
  • 网络art and science;Arts & Sciences
  1. 柏林博物馆岛&艺术与科学的圣殿

    Museum Island in Berlin : The Sanctuary of Art and Science

  2. 建筑学是设计建筑物和结构的艺术与科学。

    Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures .

  3. 电影公司高层?来了。美国电影艺术与科学学院(TheAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences)的领导层?

    Leaders from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ?

  4. 这项改变的推荐人是艺术与科学学院性骚扰政策和程序委员会(FacultyofArtsandSciencesCommitteeonSexualMisconductPolicyandProcedures)。

    The change was recommended by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Committee on Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures .

  5. 华盛顿大学艺术与科学学院生物学副教授,哲学博士ErikHerzog;

    Erik Herzog , Ph.D. , Washington University associate professor of Biology in Arts & Sciences , Sara Aton , Ph.D.

  6. 在奥斯卡战线上,两部影片的支持者们都在努力争取美国电影艺术与科学学院中亲英国团体的支持,它过去更加倾向于英国电影,如《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)。

    As the Oscars approach , backers of both will be wrangling for votes from the British contingent of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , which has leaned toward the United Kingdom ( " The King 's Speech " ) in the past .

  7. 因为我拥有机器人科学的专业知识,并且我当时也很有兴趣将学术上的成果商业化[布雷西亚是麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体艺术与科学副教授],因此我们开始交谈。

    We started talking because of my expertise in robotics , and I was at a point in my carer where I was interested in commercializing the work that I had done academically [ Breazeal is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at MIT ] .

  8. 第四部分回顾了艺术与科学相互关系的发展历程;

    Fourth , development history of the relation between science and arts .

  9. 世界艺术与科学学会不同学科的合作可产生新的边缘学科

    Cooperation across different disciplines can develop new and fringe disciplines

  10. 芬奇试图把一切于科学有益的东西都纳入绘画,这说明当时欧洲的艺术与科学结合得更为紧密。

    It shows that the Oriental art is combined closely with science .

  11. 艺术与科学互渗及其在园林领域的应用

    Mutual penetration of science and art and its application in Chinese landscape

  12. 艺术与科学国际作品展

    The exhibition of international works on art and science

  13. 这是一个将艺术与科学融于一体的创作。

    In this project , art and science merge .

  14. 艺术与科学的融合&科学理念融入艺术教育之探析

    Integration of Art and Science & Involvement of Scientific Awareness in Art Education

  15. 每个人都有权利参与社会的文化生活,分享艺术与科学创造的成果。

    Everyone has the right to share in their community 's cultural life .

  16. 美国电影艺术与科学学院正在建造这个博物馆。

    The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is building the museum .

  17. 艺术与科学:人类心智的结晶

    Art and Science : The Human Intelligent Crystalization

  18. 艺术与科学,自古以来就是人类文化的两翼。

    Arts and Sciences are the two wings of human culture since ancient times .

  19. 人的艺术与科学交融之美是完整的人生。

    The beauty of the combination of art and science forms the complete life .

  20. 艺术与科学技术的融合&论工业设计专业的工程技术基础教育

    Blending of Art and Science / Technology & Engineering Education of Industrial Design Speciality

  21. 重视艺术与科学的边缘研究

    Emphasize the Borderline Study of Art and Science

  22. 在艺术与科学的交汇处。

    At the interface of art and science .

  23. 艺术与科学相结合的典苑&中国古代绘画中的数学方法

    A Model of the Integration Art and Science & Mathematics in Ancient Chinese Painting

  24. 论景观设计中艺术与科学因素的融合与发展

    On the Combination & Development of Art and Science Factor in the Landscape Design

  25. 论艺术与科学的协调发展

    On the Coordinated Development of Arts and Science

  26. 文学艺术与科学技术应当相互结合

    Literatures-Arts and Sciences-Technologies Should be Combined Each Another

  27. 艺术与科学是一个整体,如同一枚硬币的两面。

    Art and science are a unity , like two sides of a cion .

  28. 在这里我们也有来自,设计学院,艺术与科学学院的研究生。

    We also have graduate students from the Graduate School of Design , GSAS .

  29. 艺术与科学并非不可调和,而是大有潜力可挖掘。

    Art and science are not implacable , but can excavate to have great potentialities .

  30. 信息时代的艺术与科学

    Art and Science of the Information Age