
  • 网络Seattle University;Albers
  1. 第一个软件工程硕士学位设立了西雅图大学于1979年。

    The first software engineering Master 's degree was established at Seattle University in1979 .

  2. 据黄海涛表示,当女儿被西雅图大学录取之后,他就做出了这个“疯狂”的决定。

    He says he decided to make his " crazy " decision after Xinyi was accepted at Seattle University .

  3. “可他以前去过,”我说,“他去过西雅图大学。”

    " But he did before ," I said ," He went to the University of Seattle . "

  4. 亚马逊书店于11月3日在西雅图大学村开业,它被称为美国最大在线零售商的“线下延伸”。

    Amazon Books , which opened Tuesday in Seattle 's University Village , is being dubbed a ' physical extension ' of the largest online retailer in the country .

  5. 该研究是在美国进行的,但是它的作者之一、西雅图华盛顿大学的副教授PhilipBell说这些发现可能普遍适用。

    Philip Bell , co-author and an associate professor at the University of Washington , Seattle , said its findings could be applied universally .

  6. 加拿大达尔豪西大学的BorisWorm和西雅图华盛顿大学的RayHilborn是这项调查的首席作者。

    Boris Worm at Dalhousie University in Canada and Ray Hilborn at the University of Washington in Seattle were lead authors of the new study .

  7. 西雅图华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashingtoninSeattle)对老鼠的后代展开了实验,其中一些老鼠分泌含SIgA的乳汁,另一些因喂食方法分泌的是不含该抗体的乳汁。

    Experiments at the University of Washington in Seattle were conducted on the offspring of mice that produced breast milk with SIgA and mice bred to produce milk without the antibody .

  8. 芮妮Heffron和其他研究人员从在西雅图华盛顿大学的领导了这项研究。

    Renee Heffron and other researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle led the study .

  9. 因为对基因进化的好奇,西雅图华盛顿大学人类遗传学家EvanEichler和他的同事,对灵长类(primates)中不同物种的IRGM基因进行了测序。

    Interested in the gene 's evolution , Evan Eichler , a human geneticist at the University of Washington , Seattle , and his colleagues sequenced IRGM in various species of primates .

  10. 他成为西雅图华盛顿大学的一名学生。

    He became a student at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  11. 西雅图华盛顿大学的阿尔佛雷德?伯格带领了这次研究。

    Alfred Berg of the University of Washington in Seattle led the study .

  12. 佩珀舒瓦茨是西雅图华盛顿大学社会学教授。

    Pepper Schwartz is a professor of sociology at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  13. 西雅图华盛顿大学的彼得-沃德反对这种观点。

    This view is countered by Peter Ward , of the University of Washington in Seattle .

  14. 克里斯多夫.帕克是西雅图华盛顿大学政治学助教。

    Christopher Parker is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  15. 目前,菲利斯M怀斯是西雅图华盛顿大学的教务长及常务副校长。

    Wise ( Wang ), who is currently provost and executive vice president of University of Washington , Seattle .

  16. 西雅图太平洋大学里男孩子也不多,那里学生主体的65%是女生。

    The boys are not at Seattle Pacific University , either , where the student body is 65 percent female .

  17. 西雅图华盛顿大学数学教授默里说他发明的两个公式基于一项为期10年对700对美国夫妇进行的研究。

    Professor James Murray of the University of Washington says the two formulae he devised were based on a10-year study of700 American couples .

  18. 西雅图太平洋大学发生枪击案,海景医院发言人苏珊·格雷格表示,枪击案造成一人死亡,另有三人受伤。

    There has been a shooting at Seattle Pacific university , Harborview Hospital spokeswoman , Susan Gregg says one person is dead , three others are wounded .

  19. 他于1957年在西雅图华盛顿大学开始从事此项研究,并在那里继续进行这种研究,虽然他现在在宾夕法尼亚大学执教。

    He began the study in1957 at the University of Washington in Seattle and has continued it there , although he now teaches at the University of Pennsylvania .

  20. 佩珀·舒瓦茨是西雅图华盛顿大学社会学教授,她说这个主意上上新闻头条不错,但只会白费功夫。

    Pepper Schwartz is a professor of sociology at the University of Washington in Seattle . She says the idea is good for making news headlines , but it takes a lot of work .

  21. 西雅图华盛顿大学的罗宾逊说,天文学家们都希望这一最新技术能够帮助解决天文探索家的最终愿望:为地球寻找到一颗姊妹星球。

    Tyler Robinson at the University of Washington in Seattle is hoping this new technique could be used in the quest to find the Holy Grail for exoplanet astronomers-a possible sister to planet Earth .

  22. 许倬云所著的《汉代农业早期中国农业经济的形成》是美国西雅图华盛顿大学汉代研究丛书之一种。

    The book " Han Agriculture : The Formation of Early Chinese Agrarian Economy " authored by Cho-yun Hsu is one of the series " Han Dynasty China Project " published by the University of Washington in Seattle .

  23. 汪建在国外生活多年,包括在西雅图的华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)担任高级研究员。

    Mr Wang spent years abroad , including as a senior research fellow at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  24. Practice提供的这些课程将在西雅图的华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)推出,面向国际学生以及无商科背景的学生。

    The Practice M.B.A. classes , which will meet at the University of Washington in Seattle , are open to international students and those with nonbusiness backgrounds .

  25. 与此同时,在以徒步绿廊、咖啡文化和技术产业闻名的西雅图,华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)也在进行宣传。

    Meanwhile , in Seattle , with its green hiking trails , coffee culture and tech industry , the University of Washington is making its own pitch .

  26. 位于西雅图的华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所的ChristopherMurray领导了这项研究。

    Christopher Murray at the University of Washington 's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle led the study .

  27. 位于西雅图的华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)的学生发明了一种创新技术,名为“被动WiFi”。发明人称,耗电量仅为以前的万分之一。

    One innovation , invented by students at the University of Washington in Seattle , is known as " passive WiFi " which its inventors say consumes 10000 times less power .

  28. 我认为托尔斯泰完全错了,位于西雅图市华盛顿大学的心理学教授JohnGottman说道。

    I think Tolstoy was totally wrong , said John Gottman , a professor of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  29. 西雅图美国巴斯帝尔大学(BastyrUniversity)中药部经理AllenSayigh说,在传统的中药中,生姜通常是作为一种茶饮――往往与十余种其他草药同时使用――用于治疗某些类似哮喘的症状。

    In traditional Chinese medicine , it would typically be consumed as a tea -- generally with up to a dozen other herbs -- as a treatment for certain types of asthma-like symptoms , says Allen Sayigh , manager of the Chinese herb dispensary at Bastyr University in Seattle .

  30. 它来自西雅图的华盛顿大学。

    It came out of the University of Washington in Seattle .