
yì shù táo cí
  • artistic ceramics
  1. 艺术陶瓷产品开拓欧盟市场的策略

    The tactics of artistic ceramics products open up European Union market

  2. 本文通过分析法国艺术陶瓷的市场特点,存在的问题,探讨国内艺术陶瓷在法国市场的发展策略。

    This paper analyzes the markets characteristics of artistic ceramics in france , and then advances some promoting strategies for Chinese art ceramics .

  3. 居室内艺术陶瓷陈设家居空间的绿化陈设

    Analysing art pottery furnishings in the living room green furnishings in a home

  4. 关于景德镇艺术陶瓷走产业化发展之路的若干问题思考

    Jingdezhen Ceramic Arts of a number of industry analysis

  5. “叙淘艺术陶瓷公司”一个精品陶瓷品牌。

    " narrates washes the art pottery company " a high-quality goods ceramics brand .

  6. 产品用途:日用陶瓷、艺术陶瓷、礼品观赏陶瓷等。

    Product uses : household ceramics , art pottery , ceramics and other gifts .

  7. 我们期待以专业形象,致力于艺术陶瓷的品质提升!

    We devoted our special technology on promotion the quality of ceramic with our specialized visualize .

  8. 燃气高温梭式窑在艺术陶瓷创作中的应用及烧成操作

    The application and manipulation of the high-temperature shuttle of gas kiln in process of firing art porcelain creation

  9. 该红釉适用于釉面砖及艺术陶瓷产品,具有应用、推广前景。

    This red glaze is suitable in glaze surface block and art ceramics , having the prospect of utilizing and spreading .

  10. 这种感应不仅仅只保留在艺术陶瓷的本身,而应全方位、多角度把陶瓷艺术置身于各种艺术环境整体之中。

    This reaction cannot exist only in the studio pottery itself , but also should place ceramic arts in the whole of various artistic environment .

  11. 2002年12月14日晶彩艺术陶瓷宝塔瓶《五牛图》由中国对外友好协会会长陈昊苏赠与牙买加总督库克及古巴全国人民政权代表大会主席阿拉尔孔先生。

    On14th Dec2002 , the works with the name of Five Oxen was presented to the dey of Jamaica and the chairman of Conference of National People 's Political Rights .

  12. 但是,现在中国无论是在工业陶瓷还是在艺术陶瓷上的发展都不容乐观,发展陶艺基础教学意义重大。

    Normal professional students through the limited time to learn pottery making , pottery for the future in teaching and learning activities to lay the foundation , it is particularly important .

  13. 目前,结晶釉主要应用于艺术陶瓷及日用陶瓷,但其烧成温度较高(通常在1300℃左右),且烧成周期较长(一般长达数小时)。

    At present , the traditional crystalline glaze is mainly applied to art porcelain and domestic porcelain due to its high firing temperature ( about 1300 ℃) and long firing period ( about hours ) .

  14. 当代公共艺术与陶瓷制作课

    The Present Public Art and the Ceramic Making Classes

  15. 分形艺术在陶瓷工艺品上的应用

    The application of fractal art on conventional crafts

  16. 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区陶瓷三街漆千年艺术中心。

    Qiqiannian Art Center , Ceramics Third Street , 798 Art District , No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road , Chaoyang District , Beijing .

  17. 现代粗陶艺术是陶瓷艺术的一个分支,是从陶瓷艺术中派生出来的一种新的艺术形式。

    Coarse pottery of modern art is a branch of ceramic art , ceramic art is derived from a new art form .

  18. 陶瓷人物画艺术是陶瓷绘画艺术重要的组成部分,人物是所有绘画直接或间接表现的主题,本文通过阐述中国画与陶瓷人物绘画艺术表现,揭示了陶瓷人物绘画艺术的典型特征。

    Ceramic figure painting art is one of the important parts of ceramic painting , figure is the direct or indirect expressing subject in all painting .

  19. 本文正是从黑白釉装饰的发展历程,黑白对比的视觉效果,黑白的空间、光影效果等方面探求了黑白艺术在陶瓷装饰中的运用。

    This paper explores the application of black and white color scheme in ceramic decoration from the development of black and white enamels , the visual effects of black and white contrast , bla .

  20. 剪纸艺术深化了陶瓷装饰中图案的内涵和底蕴。

    Paper-cut art deepens the connotation and details design in ceramic decoration .

  21. 浅析图形艺术在日用陶瓷设计中的运用

    Preliminary study on Application of graphic art to household ceramic product design

  22. 谈中国水墨画线性艺术在青花陶瓷中的运用

    The Application of Linear Art in Chinese Ink Painting to the Blue and White Porcelain

  23. 参加国宴的外国朋友高度赞扬“东方艺术精华之陶瓷艺术里的明珠”。

    The foreign friends praised Liling porcelain as the pearl of the porcelain industry & the essence of orient art .

  24. 从历史的角度来看,当时每一件绞胎器物都是具有强烈文化气息和艺术品位的陶瓷精品。

    Each marbled ware belongs to a precious pottery with strong smell of culture as well as art taste if one appreciate it from the point of history view .

  25. 在文章的结论部分,本文提出了未来图形艺术在当代陶瓷艺术发展中运用的趋势研究可以更具体、更深入。

    The conclusion of the article presents the future of graphic art in the contemporary trends in the use of ceramics in the study can be researched more specifically , more deeply .

  26. 在研究中国传统陶瓷艺术中,陶瓷造型的研究往往被忽视,其实陶瓷造型既是构成陶瓷艺术的重要方面,也是陶瓷功能和装饰纹样的载体。

    During the research of Chinese traditional ceramic art , the research of ceramic style is always ignored , actually ceramic style not only constitutes an important part of ceramic art , but also the carrier of ceramic function and decoration pattern .

  27. 在众多的艺术门类中,陶瓷壁饰艺术的历史源远流长。

    In numerous art door , ceramic murals art has a long history .

  28. 都市文化中的空间艺术&佛山欧神诺陶瓷都市温情系列产品鉴赏

    Space Art in Urban Culture & Appreciation of the Serial Products of Urban Tender Affection

  29. 随着陶瓷艺术的发展,陶瓷设计更加注重人们的主观情绪,主张自由创造,个性发挥。

    Porcelain designment pays more attention to the subjective moods of people with the development of porcelain art .

  30. 这个朝代以一个新的文化繁盛期开始,艺术,尤其是陶瓷工业额达到了前所未有的高度;

    This dynasty started out as a time of renewed cultural blossom : arts , especially the porcelain industry , reached an unprecedented height ;