
pān duō lā
  • Pandora
  1. 这宗诉讼案会为类似的索赔开启潘多拉魔盒。

    This court case could open a Pandora 's box of similar claims .

  2. 潘多拉好奇心强。

    Pandora was a curious woman .

  3. 世上的第一个女人是位迷人女郎,因为她从每位神灵那里得到了一样对男人有害的礼物,因此宙斯称她为潘多拉。

    A charming young lady , she was the first woman that ever lived . Zeus called her Pandora . Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift . The gift was harmful to men .

  4. 安装支持工具可执行无论从潘多拉或xmb。

    Installs Support Tools executable from either Pandora or XMB .

  5. 选择适当的驱动器字母为PSP和点击'创建潘多拉棒'。

    Select the appropriate drive letter for PSP and Click'Create Pandora stick ' .

  6. 导航到你的PSP游戏菜单和执行地狱猫的潘多拉安装程序。

    Navigate to the Game menu on your PSP and execute Hellcat 's Pandora Installer .

  7. 我真的很希望你喜欢这个版本,因为我相信这是接近的其中一个最佳的潘多拉安装工人(适用于Windows)以往任何时候都取得了。

    I really hope that you enjoy this release , as I believe this is coming close to one of the best Pandora Installers ( for Windows ) ever made .

  8. 以潘多拉电池并插入电池的PSP和正常开启。

    Take the Pandora battery out and insert the normal battery and Turn on the PSP .

  9. 音乐流媒体服务公司潘多拉(Pandora)更是足足上涨了12个百分点。

    Pandora ( P ) rose 12 % .

  10. 但是在这个新的、完全不同的世界里,既有潘多拉这样显然走广播路子的服务,也有Spotify这样的服务。

    In the new world , a different world , you have services like Pandora which is clearly radio .

  11. 而在潘多拉(Pandora)和Spotify等流媒体音乐服务公司腾飞之后,重量级公司谷歌(Google)和苹果(Apple)也决定推出自己的以订付为基础的流媒体音乐服务。

    And after companies like Pandora ( P ) and spotify took off , heavyweights Google ( GOOG ) and apple ( AAPL ) decided to launch their own subscription-based streaming music services .

  12. 如今包括高朋网(Groupon,团购网站)和潘多拉传媒(网络广播公司)在内的多家网络企业也对此趋之若鹜,希望能分一杯羹。

    Now a number of web outfits , including Groupon , which offers online coupons , and Pandora Media , an internet-radio firm , are queuing to join the party .

  13. 两年后,随着Celtra将其客户名单扩大至维亚康姆(Viacom)、潘多拉(Pandora)和音乐雷达(Shazam)等其他公司,它从GrandBanksCapital和FairhavenCapital这两家波士顿风投公司那里筹集了500万美元。

    Two years later , as Celtra expanded its client roster to include other companies such as Viacom , Pandora , and Shazam , it raised $ 5m from GrandBanks Capital and Fairhaven Capital , both Boston-based VC firms .

  14. 这种扭曲的制度让试图招徕听众的数字平台日子很不好过;仅以潘多拉(Pandora)为例,它收入的一半以上都用于支付音乐版权费。

    This skewed system has made life painful for digital platforms trying to build an audience , such as Pandora , which pays out more than half of its revenue in music royalties .

  15. 包括在线音乐服务平台潘多拉、Last.fm和Grooveshark等。

    Includes online music delivery platforms like Pandora , Last . fm , and Grooveshark .

  16. 实际上,他是指Facebook将与某些网站共享用户数据除非用户通过一连串复杂的设置来取消共享。这些网站最初将包括音乐服务网站潘多拉(Pandora)和小企业推荐网站Yelp。

    In practice , he meant that Facebook will share users ' data with some websites , initially including Pandora , the music service , and Yelp , a small business recommendation site , unless they jump through hoops to stop it .

  17. 留学网站StudyInternational.com的数据显示,中国在澳学生寄回家的7种热门产品包括UGG靴、婴儿配方奶粉、维生素、潘多拉珠宝、迈克高仕配饰和新鲜水果。

    Seven popular products that Chinese students in Australia send home include UGG boots , baby milk formula , vitamins , Pandora jewelry , Michael Kors accessories and fresh fruits , according to data from StudyInternational.com .

  18. 逾越了千年之久,潘多拉的魔盒终于被打开了。

    After thousands of years , Pandoras box was finally opened .

  19. 詹姆斯·卡梅隆导演正准备将潘多拉带回屏幕。

    James Cameron is set to bring Pandora back to screens .

  20. 这人类中的第一位女性名叫潘多拉。

    This first human of the fair sex was named Pandora .

  21. 传说中讲当潘多拉往盒中看的时候。

    Legend tells that when Pandora saw inside the box .

  22. 我将毕生的挚爱锁进潘多拉的盒子里,生活还得继续

    Prison my faves into Pandora 's box , life is going on

  23. 我已经告诉机舱的人关于“潘多拉盒子”的事。

    I have just told a cabin full of men about pandora .

  24. 我相信你们还记得潘多拉的故事吧。

    I 'm sure you remember the story of Pandora .

  25. 现在你清楚了你已经打开了潘多拉的魔盒了吧。

    You do know that you 've now opened Pandora 's Box .

  26. 地方化与腐败:是灵丹妙药还是潘多拉的魔盒?

    Localization and Corruption : Panacea or Pandora 's Box ?

  27. 在希腊神话中,潘多拉是世上第一个女人。

    In Greek mythology , Pandora was the first woman on earth .

  28. 你以为能从我潘多拉这里逃脱吗?

    Did you really think that you could escape Pandora this easily ?

  29. 你说:一个隐私和安全潘多拉的盒子?

    Have Your Say : A Privacy And Security Pandora 's Box ?

  30. 祭司谈到了潘多拉魔盒,那是真的吗?

    The oracle spoke of Pandoras box , can it be real ?