
  • 网络Electronic Arts
  1. 而马特里克2007年从美国艺电公司(ElectronicArts,EA)加入微软时,Xbox业务尚未实现盈利。

    But when Mattrick joined Microsoft in 2007 , from games publisher Electronic Arts ( EA ) , the Xbox business was unprofitable .

  2. 现年47岁的肖恩&12539;德克尔(SeanDecker)对此有切身体会。德克尔是洛杉矶人,是美国视频游戏制造商艺电公司(ElectronicArtsInc.)设在斯德哥尔摩工作室的首席负责人。

    As the chief executive of videogame maker Electronic Arts Inc. 's Stockholm-based studio , 47-year old Sean Decker found this out firsthand .

  3. 艺电公司像《战地3》(Battlefield3)这样的热门游戏所占的预算螺旋上升,动辄就能达到数亿美元。

    Budgets for high-profile games like ea'sbattlefield 3 can easily spiral into the hundreds of millions of dollars .

  4. 游戏大厂艺电公司(ElectronicArts)曾经推出《Madden》系列和《极品飞车》(NeedforSpeed),它声称,公司推出的电视游戏中,目前有20%是通过下载购买,去年这个数字是10%到15%。

    Electronic Arts , the big games publisher behind Madden and Need for Speed , says about 20 percent of its new console games are now downloaded , compared with around 10 to 15 percent last year .

  5. 威尔•莱特曾经开发过史上最成功的一些游戏作品,包括艺电公司(ElectronicArts)出品的《模拟城市》(SimCity)和《模拟人生》(TheSims),全球总销量超过1.5亿套。

    Will Wright has created some of the most successful video games of all time , including electronic arts ' SimCity and the Sims , which has sold over 150 million copies worldwide .

  6. 所以,如果说你的孩子爱玩游戏机的,而美国艺电公司是这些游戏的开发商。

    So if your kids are playing video games , Electronic Arts makes the video games .

  7. 所以他在艺电公司蹲点住了一个夏天,而我是他的主要联系人。

    So he spent a summer in residence at EA , and I was his primary contact point .

  8. 消息传出当日,该游戏的发行者艺电公司的股票就下跌了5%。

    The stock of Electronic Arts , the game 's publisher , fell 5 percent the day of the remarks .

  9. 本人和我所在的艺电公司都认为,娱乐技术中心是判断世界上其它交互项目的标准。

    It is my view and the view of our company , Electronic Arts , that the ETC is the interactive program by which all others in the world are judged .

  10. 自1997年以来,里奇迪略一直从事电子游戏业。担任艺电公司首席运营官期间,他帮助该公司成为全球最大的电子游戏企业。

    Riccitiello has worked in the video game industry since 1997 , where as chief operating officer of Electronic Arts EA 0.59 % he helped grow it into the biggest game publisher in the world .

  11. 美国艺电有限公司ElectronicArts(EA)已经认定中国人才,并资助了在上海的工作室,它是为数不多在中国有分支的美国游戏公司。

    Electronic Arts has identified Chinese talent and has funded a studio in Shanghai which is one of the only US firms in China .

  12. 艺电宣布,公司将为注册用户提供一款免费游戏,作为补偿。

    EA announced it would give registered users a free title to make up for the problems .

  13. 艺电还表示,公司收入和每股收益将处于1月份发布的指导值区间低端或更低。

    EA also said its revenue and earnings-per-share will be at the low end or below its January guidance .