
  • 网络The Parthenon;temple of parthenon;Parthenon Temple
  1. 夏季在普拉卡区有一处非比寻常的露天电影院,它的独特之处在于它建在一个屋顶花园之中,可以俯瞰帕特农神庙(Parthenon)。

    In the summer months , there 's a marvelous open-air cinema in Plaka called Cine Paris . It is unique because it 's in a rooftop garden and has a view of the Parthenon .

  2. 她雅典人的守护神,纪念她,雅典人建造了帕特农神庙。

    She was also the patron goddess of Athens who built the Parthenon in her honor .

  3. Unesco设立非物质文化遗产名录,目的在于对仪式和民俗文化表示敬重,尤其是对可能没有马丘比丘(MachuPiccus)或帕特农神庙(Parthenons)的文化。

    The intangible cultural heritage list is Unesco 's attempt to honor things like rituals and community-based activities , intended especially for cultures that may not have Machu Piccus or Parthenons .

  4. 在帕特农神庙和雅典卫城前开始的自行车赛事将拉开奥运会的大幕。

    The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and acropolis monuments .

  5. 他们宣称苏丹王是被贿赂的,而且,即使是占领者,他也没有任何权利去对帕特农神庙下手。

    They claim the Sultan was bribed and that , as an occupier , he really had no authority over the Parthenon to begin with .

  6. 雅典的历史中心由卫城(或称“高处的城市”)组成。所谓卫城是一座遍布着古建筑遗址和帕特农神庙所在的山丘。

    The historical center of the city is composed of Acropolis ( " high city " ) , a huge hill with the remnants of ancient buildings and Parthenon .

  7. 在这些馆藏物品中,最引人注目的要数来自帕特农神庙的大理石雕刻。但与此同时,有些臧品却引起了极大争议,有些国家甚至要求大英博物馆归还其文物。

    Some objects in the collection , most notably the Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon , are the objects of intense controversy and of calls for restitution to their countries of origin .

  8. 在创世记中,耶和华已经将蛇作为人类的欺骗者定罪,惩罚它只能用腹部爬行,然而所有来到帕特农神庙并对这尊雕像礼拜赞叹的人,均被迫仰视雅典娜和那条蛇。

    In genesis , Yahweh had condemned the serpent to crawl on its belly as a deceiver of humanity , yet all who entered the Parthenon to worship or admire the great statue were forced to look up to both Athena and the serpent .