- linear element

The DYL device is a kind of linear element , able to work at any voltage between 0-3 volts with high resolution to signals . This gives a good ground for the realization of the ten-valued logic circuits , with high information density .
Utilizing the high linear property of the adaptive linear element and classification of perceptrons , designed a neural network , which can be used in the fault diagnosis of redundancy sensitive elements .
Also the system utilized the multithreading-measure technology , integrated the Adaline self-adapt unit into the simple and practical PID control , realized the accurate output of the signal and achieved the control of stress , distortion and fixed-point stress .
In this paper a three-order autonomous system with non-piecewise-linear element is given .
Logarithm Operation by Means of Linear Components
Switched networks consisting of linear elements and both externally and internally controlled switches can be investigated .
A simple high resistance measurement equipment whose accuracy is better than 0 1 % is composed of the normal and linear elements .
The controller used has simple structure , which is composed of some integrators with reset , flip-flops , comparators and linear components .
Tolerance analysis and design on analog circuits of fault modeling . Regularly , modeling analog circuits indicates the analysis on linear passive elements .
Piecewise linear systems constitute a special class of nonlinear systems and arise often in practical control systems when piecewise linear components are encountered .
In this paper , the gus gene linear construct lacking vector backbone sequence ( only contains promoter , open reading frame , and terminator ) are transformed soybean by the pollen-tube pathway . By PCR , RT-PCR , GUS histochemical assay . Southern-blot , 8 positive plants are gained .
Tubular Permanent Magnetic Linear Synchronous Motor and its Position Detection
Quantum Information Processing with Linear Optical Elements and Photons
The optical elements used here are beam splitters , phase shifters and wave plates .
In chapter 4 , Linear optics alone would suffice to implement efficient quantum computation is shown .
Based on the experimental curve , parameters are fitted for an established linear three elements mechanical model .
We have design a new technique to detect the position and done some experiments in the way .
The approach based on linear Hall device , without increase in the cost , simple installation and the results meet to the requirement .
With linear pneumatic resistor as sensitive element , differential pressure based measurement was applied to determine pneumatic volume flow rate in mini value .
In experiments it is easy to realize single bit gate operation using linear optical element , so it is easily to achieve the photon coding operation .
And we introduce the scheme of remote preparation of an arbitrary two-particle state . In the process of preparation of photon entangled states some simple linear optical elements , cross-Kerr nonlinearity and homodyne measurement are introduced .
This method can be used to accurately analyze the inconsistent initial conditions , impulses and transient of piece wise linear switched networks according to impulsive balance principle by expressing 0 - values of the dynamic elements with its auxiliary power supply .
Servo Positioning Control Using Linear Hall Effect Sensors and Its Simulation
In the paper , the nonlinear shock and vibration isolator by oil damping is the study object .
Based on the relations of linear time-varying elements , this paper gives out companion models of the relations .
Dynamic characteristics are referring to the responses to the sudden input of the linear systems or components , amplitude and phase bandwidth are often being used .
Some essential aspects , such as linear pneumatic resistive element design and experimental studies , signal condition and transformation , etc * were investigated in the paper .
It was found that the sensitivity and linear range were related to the driving frequency and capacitor .
The only nolinear element in the circuit is a three-segment piecewise resistor .
Computation method of linear models by component programming