
  1. 潘金莲母题发展及其当代命运

    The Development of the Motif of Pan Jin-lian and Its Contemporary Fate

  2. 潘金莲是一个有争议的女性形象。

    Pan Jinlian is a controversial literary heroine .

  3. 话剧《潘金莲》注重人性解放内涵的挖掘;

    The play Pan Jinlian stresses the exploration of the implication of emancipation of humanity .

  4. 潘金莲要和西门庆在黑天鹅宾馆开房乐。

    Beverly Pan and Jerry Macquire is gonna make out in the Black Swan Hotel !

  5. 小说中潘金莲与情人西门庆一起合谋杀害了她的丈夫。

    In the novel , Pan murdered her husband with her lover , Ximen Qing .

  6. 封建礼教的无奈奠品&论潘金莲与王熙凤悲剧人生三部曲

    Sacrifices of the Feudal Ethics & On the Tragedy of PAN Jin-lian and Wang Xi-feng

  7. 川剧《潘金莲》从不同视角中审视潘金莲的沉沦。

    The Sichuan opera Pan Jinlian examines Pan Jinli an 's degradation from different perspectives .

  8. 《水浒传》和《金瓶梅》中的潘金莲即在这种选择中注定了悲剧结局。

    Jinlin Pan in both Water Margin and Golden Bower is destined to her tragic end in those choices .

  9. 丑恶的环境扭曲了潘金莲的人性,使其美好的天赋和正当的追求朝着畸形的方向发展。

    The vile conditions twist Pan Jinlian 's nature , which makes her gift and proper pursuit developing in a lopsided way .

  10. 潘金莲作为中国传统女性形象的一个类型,一度是女性研究的聚焦点。

    As one of the image types of traditional Chinese women , PAN Jin-lian has always been the focus of woman studies .

  11. 潘金莲先不肯依从于大户,后不满自己的畸形婚姻,这是对统治阶级、封建世俗的挑战与抗争。

    To be disobedient to the Big Family and discontent with her abnormal marriage shows her change to and fight against the ruling class and feudalism .

  12. 在小说《水浒传》中,潘金莲,一位美丽爱财的妻子,对她的丈夫,相貌平平的武大郎不忠。

    In the novel Water Margin , Pan Jinlian , a beautiful money-loving wife , cheats on her husband Wu Dalang , who is relatively more unattractive .

  13. 作为明代四大奇书之一的《金瓶梅》,它最大的特色就是成功塑造了西门庆、潘金莲、李瓶儿、庞春梅等一代新人。

    Plum in the Gold Vase , as the most unique novels of Ming Dynasty , takes the most specialty of creating a kind of new person successfully .

  14. 随着国际获奖影片《我不是潘金莲》退出影院,大陆影院主要被四部国产影片及一部国外动画电影所统治。

    As international prize winner I Am Not Madame Bovary pulled out of theaters , mainland cinemas were dominated by four domestic films and one foreign animated film .

  15. 相同的追求不同的命运&《红字》中海斯特与《水浒传》中潘金莲比较研究

    Same in Pursuit , Different in Fate & A Comparative Study on Hester Prynne in " The Scarlet Letter " and Pan Jin-lian in " Outlaws of the Marsh "

  16. 电影名称恰好与女主角的心声完美呼应,即--“我不是潘金莲”。潘金莲是中国古代文学作品中的一位虚构人物,现在常与水性杨花相关联。

    The film 's title is a reference to her argument that she is no " Pan Jinlian , " a character from ancient Chinese literature who has become synonymous with sexual debauchery .

  17. 潘金莲发表一份声明,宣称该电影使自己遭受了巨大的精神创伤,相关预告片和各类形式的宣传更是严重侵犯了自己的名誉权。

    A statement appearing to have been issued by Pan claimed that the film had caused her significant emotional distress and that trailers and other forms of promotion had only compounded the defamation against her .

  18. 文章选用潘金莲作为剖析的材料,发现存在诸多差异,而且这种差异正与二书的主题、表现重点各有不同等息息相关。

    It is found that there are many differences in description of Pan Jinlian in the two books , and these differences are closely related to the differences of the themes , emphases of the books .

  19. 最近,来自中国南部广东省的一名60岁、名叫潘金莲的妇女,以侵犯自己名誉权为由,将电影《我不是潘金莲》的导演告上了法庭。

    Citing defamation , 60-year-old Pan Jinlian from southern China 's Guangdong province is suing the director of I Am Not Madame Bovary , a film known in Chinese as " I Am Not Pan Jinlian . "

  20. 潘金莲的美与道德失范两种对立的情感因素被熔铸在潘金莲母题的具体意象上,象征性地显现了人的伦理意识和自然情感冲突。

    Two opposite factors of sensibilities , the charm of Pan Jin-lian and moral unbalance , are forged onto the specific images of the motif of Pan Jin-lian , which symbolically unfolds the human clash between natural sensibilities and ethic consciousness .

  21. 在接受《成都商报》采访时,潘金莲的弟弟表示,几十年来,自己的姐姐一直都因这个名字而备受困扰,就连她的丈夫和两个孩子也惨遭连累。

    In an interview with the Chengdu Economic Daily , Pan 's younger brother said that his sister 's suffering caused by her fictional namesake has been going on for years , with her two children and husband also bearing the brunt .

  22. 随着《我不是潘金莲》的上映,情况可谓是愈加糟糕。“她半夜常常睡不着觉,身体也是越来越差,”潘金莲的弟弟说道,并提到就连一个村里的老邻居也会公开取笑她。

    But with the release of I Am Not Madame Bovary , circumstances have worsened , said her brother , " She can 't sleep for much of the night , and her health is deteriorating , " he said , adding that elderly neighbors in her housing estate now openly mock her .