
  • 网络Western painting
  1. 你可以去欣赏西方绘画。

    You can go and appreciate western paintings .

  2. 西方绘画的空间表现及其演进

    The Spatial Depiction of Western Paintings and It 's History of Development

  3. 中西方绘画技法差异透视从中西方思维方式的差异看标志形态

    The Symbolic Pattern and the Differences in Chinese and Western Thoughts

  4. 无论是东方绘画还是西方绘画,都包含着自己的意识形态。

    Oriental painting , Western painting , contains its own ideology .

  5. 中国油画也对西方绘画的发展产生了影响。

    Its development has also influenced the development of the western painting .

  6. 首先,阐述中、西方绘画融合理念。

    First of all , the concept ofintegration , the western painting .

  7. 油画是西方绘画的重要画种。

    Oil painting is an important type in western paintings .

  8. 通过比较,我们也可以更深入地了解西方绘画艺术。

    By comparison , we can also understand Western paintings more deeply .

  9. 论20世纪西方绘画大师的东方情结

    On the Eastern Complex of Western Painting Masters in the 20th Century

  10. 论色彩学的发展对西方绘画艺术的影响

    On Influence of the Color Development upon the Western Arts of Painting

  11. 论中西方绘画中点的差异性

    The Differences in " Dot " Between the Chinese Painting and Western Painting

  12. 光的运用在西方绘画发展中扮演着重要的角色。

    Light used in the development of Western painting played an important role .

  13. 试析中西方绘画形式异同之思想根源

    Analysis on Thought Origins of the Difference between Chinese and Western Painting Forms

  14. 第一部分从历史发展的角度看西方绘画和艺术摄影的发展进程。

    The first part describes development of Western painting from the point the history .

  15. 其中主要论述第一个方面&中西方绘画传统的结合。

    Where the discussion on the first aspect : the combination of Western painting .

  16. 从中西方绘画中解读绘画的抽象性和表现性

    Explaining the Painting 's Abstract and Expression from the Chinese and the Western Paintings

  17. 东方绘画和西方绘画再比较

    A Re-comparison Between Oriental and Occidental Paintings

  18. 略论传统中、西方绘画的主要区别

    Distinction between Chinese and western traditional painting

  19. 中国画重表现、重情感,西方绘画则重再现、重理性;

    Chinese painting-performance , heavy emotion , the weight of Western painting reproduction , re-rational ;

  20. 中国绘画与西方绘画不同空间的表现

    Different Forms of Chinese and Western Paintings

  21. 第三部分主要阐明写意与表现绘画中的形象复归,中西方绘画主体精神都是通过形象这一载体来呈现的。

    The third part : The image reflects the spirit of the Chinese and Western painting .

  22. 水彩画是西方绘画中历史悠久的一种绘画类别。

    Water colors are an ancient genre of painting with a long history in the west .

  23. 从中西方绘画中比较谈中国画线条的独立艺术价值

    Comparison of Western Painting from the Chinese Painting Lines on the Artistic Value of the Independent

  24. 事实并非如此,它与西方绘画空间的塑造有很大不同。

    That is not the case , it with the western painting space is quite different .

  25. 中西方绘画材料的混搭。

    Remix of Western painting materials .

  26. 先从整体上梳理了光在西方绘画发展中的演变。

    Start combing the whole of light in the evolution of the development of Western painting .

  27. 女性与西方绘画艺术

    Women and western graphics art

  28. 一般来说,中国绘画与西方绘画在空间的描绘方面存在则本质的差异。

    In general , there exists essential difference in the space portrayal of Chinese and Western painting .

  29. 受不同地域文化的影响,中西方绘画有着不同的表现风格。

    By the impact of different regional cultures , in Western painting has a different performance style .

  30. 闻一多的色彩观源于西方绘画,也源于中国的宫廷和民间色彩。

    Wen 's view of colour comes from Western painting and Chinese palace and folk colour as well .