
  • 【电影】Strange Friends
  1. 但他还是决心找出这个陌生的朋友。

    But he was determined to get in touch with his unknown friend .

  2. SNS基于六度分隔理论运作,这个理论的基本解释是:在人脉网络中,要结识任何一位陌生的朋友,中间最多只要通过六个朋友就可以达到目的。

    SNS based on Six Degrees of Separation , the basic explanation of the theory is that in penetrating network , to make friend with any stranger , it is able to achieve the goal through as much as six friends .

  3. 陌生的朋友,我说,这里没理由悲泣。

    Strange friend ,' I said , ' here is no cause to mourn .

  4. 陌生的朋友在日志写给她的他:我要去有你的未来。

    I am on My way to the Future , Where You are There .

  5. 我曾和这里很多陌生的朋友说过:哈罗!

    I said hi to many strangers here .

  6. 而且我乐观开朗,喜欢交朋友,很快就可以和陌生的人成为朋友。

    I can quickly adapt to different circumstances . Besides , my optimistic , cheerful personality let me make friends very easy .

  7. 首先要感谢长久以来帮助我的,所有陌生的和熟悉的朋友们,谢谢你们的支持!

    Thanks to all that helped me and thanks to all my friends who are supporting me .