
huī tǐ
  • Gray body;graybody
灰体[huī tǐ]
  1. 根据CCD器件、几何光学、辐射测温机理、火焰的灰体假设,得出火焰温度与CCD输出图像之间的关系式,对影响关系式的各种因素进行了分析;

    We obtained the formula between the flame temperature and CCD image , analyzed the errors in the formula ;

  2. 研究了与灰体辐射场相互作用的J-C模型中场的线性熵的演化规律,讨论了腔体吸收系数、入射场的光子数分布、热场的平均光子数对场的线性熵的影响。

    The evolutional rules of linear entropy of field in the model of Jaynes-Cumming ( JC ) that acts each other with radiation field of a grey body are studied .

  3. 通过测量350MW电站锅炉的煤粉火焰从533nm至1050nm波段的辐射光谱,发现煤粉火焰的辐射非常接近灰体辐射。

    Experiments carried out in a 350 MW utility boiler with this set-up show that the radiation of pulverized coal flame from 533 urn to 1050 nm in wavelength is very closed to the radiation of gray body .

  4. 灰体空间内非灰气体辐射的段法模型

    Zonal Method Used for Non-gray Gases Radiation within Gray Enclosure

  5. 灰体场中原子和光场的熵交换研究

    Entropy Exchange of Atom Interacting with Gray-body Radiation Field

  6. 他是哈佛的“灰体字”

    He was " Graystroke " at Harvard ,

  7. 并根据灰体辐射系数ελ和测定的辐射温度修正灰体的测量温度,获得实际温度。

    Then it is corrected that the brightness temperature with the radiation coefficient ελ of gray body .

  8. 航天器金属热防护结构非灰体隔热层传热计算

    Numerical Simulation of Coupled Heat Transfer in Thermal Insulation with Non-Gray Media for Metallic Thermal Protection Systems

  9. 研究利用辐射能量测定灰体温度分布的方法在燃烧火焰场分布中的应用问题。

    The paper comments how to determine the gray body temperature from its radiation energy for CCD optical pyrometer .

  10. 同时比较分析了海面灰体假设的可行性以及已被广泛应用的经验公式的准确度。

    The feasibility of the gray body hypothesis and the veracity of the experimental formula are compared and analyzed .

  11. 给出了金属钨作为选择性辐射体及灰体的辐射公式,并进行了比较。

    In this paper , the calculation formulae of Tungsten radiation are compared with selective body and gray body .

  12. 采用灰体辐射模型,计算放电通道的温度和发射率;

    The spark channel temperature and the distributions of the irradiance as a function of wavelength were obtained through a greybody radiation model .

  13. 为满足分级分期灰渣筑坝的设计要求,分析评价初期坝的稳定性与先期粉煤灰灰体堆积特征是构筑分级子坝的重要基础。

    A basic study for sub dam construction is the assessment of safety of the primary dam and the characteristics of deposited fly ash .

  14. 通过比较等辐射量的黑体温度,测出灰体的视在亮度温度&辐射温度;

    It is gotten that the radiation temperature by visual brightness observer through comparison of the black-body temperature and the direct measurement of gray one .

  15. 通过测量和记录辐射烧蚀驱动冲击波在样品表面产生的自发辐射光谱,结合灰体辐射基本定律,实现冲击波温度的测量。

    Spontaneous emission spectrum from the sample surface produced by radiative ablation driven shock wave is measured and recorded . Shock temperature is calculated by the basic law of gray-body radiation .

  16. 分析气体辐射常用的三种模型:灰体模型、窄谱带模型和宽谱带模型的适用性,以及这三种模型的常规使用方法。

    The dissertation analyses the applicability of three models of gas radiation computation : the gray model , the narrow band model and the wide band model , and analyses the normal method of using them .

  17. 给出了加热炉和锅炉炉膛内炉气分别为灰体和非灰体的零维段法模型,并用这些模型分别研究了加热炉和锅炉内炉壁黑度变化对炉内热交换的影响。

    A Zero dimensional zonal model was taken to study the influence of wall surface emissivity on the heat exchange in stoves and boiler furnace with the gases treated as grey bodies and also as non-grey bodies .

  18. 当目标为灰体时,尤其是目标温度与环境物体的温度相近时,必须同时考虑目标的自身辐射和它对环境辐射的反射。

    When the target is a grey body , especially when its temperature is nearly equal to that of circumferential bodies , the target 's self-radiation and the circumferential radiation reflected by the target must be considered .

  19. 城市道路在城市下垫面中占有较大比例,沥青路面材料是接近于黑体的灰体,吸热快、热容量高,是城市热岛效应最重要的热源之一。

    City roads stand a big proportion of city underlying surface . Asphalt pavement material is grey body close to black body . It is one of the important heat sources of urban heat island effect with high speed of absorbing heat and high thermal capacity .

  20. 第三章通过分析热像仪在使用时实际接收到的辐射,推导红外热像仪的测温方程及温度测量误差的数学公式,并对一般的灰体目标进行了误差示例估算,绘制了误差示例曲线;

    In the chapter 3 : According to the analysis of the infrared thermal imager receiving the energy from the radiation , the author presents a formulas of the temperature calculating of a target surface and the error formulas and gives typical examples error formulas estimate curve .

  21. MTT比色法评价掺锶羟磷灰石固溶体细胞毒性

    Cytotoxicity of the Strontium-substituted Hydroxyapatite Evaluated by MTT Colorimetry

  22. 不同类型的CO3~(2-)替换羟基磷灰石固溶体晶体化学FT-IR研究

    FT-IR Investigation on Crystal Chemistry of Various CO_3 ~ ( 2 - ) - Substituted Hydroxyapatite Solid Solutions

  23. 医疗垃圾焚烧炉飞灰水泥固化体的浸出特性研究

    Leachability of Cement Solidified Forms for Medical Waste Incineration Fly Ash

  24. 焚烧飞灰水泥固化体的安全性评价

    Safety Assessment for Municipal Solid Wastes Incineration Fly Ash es-Cement Solidification Body

  25. 掺锶羟磷灰石固溶体陶瓷不同孔径对成骨能力的影响

    Influence on the capability of osteogenesis of strontium substituted hydroxyapatite of different aperture

  26. 东昆仑南坡早二叠世灰岩块体的来源与成因探讨

    Study on the genesis of Early Permian limestone blocks in the southern slope of Eastern Kunlun

  27. 由岩石化学成分判别的结果表明,灰岩块体之下的火山岩为洋岛火山岩。

    And ( 4 ) that the volcanic rocks mentioned above are ocean-island basalt ( OIB ) .

  28. 发电厂除灰泵浆体水击压强的计算与分析

    The Calculation and Analysis of Water-hammer of Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Flow for Ash-Water Pump in Steam Power Plant

  29. 本文进行了飞仙关组沉积相的划分与鲕粒灰岩滩体分布的分析。

    This paper has divided the sedimentary facies of Feixianguan Formation , and analyzed the distribution of oolitic limestone beach body .

  30. 对不同碳当量和硅碳比灰铸铁的体收缩和线收缩值进行了测定;

    The volume and linear shrinkage value of grey cast iron with different CE and Si : C ratio were determined .