
cāng yīng
  • goshawk;Accipiter gentilis schvedowi;tiercel;tercel
苍鹰 [cāng yīng]
  • [goshawk] 猛禽,羽色暗褐,嘴有钩,爪尖锐,视力强。捕食小鸟、小兽

苍鹰[cāng yīng]
  1. 苍鹰TM汽车大灯增光保护器。

    Goshawk TM vehicle headlamps shine protectors .

  2. 在美国阿拉斯加州的费尔班克斯,一只三个月大的苍鹰尖声喊叫。

    A three-month-old goshawk screeches in Fairbanks , Alaska .

  3. 像麻雀吓苍鹰,草兔吓狮子一般。

    As sparrows eagles , or the hare the lion .

  4. 苍鹰在山峦上盘旋,江水随着绝壁激荡。

    Goshawk circled in the mountains on the river surging with the cliffs .

  5. 匈奴王阿提拉以一只苍鹰形像装饰他战斗的头盔。

    Attila the Hun decorated his battle helmet with the figure of one .

  6. 我是雄师,我是苍鹰,饥即食,渴即饮。

    I was mighty , I goshawk , instant hunger , thirst or drinking .

  7. 年老的苍鹰胜过年幼的麻雀。

    The old age of an eagle is Better than the youth of a sparrow .

  8. 苍鹰燃油增强剂是目前市场上比较好的一种多功能液体纳米技术燃油增强剂。

    GOSHAWK Fuel Enhancer is the better multi-functional liquid nanotechnology fuel enhancer on the market .

  9. 苍鹰箭一般滑过天空,鹰爪上还抓着一只野兔。

    An eagle with a rabbit in its talons is darting through the sky like an arrow .

  10. 那面对那折磨着伟大爱人类者普罗密修斯的苍鹰,那聪明的奥狄普斯的可怕命运,

    the vulture which fed upon the great philanthropist Prometheus ; the terrible lot drawn by wise Oedipus ;

  11. 普罗密修斯因为以铁旦神族之爱来爱人类,所以应该被苍鹰啄食;

    It was because of his Titanic love of man that Prometheus had to be devoured by vultures ;

  12. 在大家全都坐好、戴上耳机之后,我们像苍鹰一样轻松地起飞了。

    After all were seated and had earphones in place , we lifted off with the ease of an eagle .

  13. 在小兴安岭繁殖的苍鹰和乌林鸮都有利用旧巢的习惯。

    Living in Lesser Khingan Mountains , Accipiter gentiles and Strix nebulosa share the same habit of reusing their old nests .

  14. 这就是为什么哈姆雷特即使只是看到苍鹰和白鹭也能听出它们的差别。

    That means that Hamlet could hear the difference between a hawk and a handsaw & even if he only saw them .

  15. 只见其中一张,一只苍鹰耸立于陡峭的岩石之上,展翅欲飞。

    See only among them a piece , a Cang Ying towers aloft on abrupt rock , volant be about to fly .

  16. 另外,还记录到了苍鹰、普通鵟、白头鹞、雀鹰、红隼等猛禽。

    In addition , some Accipiter , such as Northern Goshawk , Common Buzzard , Eurasian Marsh Harrier , Eurasian sparrowhawk , Common Kestrel , etc.

  17. 国家保护动物兽类有马鹿、黄羊等;鸟类有灰鹤、苍鹰、红脚隼、黑琴鸡等。

    The state protects animals mammals are red deer , Mongolian gazelle , etc. ; birds crane , goshawk , Red-footed falcon , black grouse and so on .

  18. 正如苍鹰翱翔天空,猛虎呼啸山林,水才是这艘船生命的舞台。

    Just like the groups of heroes the goshawk hovers the sky , the brave fighter howls the wooded mountain , the water is this ship life stage .

  19. 一只苍鹰,在附近盘旋,听到了乌龟的悲叹和需求,就问会有什么报酬如果把她带到高空教她滑翔。

    An eagle , hovering near , heard her lamentation and demanded what reward she would give him if he would take her aloft and float her in the air .

  20. 是的,鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润他成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让他飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让他高耸。

    Yes , Thanksgiving flowers rain , because rain nourishing his growth ; goshawk Thanksgiving sky because the sky let him fly ; mountain Thanksgiving earth because the earth so that he high-rise .

  21. 那如苍鹰一般浩击长空的豪气,无需经过修饰,无需计算分秒,穿破疆界和时间,浸润着世界上千千万万的心灵。

    Like hawks soaring across the vast skies , eschewing over detailed production and meticulous calculations of the music , their music has broken through borders and across time penetrating souls all around the world .

  22. 水面上游弋着几只野鸭,忽然天上飞过一只苍鹰,全都钻进水里去了,再一看时,已经到了那头。

    On the water surface is patrolling several wild ducks , suddenly the space has flown a goshawk , all sneaked in the water togo , again as soon as looked time , already arrived that head .

  23. 他是在东部的力量,来了一个老起来的形式公平男子骑在鳄鱼,当他带着苍鹰拳头,但外表温和。

    He is under the Power of the East , and cometh up in the form of an old fair Man , riding upon a Crocodile , carrying a Goshawk upon his fist , and yet mild in appearance .

  24. 一阵狂飚扫荡着一切衰老、腐朽、残破、凋零的东西,把它们卷入一股红尘中旋转,象一只苍鹰似的把它们带到云霄。

    A tempest seizes everything that has outlived itself , everything that is decayed , broken , andwithered , and , whirling , shrouds it in a cloud of red dust to carry it into the air like a vulture .