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yì lín
  • the fine arts;the artistic and literary circles;art circles;the place where art circles and literal books gather together
艺林 [yì lín]
  • [art circles;the place where art circles and literal books gather together] 旧时指文艺界或收藏汇集典籍图书的地方

  • 属意艺林。--《北史.常爽传》

  • 一时传为艺林盛事。--江藩《汉学师承记》

艺林[yì lín]
  1. 诗、书、画、印以其绚丽多姿的风采和意境幽深的内涵,独立于世界艺林之中,闪烁着数千年的光芒。

    Poetry , calligraphy , painting , and India , with its colorful style and mood of deep connotation , independent of the world Yilin , shining the light of thousands of years .

  2. 当时间进入21世纪,越来越多的中国画家纷纷认识到中国艺术要想在世界艺林独树一帜,既要有自己的特色,又要有能使他人产生共鸣的表现语言。

    When we enter into the 21st century , more and more Chinese artists realized that the Chinese art must have their own characters and display languages which can strike a sympathetic chord if they wanted to have their own unique influence among the world artists .