、恶霸于一身的新的社会角色,反映了金钱对权力的渗入和对道德的颠覆;

    This character is depicted as a new social character which combines a merchant with a bureaucrat and a tyrant and the monetary corruption of power and ethics is also well summarized through him .