
yì shù dà shī
  • Artists;maestro;virtuoso
  1. 艺术大师说他是莫扎特。

    The maestro says it 's mozart .

  2. 前美联储主席格林斯潘令世界经济持续增长,被尊称为“艺术大师”。

    He used to be known as " The Maestro ," for presiding over such a long period of economic growth .

  3. 制作这个蛋糕的人真是个艺术大师。

    Whoever made this cake is a real artist .

  4. 艺术大师爱德华•蒙克的油画巨作《呐喊》于2012年5月2日在纽约的一家拍卖行成交。最后成交价为1.2亿美元,成为拍卖史上最昂贵的油画之一。

    Edvard Munch 's iconic artwork The Scream was sold on 2 May 2012 in a New York auction2 house for $ 120 million , making it one of the most expensive paintings ever auctioned3 .

  5. 如果著名的艺术大师、惜字如金的安迪•沃霍尔(ANDYWARHOL)也曾经有那么一次,在一个恰当、释放但秘密的时刻,决定进行一次表述清晰、真情流露的采访,又会如何?

    What if Andy Warhol , famously laconic art luminary , had decided just once , at the right , liberating yet confidential moment , to give an articulate , self-revealing interview * ?

  6. 你已经让我看见了真正的艺术大师的作品。

    You have shown me the work of the real artificer-artisan .

  7. 听说还是两位艺术大师的作品呢。

    I heard it 's the work by two great artists .

  8. 他是真正的和公认的国际艺术大师!

    He is a real artist being known by the world .

  9. 文艺复兴盛期意大利艺术大师的美学思想

    Italian Artists and Their Aesthetic Ideas during Booming Time of Renaissance

  10. 每一个人都称我为“尊敬的艺术大师”;

    Absolutely everyone addresses me as " cher mare " ;

  11. 艺术大师的作品在得到荣誉的同时,社会得到的更多。

    Masters of Arts in honor of the community .

  12. 曹禺,是我国现代戏剧艺术大师。

    Cao Yu is modern theatre artists in China .

  13. 莎士比亚和弥尔顿是英国诗歌的艺术大师。

    Shakespeare and Milton were masters of English poetry .

  14. 据说那个怪老头是一位艺术大师。

    It is said that the strange old man is a great artist .

  15. 拥有超凡想像力和敏锐洞察力的鱼儿是天生的艺术大师。

    Intuitive and imaginative , Pisces are natural artists .

  16. 在荷兰,2006年整年的许多活动将是以这位、艺术大师为焦点。

    In Holland , the entire year 's activities will be focused on Rembrandt .

  17. 请学生欣赏艺术大师的画。

    Enjoy the painting of the art master .

  18. 战争与和平&西班牙艺术大师戈雅作品在渝展出

    War and Peace & Works of Great Master of Arts Goya Displayed in Chongqing

  19. 越来越多艺术大师的小作品正在涌入市场。

    Small art by the big guys is hitting the market in rising numbers .

  20. 画廊主要经营世界著名艺术大师的绘画和雕塑作品。

    The gallery deals in painting and sculpture produced by many prominent international artists .

  21. 学习文艺复兴时期艺术大师的作品对成为一个网页设计师能有所帮助吗?

    Can studying Masters of Arts and Renaissance help the forming of a web designer ?

  22. 中西方不同的文化环境,滋生出风格迥异的杰出艺术大师。

    Different cultures between Chinese and western countries have fostered outstanding maestros with different styles .

  23. 即使对于一个烹调艺术大师来说,准备一桌法式菜肴也是很难的。

    Preparing French cuisine is very difficult , even for a master of culinary arts .

  24. 设计艺术大师&张仃

    Master of Artistic Design & Zhang Ding

  25. 这位传奇的艺术大师因其许多别具一格的雕塑作品而闻名于世。

    This legendary artist gained worldwide fame with his numerous sculptures with a distinct style .

  26. 它们要么就是羽毛色彩单调的艺术大师,要么就是只能唱一个音节的花瓶角色。

    they 'd either be drab virtuosos or eye candy that sings only one note .

  27. 个性化集中体现了一名艺术大师作品中所蕴涵的情感因素和审美特征。

    " Personalized " embodies an artistic masterpieces implied in the emotional factors and aesthetic characteristics .

  28. 艺术大师马蒂斯给予的设计启迪

    Enlightenment from Art Master Henri Matisse

  29. 本书与众多世界级博物馆合作,介绍了许多艺术大师的绘画名品。

    In partnership with many world-famous museums , the volume introduces many masterpieces by famous artists .

  30. 而希腊美学家毕达哥拉斯以及众多的艺术大师都坚持认为美就是和谐。

    However , Esthetician Pythagoras , from Greece , insisted that " beauty is harmony " .