
cāng lù
  • heron;Ardea cineria rectirostris
苍鹭 [cāng lù]
  • [heron] 见鹭

苍鹭[cāng lù]
  1. 《白苍鹭》中姓名的象征意义

    The Symbolic Meaning of Names in " A White Heron "

  2. 一只苍鹭在头上飞过,正在寻找食物。

    A heron swoops overhead , looking for its next meal .

  3. 苍鹭雏鸟羽毛的分析,可作为苍鹭雏鸟体内不同组织器官中Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb、Cd富集的一种指标,以推测或评价苍鹭所栖息环境质量。

    The anslysis of feather of Grey Heron nestling can be a indicator of the accumulation of Cu , Zn , Mn , Pb and Cd in the tissues of Grey Heron nestling to evaluate and estimate the quality of Grey Heron inhabit .

  4. 苍鹭育雏行为及雏鸟生长发育的研究

    Study of the Brooding , Feeding ang Growth of Gray Heron

  5. 树栖型苍鹭幼鸟练飞习性的观察

    Study on flying practice of young bird of Ardea cinerea

  6. 《一只白苍鹭》中人与自然的和谐理念

    The Harmonious Relationship between Human Beings and Nature in A White Heron

  7. 苍鹭的繁殖地;苍鹭的巢。

    A breeding ground for herons ; a heron rookery .

  8. 就在那时,他看见一只苍鹭经过。

    Just then he saw a heron passing by .

  9. 宁夏苍鹭和夜鹭的数量及生态研究

    A Study on Quantity and Ecology of Arder Cinerea and Nycticorax-nycticorax in Ningxia

  10. 宁夏苍鹭、夜鹭的繁殖及行为研究

    Studies on reproduction and action of arder cinerea and nycticorax nycticorax in Ningxia

  11. 一只少年苍鹭来到鸡区。

    A juvenile blue heron visits the chicken area .

  12. 我练步,像只苍鹭那样。

    I am practicing to walk like a heron .

  13. 她正在捕猎自由的孤独苍鹭。

    She is hunting the lonely heron of liberty .

  14. 曾有苍鹭觅食的沼泽,如今已枯竭殆尽,上面盖满了房舍。

    The where herons once hunted are now drained and filled with houses .

  15. 苍鹭营巢习性的初步观察

    Nest - building habit of Grey Heron

  16. 苍鹭在什么地方?

    What place is The Herons ?

  17. 苍鹭将提供支持和援助国与批准的费用偿还的基础。

    Heron will provide in country support and assistance with approvals on a cost reimbursement basis .

  18. 从她的手一个长脖子的鸟(天鹅或苍鹭)。

    Artemis feeds a long-necked bird ( either a swan or heron ) from her hand .

  19. 他们找蓝苍鹭的巢,因为没有别的方法看到鱼。

    They look for the blue heron because there 's no way to see the fish .

  20. 他对苍鹭说:亲爱的朋友,有一根骨头哽在我的喉咙。

    Dear friend , @ he said to the heron , @ there is a bone sticking in my throat .

  21. 本文介绍了苍鹭的产卵、孵卵行为及人工换卵实验。

    In this paper are presented the oviposition , the incubation behavior and the artificial egg-changing experiment of Ardea cinerea .

  22. 湿地是大量鸟类的家园,我们发现了白鹭、苍鹭、水雉和蓝鸟。

    The wetland is home to an abundance of birdlife , andwe spotted egrets , herons , jacanas and blue jays .

  23. “我不知道姓德北菲尔德的;但是有一个姓德贝维尔的,住在苍鹭。”第二个邮差说。

    I know no name of Durbeyfield ; but there is the name of d'Urberville at The Herons , 'said the second .

  24. 这些感觉就像红树林和沼泽,吸引了大批鸟类,像火烈鸟、鹈鹕、苍鹭和鸬鹚。

    Those views include mangroves and marshes , which attract thousands of birds , such as flamingos , pelicans , herons and cormorants .

  25. 一只苍鹭从浅水中惊起,与两只默不作声的蜂鸟在水面上飞越而过。我的旅程中有一片很高的芦苇丛,在我经过时总会窃窃私语。

    A pale heron rises up with a start from the shallows and with a couple of sullen wingbeats glides away over the water .

  26. 老鹰苍鹭孔雀勇士山树兔子鱼蝗虫还有歌王当然少不了下腰式

    Peacock ! Warrior ! Mountain ! Tree ! Rabbit ! Fish ! Locust ! King pigeon ! And of course , downward duck .

  27. 水坝运行对山下水库中苍鹭的食物组成、采食区内种群数量及采食区域变化的影响?

    Diet composition and changes in numbers and foraging areas of grey heron Ardea cinerea population in a submontane reservoir : an effect of dam operation ?

  28. 上周四,在没有绳索和安全装备的情况下,罗伯特爬上了662英尺高的苍鹭塔。警方封锁了该建筑物,封闭了道路,并将围观群众引开。

    Robert climbed the 662-foot Heron Tower without ropes or safety gear last Thursday as police cordoned off the building , closed roads and ushered spectators away .

  29. 苍鹭在岸边缓缓地迈着步子,翠鸟和杜鹃欢叫着从阳光里飞入树荫,火鸡模样的大鸟在枯枝间忙碌,鹰在头上盘旋。

    Herons plodded the shores , kingfishers and cuckoos clattered from sunlight to shade , great turkeylike birds fussed in dead branches , and hawks hung overhead .

  30. 这个湖水除了有海鸥、苍鹭和牡蛎之外真是一无是处,这样的一个地方人们称之为泻湖。

    The lake is good for nothing except sea-fowl , herons , and oysters , and forms such a place as they call in the Indies a lagoon ;