
tǔ láng
  • Hyena;aardwolf
土狼[tǔ láng]
  1. 印度豹、狮子、花豹、犀牛、斑点土狼、大象等,都是此地的居民

    Among this lot are cheetahs , lions , leopards , rhinoceroses , spotted hyenas and elephants .

  2. 有着恐龙身躯的中粮在它的局部显出了土狼的肌肉

    Those who having dinosaurian body is medium grain is in its local the muscle that aardwolf .

  3. 好最小赌注:五块钱土狼发飙了

    Ok , minimum bet : five monopoly . Coyotes wild .

  4. 狗、狼和土狼是同属。

    Dogs , wolves , and coyotes belong to the same genus .

  5. 那些土狼才是我们真正的敌人呢。

    It 's the hyenas who are the real enemy .

  6. 辛巴:可那些土狼更怕!

    Simba : I think those hyenas were even scareder .

  7. 没事的时候,大牧场主人就会去猎杀土狼。

    When otherwise unoccupied , the rancher engaged in hunting down coyotes .

  8. 有个哨兵认为自己看见了一匹土狼

    One of the sentries thought he saw a coyote .

  9. 很可能一头土狼就能得手

    Probably got it even if it was a coyote .

  10. 出乎意料的是,土狼妈妈回来了,僵局被打破。

    When the coyote mother unexpectedly returns , the stalemate is broken .

  11. 好让土狼晚上进来吃她。

    so that the hyenas would get her at night .

  12. 小土狼,我知道你想要做什麽。

    Hummingbird : Coyote , I know what you were trying to do .

  13. 你是说腐烂了还有被土狼吃了。

    You mean rotting and being eaten by coyotes .

  14. 她奋力用棍子赶跑了土狼。

    She fought off the hyenas with that stick .

  15. 如果不是一头土狼,那就是一群土狼干的

    If it wasn 't a coyote , the coyotes probably got it .

  16. 听见一个女人像土狼般大叫。

    I hear a woman yell like a hyena .

  17. 辛巴逃脱土狼的追杀后,谁救了他并照顾他?

    Who saved and took care of Simba after he escaped from the hyenas ?

  18. 土狼的幼崽们已经起床走动了。

    Coyote pups are already up and about .

  19. 他挥舞火把,想把某头野兽很可能是一条土狼吓跑。

    He waved his torch to frighten away some animal , probably a hyena .

  20. 在我住的地方,你还需要小心山上的狮子和土狼

    You also have to look out for mountain lions and coyotes where I live

  21. 所有自进化者必须是像土狼一样高明的魔术师。

    Any self-evolver must be a coyote trickster .

  22. 我们像土狼一样大笑,然后睡去。

    We laughed like hyenas and fell asleep .

  23. 土狼在这里有着贪婪的名声。

    Coyotes have a voracious reputation here .

  24. 但土狼也会跟着它一起跳崖。

    But the thing is , the coyote runs off the cliff right after him .

  25. 想想这画面……土狼也不甘示弱,它们可以自己举办“捕猎人类”大赛。

    Not to be outdone , hyenas can hold their own in the cat-eating-people contest .

  26. 它们就是这样杀死狐狸或是土狼的。

    That 's how they would kill , like , a fox or a coyote .

  27. 土狼不像真正的鬣狗,它的牙齿小,颌骨没有劲。

    Unlike real hyenas , the earth wolf has small teeth and a weak jaw .

  28. 就像你的土狼兄弟们一样!

    Just like your idiot hyena cousins !

  29. 容我自我介绍,我是土狼威尔,超级天才

    Allow me to introduce myself . My name is Wile E. Coyote , genius .

  30. 这里的男人像土狼似的徘徊着。

    Here men wander like hyenas .