
  1. 凡在昆明金鹰消费时已使用VIP卡打折或累计的消费金额,不能用以再申办VIP卡。

    Consumptions with VIP discounts will not be eligible towards the application of the VIP card program .

  2. 与此相比,梅西(Macy)和马莎百货(MarksandSpencer)的市盈率为11倍,而中国的金鹰商贸集团(GoldenEagleRetail)的市盈率为18倍。

    That compares with Macy 's and Marks and Spencer trading at 11 times and China 's Golden Eagle Retail at 18 times .

  3. 例如,她投资的百货商店金鹰(goldeneagle)去年业绩强劲,让她从投资中获利,在今年年初消费类股表现不佳时,她增持了该公司股票。

    She took profits in department store Golden Eagle after strong performance last year , for example , then increased the holding when consumer stocks underperformed at the beginning of the year .

  4. 昆明金鹰购物中心VIP卡设白金卡、金卡、银卡、中银-金鹰联名卡(以下简称联名卡)四种。

    Four types of VIP cards are offered by Kunming Golden Eagle Shopping Center : the Platinum card , the Gold card , the Silver card and the co-brand card .

  5. 综合内部环境和外部环境的分析,使用SWOT模型得出金鹰商贸开展B2C电子商务的优势、弱势、机会和威胁,并且进行匹配分析。

    Combining the analysis of external and internal environments , SWOT analysis model is used to illustrate the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities , and challenges for the initiation of B2C electronic commerce by Golden Eagle . Matching analysis is also performed .

  6. 对于内部环境,本文做了内部资源分析和能力分析,找出金鹰商贸在资源和开展B2C电子商务能力方面的优势和薄弱点,对各项资源能力的核心竞争力的竞争后果进行评价。

    With regard to the internal environment , this paper offers the internal resource and capability analysis and elucidates the strengths and weaknesses of Golden Eagle in the implementation of B2C electronic commerce operation . We evaluate the core competitiveness of various resource capabilities and the possible competition outcome .

  7. 1907年的圣高登斯金鹰硬币

    What ... what 's your showpiece ? 1907 Saintgaudens golden eagle

  8. 他把他打的那只金鹰制成了标本。

    He stuffed the golden eagle which he shot .

  9. 因金鹰高科技公司与金鹰科创公司合并办公,人员冗余。

    Jinying high-tech company merges with Jinying Kechuang company , resulting in redundant employees .

  10. 这个黑色和黄金库什曼“金鹰”是慈爱装饰,刻有微妙的设计。

    This black and gold Cushman " Golden Eagle " is lovingly adorned with delicate engraved designs .

  11. 杜邦自称“金鹰”,有着独特的,鹰隼般的外形。

    Du Pont called himself " the Golden Eagle " and had a distinctive , eagle-like profile .

  12. 1907年圣高登斯金鹰硬币

    Saint gaudens 1907 golden eagle

  13. 但心生怨气,立意再找金鹰“麻烦”。

    But the heart fresh resentment , decides looks for the golden eagle again " troublesome " .

  14. 金鹰国际集团董事长王恒说,消费对中国经济有很大的影响。

    Golden Eagle International Group Chairman Roger Wang says consumption has a great impact on the Chinese economy .

  15. 当了被告的金鹰自然不会再承认拒售。

    Worked as defendant 's golden eagle not to be able to acknowledge again naturally resisted to sell .

  16. 赫尔曼虽然我不懂硬币但我知道金鹰硬币是很特别的

    Well , Herman , I don 't know anything about coins but I know that that is special

  17. 西班牙圭莱娜的国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一天,人们得以见到一只真正的金鹰。

    A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena , Spain .

  18. 我们此行目的是为了庆祝古奇在南京路金鹰国际购物中心新旗舰店的开业。

    We were here to celebrate the opening our new flagship store on the Nanjing Road , in the Golden Eagle shopping complex .

  19. 其次介绍了百货业、电子商务发展趋势及金鹰商贸情况。

    Subsequently , the trend of the development of the retail industry and electronic commerce and the operation performance of Golden Eagle are introduced .

  20. 最后基于以上研究,在本文的第五章,对南京金鹰国际集团的一次并购进行有针对性的实证分析和案例研究。

    The last chapter is about a case study of Nanjing Golden Eagle International Group about its MA activities based on the above research .

  21. 梁园批发市场对面还有金鹰服装鞋帽批发市场还有道北的京陇商贸城,和市场街批发市场。

    It across the wholesale market for gold and clothing wholesale market and way of the north , and from commercial market street wholesale market .

  22. 事实上,金鹰通常把巢筑在很高的悬崖上,要获得鸟蛋或幼鸟几乎是不可能的。

    The fact that the golden eagle usually build its nest on some high cliffs renders it impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds .

  23. 他所谓的“金鹰集团”只不过是花了1万港元在香港注册的没有一个雇员的空壳公司。

    His " Golden Eagle Group " was a shell company registered in Hong Kong with HK $ 10,000 dollars in assets and not a single employee .

  24. 在浙江金鹰亚麻集团有限公司进行的生物脱胶方案工厂试验,方案在总脱胶时间上优于传统化学脱胶,同时还具备了化学品损耗小、化学污染小和能耗小等优点。

    Test in Zhejiang Golden Eagle Group Co. Showed that the total program time was shorter than traditional chemical degumming and also chemical pollution and energy consumption was low .

  25. 杜邦自称金鹰,有着独特的,鹰隼般的外形。设计师们想塑造出那个外形,但又不想弄得跟杜邦本人一模一样。

    Du Pont called himself the Golden Eagle and had a distinctive , eagle-like profile . The designers aimed to capture that profile while not creating a carbon copy of the real du Pont .