
xī yī
  • Western medicine;a doctor trained in Western medicine
西医 [xī yī]
  • (1) [Western medicine]∶指西方传入中国的医学

  • (2) [a doctor trained in Western medicine]∶用这种医学理论和技术治病的医生

西医[xī yī]
  1. 中医为我把脉并看了我的舌头,这对我而言是全新的经历,因为在西医中,从未有过这些方法。

    The Chinese doctor took my pulse and asked to see my tongue , both of which were new experiences to me because they are both non-existent in Western medicine .

  2. 本研究对脑出血患者用逐瘀化痰汤及用西医常规治疗作对照观察,结果发现,在发病后,两组血清中IgG均异常升高,T淋巴细胞转化率(淋转率)均下降。

    Fifty-one patients of cerebral hemorrhage were observed on controlled study which were treated with the Zhu-Yu Hua-Tan Decoction ( ZYHTD ) and Western medicine .

  3. 中西组较西医组药物不良反应发生率显著降低(P0.01)。

    The adverse reaction rate was significantly lower in TCM-WM group than that in WM group ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 代偿期患者下降的左心收缩功能有轻度改善,但治疗前后及与西医组比较无显著性差异(P均>0.05)。

    And that of compensation period patients was appreciably enhanced , but there was no significantly difference between before and after treatment and compared with western medicine group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 表明中西医结合治疗对SAP的治疗作用明显优于单纯西医综合治疗,加味大柴胡汤发挥了整体调控和多重治疗作用。

    As it show , integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine is better than the simple comprehensive treatment of Western Medicine .

  6. 以西医症状和体征为自变量,以中医证型为因变量,进行Binarylogistic多元逐步回归分析,提出西医症状和体征的中西医结合的辨证方法。

    By means of medical doctor sings and symptoms as dependent variable and chinese medical science type of syndrome as independent variable , the binary logistic stepwise regression was preformed .

  7. 中西医结合的治疗效果远好于单纯西医常规治疗,大黄及含大黄的复方已成为SAP临床重要的辅助疗法之一。

    Treatment effectiveness of integrated TCM-WM is better than conventional therapy of west medicine . Now , TCM is become one of important complementary therapies of SAP .

  8. 中西组治疗后的胃肠道功能障碍的发生率较西医组明显降低,两组间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The incidence of gastrointestinal system dysfunction of Zhong-xi group was significantly lower than Xi-yi group after treatment , the difference between two groups was statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 目的探讨中西医结合与单纯西医治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的成本效果比。

    Objective To observe cost-effect ratios of integrated Chinese and western medical treatment and simple western medical treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  10. 结果西医组与中西医结合组的显效率分别为18.9%和44.3%,总有效率分别为47.8%和84.1%,两组比较,差异有显著性(P均0.01)。

    Results the apparent efficiency rate in western medicine and integrated traditional and western medicine group was 18.9 % and 44.3 % respectively , Overall effective rate was 47.8 % and 84.1 % in western medicine and integrated traditional and western medicine group respectively .

  11. 在症候积分上,中医治疗组中纳差、乏力、胁痛、口干苦症状改善叫西医对照组明显(P0.01)。

    Syndrome score , TCM treatment group , anorexia , fatigue , hypochondriac pain , dry mouth , bitter improvement of symptoms called Western medicine control group ( P0.01 ) . 5 .

  12. 观察HRV各指标在中西医结合治疗及单纯西医治疗后的变化,比较两种治疗的差异,选择更优的治疗方案。

    Observe the difference between each index of HRV after the Integrative Medicine and Western Medicine , to choose the better treatment options . Methods : 1 .

  13. 西医治疗EMs目前尚无十分理想的方法,多采用激素和手术疗法,但其复发率高,副作用大。

    At present , Western medicine treatment of EMS currently not found a very good way , be in common using hormonal and surgical therapies , but there is high recurrence rate and side effects .

  14. 两组患者治疗好转率比较:中西医结合组患者的治疗好转率高于西医治疗组,但差异无显著性意义(93%,78%,P0.05)。

    Comparison in the improvement rate between the two groups : It was better in the integrative group than that in the western medicine group , while the differences were not significant ( 93 % , 78 % , P 0.05 ) .

  15. 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是妇科的常见病,西医以解决症状或针对病理生理的某些环节进行治疗。

    Polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) is the most common gynecologic disease . Now , Western Medicine resolved Symptoms or to address the pathophysiological symptoms to against certain aspects of the disease .

  16. 63例病人西医全部予UDCA治疗,中医通过辨证论治给予中药汤剂口服。

    All 63 cases of patients to the UDCA treatment of Western medicine , Chinese medicine decoction of Chinese medicine by giving oral syndrome differentiation .

  17. 西医对本病治疗主要是减轻因IgA沉积引起的免疫炎症反应,因而至今仍缺乏有效的治疗和控制措施。

    Because the doctor practicing western medicine is mainly reduces the immunity inflammation which to this sickness treatment the IgA deposition causes to respond , therefore still lacks the effective treatment and the regulatory measures until now .

