
  • 网络arts archives
  1. 艺术档案是艺术组织或个人在社会艺术实践活动中直接形成的具有保存价值的各种形式的原始记录。

    Art archives are valuable original records which are formed directly in the artistic practice of arts organization or individual in various forms .

  2. 这个奖项每年由国家科学与艺术档案协会颁发,表彰艺术家的音乐成就与慈善活动。

    The award is presented annually by the National Recording Association of Arts & Sciences in recognition of an artist 's musical achievements and charitable work .

  3. 为了加强藏品的管理,建有专用画库,建立了藏品艺术档案。

    In order to strengthen the management of the museum pieces , it has set up a special drawing storehouse and compiled art files for the pieces .

  4. 为确保文章设计的理性和创意,很好地收集、筹备、分析和保存艺术档案。

    Master concerned information at home and abroad , do well in collecting , arranging , analyzing and saving art files in order to make assure of rationality and creativity of designing articles .

  5. 新闻出版、广播电视、文学艺术、档案史志等事业加快发展。

    Press and publication , radio and television , literature and art , archives Shi and other undertakings to accelerate development .

  6. 推动哲学社会科学繁荣发展,积极发展新闻出版、广播影视、文学艺术和档案事业。

    We will promote the flourishing of philosophy and the social sciences , and actively develop the press , publishing , radio , film , television , literature , art , and archives .

  7. 我国拥有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,先辈们创造了众多具有历史文化价值的古村镇,是地域文化、民俗风情和建筑艺术的档案馆。

    China has a long history and splendid culture . Ancestor created so many ancient towns with historical and cultural value . That is the living archives of the local culture , customs and architecture .

  8. 改革开放以来,我国高等艺术教育事业取得了长足的发展,高等艺术院校也产生了大量的艺术档案。

    Since reforming and opening , the higher arts education has achieved considerable development in our country , and art colleges have produced a huge mass of art archives .