
  • 网络land classification;land classifiation
  1. 黄土高原综合治理试验示范区土地分类研究

    Land Classification of Experiment and Exemplary Areas on the Loess Plateau

  2. 生态土地分类和我国立地分类系统的比较

    Ecological land classification and its comparison with Lang classification system of China

  3. 随着景观生态学和3S技术的发展,生态分类系统的研制已成为生态土地分类的重点。

    Along with the development of landscape ecology and 3S techniques , developing of ecological classification system ( ECS ) becomes the keystone of ELC .

  4. 我国土地分类几类?各类土地的含义是什么?

    My land classification categories ? What is the meaning of land ?

  5. 次生林主要类型生态位土地分类方法

    Approach of land classification with spatial niche of main types of secondary forests

  6. 天然次生林的土地分类方法

    The land classification method of the natural secondary forest

  7. 土地分类的集合表述与特征分析

    Set Features Analysing and Signification of Land Classification

  8. 对龙口市所辖区域进行实地外业踏探,建立土地分类的影像解译标志。

    Land interpretation symbol has been established based on the site investigation in Longkou city .

  9. 论农村耕地的租凭经营试论土地分类

    Discussion on the land classification

  10. 根据税收的土地分类:城市用地,农业用地,林地和其他土地。

    Classes of Land for Taxation : urban land , agricultural land , forest land , and other land .

  11. 由于土地分类是认识土地本身规律状况的最根本、最有效的手段,是保证土地管理工作顺利高效开展的重要基础。

    Land classification is the most fundamental and effective measure to understand the law of land and the important basis of assuring land administration smoothly and high-effectively .

  12. 生态土地分类的基本原理是,把土地视为一个景观,而景观无论在其各种属性之间,也无论在其各种要素之间,是相互作用的。

    The basic principle of ecological land classification is that land is regarded as a landscape interactive either among various land attributes or among various land elements .

  13. 提出了增加分类层次,清晰表达地类涵义,统一分类标准等修订新土地分类体系的建议。研究结论:新土地分类体系是符合我国国情、适应经济发展的土地利用分类体系。

    And then the conclusion was drawn that the new land use classification can be fit with the situation of our country and satisfy the demand of economic development .

  14. 然后在此基础上设计出系统的数据组织模式,建立了基于关系数据库模型的土地分类数据库。

    Then , the author works out the model of the data 's structure of this system and set up database of classifying land that based on the model of relational database .

  15. 本文描述了研究区吉林省东部山区的地文景观特点和自然植被状况,阐述了生态土地分类的定义、基本特点及发展。

    This paper depicted the physiographic landscape features and natural vegetation situation of study area ( the eastern Jilin Province ), and expatiates the definition , basic characters and its development of Ecological Land Classification ( ELC ) .

  16. 选择内蒙古中部地区作为典型荒漠化区域,根据荒漠化土地分类体系,确定决策树的结构以及各类地物在树形中的位置。

    This paper is about Middle Inner Mongolia region , which is a typical region of desertification . The structure of the decision tree and the corresponding position of each target are determined according to the desertification land classification .

  17. 本文在划分陕北为3个农业生态区基础上,提出了一套简洁而实用的土地分类方案及对应产量估算模式,进行区域土地生产潜力和人口容量分析。

    Based on three agroecological subregions of northern Shanxi identified in the study , a concise and practical land classification system and yield estimation model are advanced , and then the potential productivity and population carrying capacity of land resources are calculated according to the mechanism model .

  18. 极化干涉SAR数据地表土地类型分类

    Classification of Land Cover of Polarimetric SAR Interferometry

  19. 利用BP算法进行新疆MODIS数据土地利用分类研究

    Classification of Land Use in Xinjiang with BP Classifier Using MODIS Imagery

  20. TM数据在桔果经济林区土地利用分类和专题信息提取中的应用

    Application of TM Data to Landuse Classification and Thematic Information Extraction in Economic Forest Zone

  21. 基于多层感知器神经网络对遥感融合图像和TM影像进行土地覆盖分类的研究

    Classification for RS Fused Image and TM Image Using Multi - Layer Perception Neural Network

  22. 利用案例推理(CBR)方法对雷达图像进行土地利用分类

    Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) for Land Use Classification Using Radar Images

  23. 基于MODIS植被指数时间谱的华北平原土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification of North China Plain using MODIS_EVI temporal profile

  24. TM图像土地利用分类精度验证与评估&以定西县为例

    Verification and Assessment of Land Use Classification by Using TM Image-Taking Dingxi County as an Example

  25. 基于MODIS数据的东北地区土地覆盖分类的精度评价研究

    Accuracy Assessment of Northeast China 's Land Cover Classification Using MODIS Data

  26. 介绍利用计算机处理TM遥感图像数据产生重庆市江北县典型地区土地利用分类图技术。

    Classified landuse map in the typical area of Jiang Bei County , Chong-Qing has been developed .

  27. 基于MODIS温度/植被指数的东北地区土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification based on MODIS temperature-vegetation index time-series data in Northeastern China

  28. NOAA气象卫星资料在土地覆盖分类中的应用

    Classification of Country Coverage in Daqing District by NOAA Meteorological Satellite Data

  29. 面向土地覆盖分类的MODIS影像融合研究

    MODIS Image Fusion for Land Cover Classification

  30. 结果表明地理辅助数据参与的BP神经网络用于土地覆盖分类研究可以获得相对较好的分类结果。

    The results show that a relatively satisfied classification result can be achieved by using the classification method combined with BP neural network in land cover classification .