
  • 网络Thread handle;line bundle;bundle of lines
  1. 用线把这根绳子的两端捆扎起来。

    Bind the ends of the cord together with thread .

  2. n.针;针状物妈妈用针和线把扣子缝在我的大衣上。

    needle Mother sewed the button on my coat with needle and thread .

  3. 最近通话结合传统的加工标准,并与国际认可的ISO标准线把他们变得更加普遍。

    Recent calls to combine legacy tooling standards and bring them in line with the internationally recognised ISO standard have become much more widespread .

  4. 他们用线把动物皮缝起来,

    They put the pieces of animals ' skin together with thread

  5. 就是这条脆弱的线把我们连接在一起。

    It is this fragile thread that binds us to each together .

  6. 他用一根线把它系上了。

    He tied it with a length of string .

  7. 1000名警察组成的警戒线把发生骚乱的地区封锁了起来。

    Escape through the cordon a thousand constables cordoned off the riot area .

  8. 衣服上的洞用线把它补好。

    The act of mending a hole in a garment with crossing threads .

  9. 联合国监督的印巴实际控制线把两国分隔开来。

    A UN-backed Line of Control separates them .

  10. 画线把照片与文字隔开。

    Rule the photographs off from the text .

  11. 当新的枝条出现时,你可以再次使用这条金属线把新的枝条串联起来。

    You can reuse the wire to string through new shoots when they appear .

  12. 这几条线把这个面分割成了几个部分。

    Lines divided the area into segments .

  13. 这孩子用线把珠子穿起来。

    The child threaded the beads .

  14. 他收钓线把鱼拖近。

    He reels in a fish .

  15. 首先,用水平扫描线把有内环的多边形切割成三角形或梯形;

    Firstly , polygons with inner loops are divided into triangles or trapeziums by horizontal scanning beam .

  16. 虽然在叙述过程中由于各种原因其他时态的出现不可避免,基础时态的作用就是通过时间这条线把整个语篇连起来。

    Tense may be used consecutively with others within or out of the same time frame to achieve different cohesive function .

  17. 板块的中央构造线把板块的主应变场分为东、西两个区。

    The principal strain field of the PHIL is divided into the eastern and western areas by the central tectonic line .

  18. 整个装置是由冬日盛开的黄色含羞草鲜花构成的,透明的单丝钓线把这些花串联起来,悬挂在水中。

    The installation was made entirely of fresh , winter-blooming yellow Mimosa blossoms suspended on the water by transparent lines of monofilament .

  19. 车子的后备箱里装满了台式电脑的部件,一大团数据线把它们与汽车联接在一起。

    The trunk of the car was filled with components from desktop computers , with a hydra of cords interconnecting them to the car .

  20. 约50万公里长的电话和电报线把纽约股票交易所与全国以及全球各地的经纪人事务所联结起来。

    Almost half a million kilometers of telephone and telegraph wire link the NYSE with brokerage offices around the nation and across the globe .

  21. 在中国出版的地图上,中方用一条九段线把南中国海圈起来,延伸至越南、马来西亚和菲律宾的大段海岸。

    Chinese maps encircle the South China Sea with a line of nine dashes that runs up to large stretches of the Vietnamese , Malaysian and Philippine coasts .

  22. 我已经用线把我的笔记本电脑和电话接口连接上了,但是我还是上不了网。你能帮我吗?

    A : I 've connected the cable from my laptop to the telephone point , but I still can 't get on the internet . Can you help me ?

  23. 所以Parallel进程是一种把多个独立进程组织起来的机制,它用通道(在驱动器程序中示例中)作为“线”把进程连在一起。

    A Parallel process is therefore a mechanism for composing multiple individual processes together , using channels ( in the driver program example ) as " wires " to connect them .

  24. 上图是通过简单地把CPU和磁盘使用率指定为线并把每个应用程序的二进制焦点数据指定为点生成的。

    The graph above is generated by specifying the CPU and disk usage as lines and the binary focus data per application as dots only .

  25. 一条线报把调查人员引向了这个团伙的头目、华裔男子徐路(音译)。马里兰州哥伦比亚市一个考点的摄像头拍摄到了他的可疑行为,而这个地方距离位于弗吉尼亚州泰森斯角的GMAC总部并不算远。

    A tip led investigators to the ringleader , Chinese-born Lu Xu , who was filmed on camera at a test center in Columbia , Md. , not far from GMAC 's headquarters in Tysons Corner , Va.

  26. 每条等值线线段把三角形单元分成若干个凸多边形,根据这些小多边形单元的平均应力或位移值并对照颜色表,把小多边形填充以不同的颜色就形成了云图。

    This isoline divided the cell triangle into some protruding polygon .

  27. 山姆从边界线处把球传给贾斯廷。

    Sam took the ball from the sideline and threw it towards Justin .

  28. 悲痛的亲人很想知道,为什么警察没有拉起警戒线,把这个区域隔离起来。

    Anguished relatives demanded to know why the police had not cordoned the area off .

  29. 标出样板轮廓线,把领省和腰省旋转到新的位置。

    Mark around the block outline , pivoting the neck dart and waist dart into the new position .

  30. 我让哈桑拿着线,把血吸干,在牛仔裤上擦擦手指。

    I had Hassan hold the string and sucked the blood dry , blotted my finger against my jeans .