
  • 网络mfa;Master of Fine Art;Master of Arts;M.F.A.
  1. 林慧洁于1996年获英国伦敦大学金匠学院颁纯艺术学士学位及于2003年获香港中文大学颁纯艺术硕士学位。

    LAM Wai-kit received her BA from the Fine Arts Department , Goldsmiths College , University of London in1996 and MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in2003 .

  2. 法国教育部造型艺术硕士,法国教育部法语学士。

    He got a degree of Master of Fine Arts from the French Education Ministry .

  3. 1959年出生于北京,1984年毕业于中央工艺美术学院,后赴美获艺术硕士学位。

    He was born in Beijing in1959.He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in1984 .

  4. 年,她在哥伦比亚大学取得了“文学写作”艺术硕士学位,从此开始成为一名自由职业者,主要从事美食方面的写作工作。

    She earned an M.F.A.in writing from Columbia University and began a freelance food writing career in1993 .

  5. 在亚里桑那大学得到了艺术硕士学位后,华莱士于1993年开始在诺马尔的伊利诺斯的州立大学教授写作。

    After earning a master 's degree in fine arts from the University of Arizona , Wallace began teaching writing at Illinois State University in Normal in1993 .

  6. 四川美术学院设计艺术硕士学位,重庆大学建筑城规学院城市规划专业博士生在读。

    MA in Arts Designing of Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts , now is studying Urban Planning Doctor Degree in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning , Chongqing University .

  7. 他毕业于英国东盎格利亚大学(UniversityofEastAnglia)人类学专业,而后获得非西方艺术的硕士学位。

    He studied anthropology at the University of East Anglia before doing an MA in non-western art .

  8. 今年春天早些时候,我参加了我的岳母在英国白金汉大学(UniversityofBuckingham)的毕业典礼,她被授予了艺术史硕士学位。

    Earlier this spring I attended my mother-in-law 's graduation ceremony at the University of Buckingham , where she was being awarded an MA in history of art .

  9. 卡耐基梅隆大学的艺术管理硕士(MAM)专业就是一个例子,它是美术学院和Heinz学院的公共政策和管理学院共同主办。

    Carnegie Mellon 's Master of Arts Management ( MAM ) Program is one example ; it is a collaborative effort of the College of Fine Arts and the School of Public Policy and Management in the Heinz College .

  10. 关于设计艺术学科硕士学位研究生的培养

    About Training Postgraduates Studying for Master 's Degree of Design Subject

  11. 洛克伍德没有艺术创作硕士学位,她甚至没有上过大学。

    Lockwood has no M.F.A. , she never even went to college .

  12. 迪安-杨(1955-)生于宾夕法尼亚州哥伦比亚镇,印第安纳大学艺术创作硕士。

    Dean Young ( 1955 - ) was born in Columbia , Pennsylvania , and received his MFA from Indiana University .

  13. 她在六年中以优异的成绩完成了课程,现在她希望能继续攻读艺术史硕士学位。

    Six years on , she has completed the course with honours and is now hoping to tackle a Masters in History of Art .

  14. 在美国,大多数通过顶尖的独立或商业出版商出版作品的诗人都在大学教书。他们几乎所有人都有高等学历——艺术创作硕士甚至创意写作博士。

    Most poets who publish with the top indie or trade publishers in the country teach at universities , and nearly all have taken advanced degrees - an M.F.A. or even a Ph.D. in creative writing .

  15. 玛丽娜说,她已度过了文化冲击阶段,现在很享受在世界银行的工作。后来,她去马里兰大学读了艺术史硕士学位。

    Ms Galvani , who has since earned her Masters in art history at the University of Maryland , says she has got over the culture shock and is now very much enjoying her work at the World Bank .

  16. 艺术史的硕士文凭在这城里一文不值

    An M.F.A. in art history is useless in this town .

  17. 设计艺术学专业硕士研究生培养模式探索

    Exploration of a cultivation mode for master 's education of art design

  18. 2006年毕业于厦门大学艺术学院,获硕士学位,现任华侨大学建筑学院教师。

    In2006 , he graduated from the art institute , xiamen university with a master 's degree , overseas Chinese university school of architecture of teachers'current .

  19. 之后,在2007年于北京清华大学美术学院取得了中国艺术史和艺术批评硕士学位。

    Then in2007 , she received her Master 's in Chinese History of Art and Criticism from the Academy of Art and Design of Tsinghua University , Beijing .

  20. 周榆茵毕业于香港艺术学院,并取得该学院的艺术学士及硕士学位。

    April Chow studied at the Art School of the Hong Kong Arts Centre , where she got her B.F.A. and M.F.A degrees .

  21. 玛丽娜毅然决然地爱上生活,并决心设法在艺术界工作。但她做出了一个不寻常的决定:不是读一个艺术史硕士学位,而是去维也纳经济和工商管理大学读商学院。

    But she made an unusual decision : rather than obtain a master 's degree in art history , she decided to move to Vienna to attend business school at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration .