- 名gray whale

Historical Records and Current Status of Western Gray Whale in China Waters
And rare conjoined gray whale twins were found dead in a Mexican lagoon .
Mother grey whale and its three-month old baby heading for feeding area .
Next Ellen , Ted Danson from Big Miracle.The humback whales might migrate from Alaska to Hawai .
The appearance of the whale has stunned marine biologists .
Scientists believe it could be the first-ever recorded case .
Gray whales travel thousands of miles seeking warmth , food and sunlight .
Researchers are considering tracking the whale by satellite which last seen heading south past Jaffa .
" Grey whales are very generalist in what they feed on ," said Dr Scheinin .
Grey whales are submarine bulldozers , feeding on clams and other animals buried in the seabed .
Grey whales became extinct in the North Atlantic in the18th centuries and have not been seen there since .
Although they are known for their long migrations , grey whales do not normally stray from their regular routes .
That was the case until last weekend , when a13-metre-long grey whale was spotted cruising off the coast of Israel .
Some of the kinds of whales are the blue whale , the humpback , the gray whale , and the white whale .
A solitary grey whale has been spotted in the Mediterranean thousands of miles from its home waters in the Pacific , stunning marine biologists .
He points to reports that grey whales have been seen getting farther north than usual into the Arctic , probably helped by the low-ice conditions .
Winter ( December goes to the March of next year ), Luo this card Wo this nearby sea area is Alaska grey whale avoid cold famous scenic spot .
The coastal lagoons of Ojo de Liebre and San Ignacio are important reproduction and wintering sites for the grey whale , harbour seal , California sea lion , northern elephant-seal and blue whale .
As Lawrence Biegel , her lawyer , tells it , one day Ms Black was in her research boat with assistants when killer whales attacked a pod of grey whales and killed a calf .
Year is answered for a year , in groups grey whale visit ten thousands kilometers , from alaska , arrive south to add the mating in sea with warm state or produce young whale .
The boat was operated by Jamie 's Whaling Station , which takes people out on boats for several hours in the waters around Vancouver Island to see Gray whales and Humpback whales , according to its website .