
  • 网络paris;Paris Hilton
  1. 当然是。帕里斯曾患有突发性心脏衰竭。

    It certainly was . Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure .

  2. "我知道我真的很幸运,"帕里斯现在说。

    " I know I was really lucky , " Paris says now .

  3. 帕里斯突然倒在了地上。"帕里斯的眼睛在向后翻,"泰勒说。

    Suddenly , Paris fell to the ground , " Paris 's eye rolled back , " Taylor says .

  4. 一时没有人站出来,泰勒跑到帕里斯跟前做起了心脏复苏。“太可怕了。我当时知道生死就是一瞬间的事情。”泰勒说。

    But when no one else came forward , Taylor ran to Paris and began doing CPR , " It was scary . I knew it was the difference between life and death , " says Taylor .

  5. "在这种情况下,大多数人都无法存活。是我的团队救了我的命。"专家说帕里斯是对的:对于突发性心力衰竭来说,唯一最好的生存机会就是让附近的人介入并迅速进行心肺复苏。

    " Most people don 't survive this . My team saved my life . " Experts say Paris is right : For a sudden heart failure , the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly .

  6. 通过一个名叫帕里斯(Paris)的变性人俱乐部看门人,凯恩开始从黑市上购买荷尔蒙。

    Through a transgender club doorwoman named Paris , Ms. Cayne began getting black-market hormones .

  7. 我还应该补充一点,我们19岁的女儿帕里斯(Paris)宁愿和他而不是其他任何人去听音乐会。

    I should also add that our 19-year-old daughter , Paris , would rather go to a concert with him than anyone else .

  8. 在杰克逊2002年的遗嘱中,他只提到了三名在世的子女:普林斯-迈克尔-杰克逊、帕里斯-迈克尔-凯瑟琳-杰克逊和普林斯-迈克尔-杰克逊II。

    In Jackson's2002 will , the singer listed only three children now living : Prince Michael Jackson , Jr , Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II .

  9. 上榜的其他名人包括美国豪门女星、社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿(第六位)及英国选秀节目“TheXFactor”冠军莉欧娜•刘易斯(第九位)。

    Other celebrities on the list included U.S. heiress and socialite Paris Hilton ( sixth ) and Leona Lewis , a winner of Britain 's " The X Factor " television talent show ( ninth ) .

  10. 在杰克逊去世五周年之际,《纽约邮报》爆料普林斯、帕里斯和毯毯(BlanketJackson)将他们共有的每年800万美元零花钱挥霍得相当快。

    On the fifth anniversary of his death , the New York Post claims Prince , Paris and Blanket Jackson are racing through their shared 8 million ( 4.76 million ) - a-year allowance .

  11. 维达没什么明显的弱点,但帕里斯特认为在OT任何人也不能自满&竞争先发位置充满艰辛,一直如此。

    Vida may not have any obvious weaknesses , but Pallister stresses players at Old Trafford can never afford to become complacent – the battle for starting berths is as fierce as it has ever been .

  12. 上周他获得了1月EPL最佳球员奖,而对此曼联传奇球员加里。帕里斯特毫不惊讶。

    Last week he was awarded the prestigious Barclays Player of the Month award for January , which would have come as no surprise to United legend Gary Pallister .

  13. 珍妮弗?帕里斯为求职网站FlexJobs写道,为了避免此类面试隐患出现,最好是把手机调成静音。

    It 's better to just avoid this pitfall by silencing your phone , Jennifer Parris writes for FlexJobs .

  14. 根据Karlson和Backlund推导的考虑裂纹承载的修正J积分的表达式,结合帕里斯公式和权函数方法,论述了管道轴向裂纹面在内压作用下的J积分计算方法,并与其它计算方法进行了比较。

    The method is in terms of revised J integral expression deducted by Karlson and Backlund , considering the condition that the crack surface is loaded . Meanwhile , the above calculation method is compared with other calculation methods .

  15. 了三个星期。”(马丁和他妻子帕里斯(Parris)住在圣达菲,他们是在一场科幻迷大会上认识的)。

    been sitting there for three weeks . " ( Martin lives in Santa Fe with his wife Parris , whom he met at a science fiction fan convention . )

  16. 帕里斯就对准阿奇里斯的脚后跟射出一箭,把他杀死了。

    Paris then shot an arrow at Achilles'heel and killed him .

  17. 帕里斯,年轻的伯爵,大公的亲戚。

    Paris , a young Count , kinsman to the Prince .

  18. 帕里斯受命决定谁是最漂亮的女人。

    Paris was tasked with choosing who the most beautiful was .

  19. 最后,帕里斯战败并被杀死。

    Finally , Paris was defeated and killed in the battle .

  20. 帕里斯后来长成了一位英俊健壮的牧羊人。

    Paris later grew up to be a handsome and strong shepherd .

  21. 阿芙罗狄蒂帮助了特洛伊王子帕里斯赢得了希腊的美丽的海伦。

    Aphrodite helped Paris of Troy win the beautiful Helen of Greece .

  22. 于是把这事交给了帕里斯。

    So , it was left to Paris to decide .

  23. 菲罗克忒忒斯:希腊英雄,杀死特洛伊王子帕里斯的人,是大力神赫拉克勒斯的儿子。

    A Greek hero who killed Paris and the son of Hercules .

  24. 帕里斯疲劳裂纹扩展法则中的指数m值一般为2~4,且在裂纹稳定扩展的第二区域内一般为常数。

    In general , the index m in Paris law is a constant .

  25. 帕里斯已经很冷了。

    Paris 's body had been really very cool .

  26. 关于帕里斯法则中m值变化条件的研究

    Variation Condition of Index m in Paris Formula

  27. 帕里斯为我们展示舞王式。

    Paris shows us the Natarajasana , or Lord of the dance , pose .

  28. 阿波罗把这一切都告诉了特洛伊的王子帕里斯。

    Apollo told the prince of Troy , named Paris , all about it .

  29. 此外,社交名媛帕里斯-希尔顿也是第29届金酸莓奖的一大“赢家”。

    Socialite Paris Hilton was the other big award-winner at the29th annual Golden Raspberry Awards .

  30. 趁着国王不在,帕里斯说服海伦与他一起私奔到特洛伊城。

    In the king 's absence he persuaded Helen to elope with him to Troy .