
xiàn suǒ
  • clue;lead;thread;clew
线索 [xiàn suǒ]
  • [clue;thread] 比喻事情可寻的端绪,路径;隐密的消息;思路,脉络

  • 我想汪牢头之言实有线索,堂上付之不理,教我怎生奈何?--《禅真后史》

线索[xiàn suǒ]
  1. 就是那个线索帮我们最终解决了问题。

    That was the clue which clinched it for us .

  2. 这件事给我提供了找出问题根源的线索。

    This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem .

  3. 作者娴熟地把情节的各种线索串联在一起。

    The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot .

  4. 警方将追踪所有可能有用的线索。

    The police will follow up all possible leads .

  5. 警方正沿着几条线索进行调查。

    The police are following several lines of enquiry .

  6. 警察彻底搜索了那个地区以寻找线索。

    The police combed the area for clues .

  7. 警察在那一地带查找线索。

    Police searched for clues in the area .

  8. 凡能为找回丢失的钻石提供线索者可获奖赏。

    There is a reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing diamonds .

  9. 警察在那一地带查找线索。

    Police searched the area for clues .

  10. 作者在最后一章把不同的情节线索归拢到了一起。

    The author draws the different strands of the plot together in the final chapter .

  11. 警方认为那盘录像带可能录有能确认凶手身份的一些重要线索。

    The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer .

  12. 调查突然转向了一条新的线索。

    The investigation has suddenly switched to a new line of inquiry .

  13. 部长批评警方没能找到任何线索。

    The minister criticised the police for failing to come up with any leads

  14. 貌似无足轻重的细节有时可能隐含着重大的线索。

    Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues .

  15. 我们仔细查阅电话簿以寻找线索。

    We scoured the telephone directory for clues .

  16. 查明杀手身份的重要线索是他的外号叫“花生”。

    The vital clue to the killer 's identity was his nickname , Peanuts .

  17. 法医专家勘查了这个区域,以寻找线索。

    Forensic experts searched the area for clues .

  18. 国家安全警察正在追查几条线索。

    State security police are following up several leads

  19. 法医小组正在寻找线索。

    A forensic team was hunting for clues

  20. 在接到民众400个热线电话后,调查组亦在对可能的线索进行追踪。

    The inquiry team is also following up possible leads after receiving 400 calls from the public .

  21. 加拿大的遗传学家已经发现了解开细胞衰老、死亡之谜的线索。

    Geneticists in Canada have discovered a clue to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die

  22. 她的小说颠覆了线性叙事的传统,没有清晰的时间线索,也没有简单明了的结局。

    Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative . It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement .

  23. 调查人员正在案发现场寻找线索。

    Investigators are searching for clues at the scene of the crime .

  24. 警方忙着寻找线索。

    The police are busy hunting for clues .

  25. 我们对她离家后去往何处毫无线索。

    We have no clue as to where she went after she left home .

  26. 警察根据线索追根到底,终于抓住了这个罪犯。

    The police followed home the clue and finally caught the culprit .

  27. 你可以给我提供一些有关那件事的线索吗?

    Can you give me some track to it ?

  28. 至今没有找到有关他行踪的线索。

    No clue to his whereabouts has been found .

  29. 虽然他没明说,但此线索暗示了我们。

    The clue is implicit although he didn 't say it .

  30. 警方在设法寻找这起凶杀案的一切可能的线索。

    The police were trying to chase down all possible clues to the murder .