
diàn rè qì
  • electric heater/radiator
  1. 电热器用电太费。

    An electric heater consumes too much electricity .

  2. 那麽在DVD托盘脱落的时候大家可以将托盘背面放在暖气上或电热器上加热。

    So in the DVD tray off when we can On the back of the tray on the heating or electric heater on the heating .

  3. 我们对你公司的电热器,特别是办公室用F型的电热器感兴趣。请寄给我们一份带有插图的商品目录和价目表,谢谢。

    We are interested in your electric heaters , particularly Model F , for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and current price list .

  4. 用电热器模拟改变H型节能灯工作时的环境温度T,反复测定不同温度下灯的电压U和电流I的变化关系;

    Electric heater is used to change environment temperature of H section energy saving lamp and the relation of variations of voltage ( U ) and electrical current ( I ) of lamp is repeatedly determine by using method shower .

  5. ETT公司敬上尊敬的先生,感谢你方4月15日的来函,要求开具500台“海鸥”牌220型号家用电热器的形式发票。

    Dear Sirs , We thank you for your letter of April 15 , asking for a proforma invoice for 500 sets of " SEAGULL " Brand Household Electric Heater Model 220 .

  6. 出去之前一定要把电热器关掉。

    Make sure the heating is off before you go out .

  7. 敏捷设计系统研究及其在电热器中的应用

    Research of Agility Design System and Its Application to Electric Heater

  8. 电热器使其电能转变为热能。

    Electric heaters have their electric energy transformed into heat .

  9. 角膜热成形术交流电电热器加热板温度的变化规律

    Thermal Characteristic of Hot Plate in Alternating Current Electric Heater

  10. 一个小电热器能够把整个房间变热。

    A small electric heater can heat an entire room .

  11. 电加热器故障分析电热器蓄热技术

    Trouble Analysis of Electric Heater The Heat Storage Technique of Electric Heater

  12. 电热器蓄热技术蓄热式加热炉的发展

    The Heat Storage Technique of Electric Heater DEVELOPMENT OF RECOVERY HEATING FURNACE

  13. 请递给我们电热器和茶壶,好吗?

    Would you please bring us an electric heater and a teapot ?

  14. 我们为这间屋子装备了电热器。

    We provided the room with an electrical heater .

  15. 电热器把它附近的空气变暖和。

    The heater warms the air next to it .

  16. 将电热器组合插入中心孔,元件环向上。

    Insert block heater assembly into core hole with element loop pointing Up .

  17. 外界电源可能是诸如到浮动触点或电热器的电路。

    Thes could be connections to floating contacts or electrical machine heating , for example .

  18. 例句电热器散发出热量。

    The electric heater radiated warmth .

  19. 太阳、灯或电热器都可以通过辐射来温暖我们。

    The sun , a lamp , or an electric heater all warm us by radiation .

  20. 交流电电热器加热板温度的变化规律电热器蓄热技术

    Thermal Characteristic of Hot Plate in Alternating Current Electric Heater The Heat Storage Technique of Electric Heater

  21. 这电热器所产生的热量可随着转动小把手而改变。

    The amount of heat produced by this electrical apparatus is variable by turning a small handle .

  22. 文章论述家用交流电热器加热板的传热模型,得出其温度振荡解,供热设计使用。

    A solution of its temperature oscillation has been got for the purpose of the heating design .

  23. 这些探头各有一个在加压情况下由小蓄电池供电的小型电热器。

    These probes include a small electrical heater which is supplied from a small battery in the pressure case .

  24. 为确保留学生宿舍的安全,禁止使用电热器或酒精加热器。

    For the safety of the International Student Dorm , it is forbidden to use electric or alcohol heaters .

  25. 它垂直或水平安装,通常用油、蒸汽或筒式或带式电热器加热。

    It vertical or horizontal installation , usually oil , steam or tube type or belt type electric heaters heating .

  26. 能否告知这些电热器的价格,以便我们作出决定。

    722 Would you please tell us the price of these electric heaters so as to help us make the decision .

  27. 假如你试图把洗衣机和电热器插在同一个插座,你将会烧断保险丝。

    You 'll blow a fuse if you try and plug the washing machine and the electric heater into the same socket .

  28. 我们深信,贵公司对即将投放市场的这种新式电热器定会感兴趣。

    We feel sure that you will be interested in the new electric heater which is very shortly to be placed on the market .

  29. 第三,它有我们需要的各种家用电器,比如电冰箱、电炉、电热器、洗衣机、洗碗机等。

    Third , it has all kinds of electric appliances that we need , such as refrigerator , electric stove , heating apparatus , washing machine and dishwasher .

  30. 在断电状态下,测得电热器的电阻丝完好,熔断器也正常,判断是温控器失灵。

    In the state of the power , the resistance of the electric heaters , fuse silk in good condition is normal also , judgement is the thermostat failure .