
  • 网络Madhyamika-sastra;Knowledge of the Middle Way
  1. 从CUBA的开展中论山东省部分高校篮球文化的构建

    Discuss on the Culture Construction of Some Universities in Shandong Province Through the Developing of CUBA League

  2. 意识形态不仅支配着译者翻译的基本策略,而且规定了译者如何解决与于原文中论域(universeofdiscourse)和语言相关的问题。

    On one hand , ideology manipulates the basic translation strategies and prescribes the way of settling the problems linked with universe of discourse and language .

  3. 笔者认为,《中论》的中心思想为儒家思想。

    I think the central ideology of Zhong Lun is Confucianism .

  4. 英语阅读教学中论辩类篇章的篇章模式分析

    Textual Pattern Analysis of Argumentative Texts in English Reading Class

  5. 第三部分论述了《中论》的中心思想。

    The third part deals with the central ideology of Zhong Lun .

  6. 属性约简中论域划分的一种快速算法

    A Quick Algorithm for Domain Partition in Attribute Reduction

  7. 中论&一个字所体现的中国哲学思想精髓

    On Zhong & A Core Concept of Chinese Philosophy

  8. 从不平衡中论汉语修辞史研究

    A Discussion of Researching on Chinese Rhetoric History From the Unbalanced research situation

  9. 希伯来文化关联中论鲁迅在暴力面前的困境

    Lu Xun 's Plight in the Face of Violence Relating to the Hebrew Culture

  10. 对《湿热病篇》中论及口渴的病机进行了归纳分析。

    The paper presents an analysis on the pathogenesis of thirst described in Chapter on Damp-Heat .

  11. 老子守中论和涤除论的审美内涵和意义值得探讨。

    It is worthy discussing on aesthetical connotation of Lao Tzus the golden mean and elimination .

  12. 系统设计中论叙了系统结构、功能特性、性能特性,并针对应用给出了五种业务模型。

    The system design section discussed system structure , functions , performance , and present five business model .

  13. 反之,它是新约中论及死亡与复活之间的「居中状态」的最重要经文。

    It is one of the greatest teaching chapters in the New Testament on the'Intermediate State'between death and the Resurrection .

  14. 黑格尔在《美学》中论及象征型艺术时,以东方艺术作为观照对象,但他对东方艺术存在着明显的误读。本文从三个方面对此进行了论述:一、黑格尔观点的片面性;

    Oriental Art is the object of study in Hegel 's Aesthetics when he talks about symbolic art in his Aesthetics .

  15. 本文主要考察现代汉语受事宾语句中论元共现的规律,以及管控论元共现的语言机制。

    The thesis mainly expounds the argument co-occurrence rules and mechanisms that govern argument co-occurrence in modern Chinese patient object clauses .

  16. 研究发现模糊时间序列模型中论域划分与数据模糊化是两个重要部分。

    Studies find universe of discourse partition and data fuzzification are two particularly important parties on the fuzzy time series models .

  17. 圣经中论及圣灵的许多经文,都是基督亲自给予我们的;其中记在约翰福音的几章优美论述,更特别值得我们去反覆细读。

    Some of the most beautiful tributes to the Holy Spirit were given by Christ himself , particularly in these chapters of John 's Gospel .

  18. 《中论》所反映的思想深刻独到,但也存在着不足,对此应做辨证的认识,吸取精华,改正不足。

    Zhong Lun reflectes profound and unique thought , but there are also inadequacies . We should have dialectical cognition , learning the essences and correcting the inadequacies .

  19. 这些实践在客户约定中开发的许多解决方案之间是通用的,并且适用于没有在本系列文章中论及的其他业务情景类型。

    These practices were common between many of the solutions developed in the customer engagements and are applicable to other types of business scenarios not covered in this series of article .