
mò shēnɡ rén
  • stranger
陌生人 [mò shēng rén]
  • [stranger] 不了解的人

  1. 我不认识他,他是百分之百的陌生人。

    I don 't know him ─ he 's a perfect stranger .

  2. 大家伸长了脖子想看一看这个陌生人。

    Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger .

  3. 我们告诉女儿不要和陌生人讲话。

    We 've told our daughter not to speak to strangers .

  4. 我书桌前坐着一个从未见过的陌生人。

    There was a complete stranger sitting at my desk .

  5. “你是谁?”他向陌生人怒吼道。

    ' Who are you ? ' he growled at the stranger .

  6. 提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。

    Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride .

  7. 我不习惯让陌生人进我家。

    I 'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment .

  8. 他警惕地守望着,不放过任何一个陌生人。

    He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers .

  9. 他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。

    He was a paradox ─ a loner who loved to chat to strangers .

  10. 我们曾被反复叮嘱千万不要与陌生人讲话。

    We had it drummed into us that we should never talk to strangers .

  11. 她对陌生人的猜疑极深。

    She has a deep mistrust of strangers .

  12. 他惊愕地盯着陌生人。

    He stared in astonishment at the stranger .

  13. 她等于是嫁了个陌生人。

    She married a practical stranger .

  14. 有时我觉得自己和一个陌生人生活在一起。

    Sometimes I feel like I 'm living with a stranger .

  15. 过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人。

    People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers

  16. 有一次,伯纳德在索霍区被一个气势汹汹的陌生人拦住,硬要与他说话。

    Bernard was once collared by an aggressive stranger in Soho .

  17. 在公共场合对陌生人指指点点或议论纷纷都不礼貌。

    It 's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public

  18. 我们不喜欢陌生人干预我们的事务。

    We don 't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs

  19. 他们现在开始意识到那些心地善良的陌生人帮了他们多大的忙。

    They are now realising just how much they owe to kind-hearted strangers

  20. 一大群不受欢迎的陌生人不请自来,搅了她的聚会。

    A large group of undesirable strangers crashed her party .

  21. 我不喜欢冒昧提问的陌生人。

    I don 't like strangers who ask impertinent questions .

  22. 让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。

    To her annoyance the stranger did not go away

  23. 一有陌生人进房间,她就感到极不自在。

    A wave of self-consciousness can wash over her when someone new enters the room

  24. 看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动。

    It is very moving to see how much strangers can care for each other

  25. 如果有陌生人拦你的车,把车窗摇下一点点就行。

    If a stranger stops you , just wind the window down a fraction .

  26. 你母亲告诉你多少次了,绝不能和陌生人谈话?

    How many times has your mother told you never to talk to strangers ?

  27. 每个居民区都有自己的侦探组织,他们向当局汇报陌生人的情况。

    Each neighborhood had its own organization of snoops who reported strangers to the authorities .

  28. 你应该拒绝和那些贸然打电话提供理财建议的陌生人见面。

    You should refuse to meet anyone who cold calls with an offer of financial advice .

  29. 简一只脚就近蹬上马镫,转脸看着陌生人。

    Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger .

  30. 给小孩造成心理阴影,让他对陌生人产生异常的恐惧,这可能不会有什么好处。

    Traumatising a child with an abnormal fear of strangers probably won 't do much good .