  18. 方法1.文献研究:通过查阅现代中、西医国内外文献,总结和评价中医药健脾法治疗COPD呼吸肌疲劳的研究现状。

    Methods : 1 . The literature research : To study the therapeutical effect of invigorate the spleen with TCM on the treatment of respiratory muscle fatigue in COPD , through referring to packs of Chinese and foreign literature .

  19. 疗程后三组均能显著降低哮喘时外周血中异常升高的EOS数,统计学有显著性差异(P0.01),定喘汤及超微定喘方组与西医对照组相比无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    After treatment , increased EOS in the peripheral blood of asthma of three groups is significantly decreased , with statistical significance ( P0.01 ), Dingchuan Decoction group and Western medicine control group show no statistical difference ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 西医采用肌肉注射氨甲蝶呤(MTX)0.4mg/kg·d×5d,为1个疗程,治疗过程中隔日复查血βhCG,疗程结束未降至正常者待5d后重复第2个疗程。

    Western medicine adopted fist butterfly of intramuscular injection ammonia purine methotrexate for injection ( MTX ) 0.4mg/kg . d × 5d . It was the fist course of treatment .

  21. 本病发病缓慢,病程长,西医治疗从抗HP、促进胃动力、保护胃黏膜入手,取得了一定疗效,但并不令人满意。

    This sickness morbidity is slow and the course is long . The doctor practicing western medicine treated from anti-HP , the promotion stomach power , the protection stomach mucous membrane obtains , to obtain certain curative effect , but was not satisfying .

  22. CKD患者耳聋的患病率在西医不同临床诊断中分布有差异,而糖尿病肾病及高血压肾病为其主要影响因素。

    The deafness morbidity of CKD patients have differences in the different clinical diagnosis , and distribution of diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive renal disease are the main influence factors . 6 .

  23. 方法:对40例SARS疑似患者进行临床证候学、胸片、舌象观察,并进行中西医结合治疗,对20例患者同时进行动态T细胞亚群、血浆冠状病毒核酸及抗体测定。

    Methods : We observed the clinic symptomatology , sternum and tongue of 40 SARS doubtful cases which were treated with Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine . We tested T cell cluster , plasma coronavirus nucleic acid and antibody with development .

  24. 结论:1.本研究中采用ELISA法测定血清AsAb水平,借助实验室检查指标诊断免疫性不孕症,用西医的诊断技术,克服中医免疫性不孕症诊断的不足。

    This study adopts ELISA method for detection of serum ASAb . Using laboratory diagnosis immunity infertility index , with western medicine diagnosis technology , We overcome the shortage of Chinese medicine diagnosis of immune infertility . 2 .

  25. 目前西医治疗采用激素替代疗法(HRT)、诱导排卵、辅助赠卵技术、自体或异体卵巢移植技术、免疫抑制治疗、补充钙剂或降钙素治疗等方法。

    TCM treatment is currently used hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ), ovulation induction , assisted technology donated eggs , autologous or allogeneic ovarian transplantation techniques , immunosuppressive therapy , added calcium or calcitonin treatment methods .

  26. 方法对106例SLE患者进行常规心电图检查,并对其中62例出现心电图异常改变者进行中西医结合治疗30d。

    Methods : Routine electrical cardiogram are examined in 106 patients with SLE , 62 patients with ECG abnormity were treated by we Integrative Therapy of TCM and WM , and the clinical effect were observed .

  27. 在综合疗效、西医疗效和中医证候疗效等方面,治疗组均优于对照组,证实了中西医结合治疗LPD性功能失调性子宫出血的有效性。

    Comprehensive efficacy , efficacy and Western medicine syndromes in terms of both the treatment group than the control group , confirmed the Integrative Medicine LPD of the effectiveness of dysfunctional uterine bleeding .

  28. 结果:Ⅰ组对FC的总有效率为87%,对西医亚型的总有效率分别为:慢传输型100%,出口梗阻型75%,混合型78%;

    Results : The total effective rate of group I is 87 % , and the efficiency onslow transit constipation ( 100 % ) is higher than that on outlet obstructed constipation ( 75 % ) and mixed constipation ( 78 % ) .

  29. 临床治疗方面,西医尚且没有特效药物与方法,以对症治疗为主,疗效不胜满意,不能有效地改善伴睡眠障碍FD患者的症状,且复发率很高。

    Clinical treatment , there is no known cure for and method of Western medicine , to individualized treatment for symptomatic , effect be satisfied , effectively improve the symptoms of FD patients with sleep disorders and relapse rates are high .

  30. 西药组42例,常规西医治疗并配合丹参30g煎汤保留灌肠;

    The western medicine group of 42 cases were treated with routine western medicine combined with retention enteroclysis of 30 g Danshen ( Red Sage Root ) decoction ;