
  • 网络Metal tray;metal pallet
  1. 并用他那胖小手梆梆响地拍击着高椅上的金属托盘。

    He pounded his fat baby hands-whack , whack-on the metal highchair tray .

  2. 琐罗亚斯德教徒严格遵守“隔离经期的女性”的禁忌,即所有人都必须与来月经的女性保持1米(3步)的距离;她们的食物需用金属托盘盛放;她们不能接触肉类或新鲜的食物,因为这样会加速食物的腐烂。

    Zoroastrian taboos insist upon strict separation of menstruating women : No one may approach within 1 meter ( 3 ft ) of her , she must be handed food on metal plates , and she must avoid meat or invigorating food that may strengthen " the fiend of pollution . "

  3. 请您把金属物放在托盘里。

    Please put your metal articles on the tray .

  4. 她说:为制作这个汉堡,我丈夫特地准备了特制的金属支架和一个金属托盘,分别放在肉饼的底部和上面,扣牢之后几个人一起来给它翻面。

    My husband had to prepare special metal holders and a metal plate , he had one at the bottom one at the top , locked them together and they flipped the burger with that , she added .