
  • 网络financial group;financial conglomerates;GE CAPITAL;BMO Financial Group;Mizuho Financial Group Inc
  1. 同时,在加入WTO后,面临众多混业经营的跨国金融集团的挑战,国有商业银行迫切需要提高整体竞争优势。

    Meanwhile , faced to the challenge of many multinational financial conglomerates , it is urged for the state-owned commercial banks to improve their compete advantages .

  2. 事实证明,能够控制大型金融集团所承受风险的高管团队与管理机制是很难找到和建立的:即使是詹姆斯迪蒙(JamieDimon)头上的光环似乎也失去了光泽。

    It has proved difficult to find executives and management systems able to control the risk exposures of large financial conglomerates : even the halo above Jamie Dimon looks tarnished .

  3. 雷迪金融集团(ReadyFinancial)是我的投资组合中的一家公司,其CEO威尔•图穆迪便是一位退役的海豹突击队员(服役期1990–1995)。

    One of my portfolio company CEOs , will Tumulty of ready financial , is a former seal ( 1990-1995 ) .

  4. 该报告还估计,金融集团的CEO兼董事长拿出35%的时间解决董事会的问题。

    It also estimated chairmen-CEOs at financial groups spent 35 per cent of their time on board matters .

  5. 另外,保德信金融集团(prudentialfinancial)也在代表许多退休计划起诉道富银行,索赔要求与前述诉讼类似。

    Separately , but with similar claims , Prudential Financial is also suing State Street on behalf of numerous retirement plans .

  6. MG金融集团以及所属成员不为此文的精确性和可靠性承担任何责任。

    MG Financial , and any of its affiliates , will not be held responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information available in this article .

  7. 外国政府和金融集团都在密切关注着QFII的发展。

    Its development is watched closely by foreign governments and financial groups alike .

  8. 三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)已经将其持有的债券期限从三年以上缩短到两年以下。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has cut the term of its holdings from more than three years to less than two years .

  9. 但那个季度的业绩结果中包括了一项一次性亏损17亿美元的费用,这项费用与日本三菱日联金融集团(MitsubishiUFJFinancialGroup)在该银行的一笔投资有关。

    But that quarter included a one-time loss of $ 1.7 billion related to an investment in the firm from Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group .

  10. 光大集团是一家金融集团,旗下拥有已经上市的光大银行(ChinaEverbrightBank)和光大证券(EverbrightSecurities)。

    China Everbright Limited is a financial conglomerate with holdings in China Everbright Bank and Everbright Securities , both of which also have stock market listings .

  11. 近年来,外资金融集团和私人股本基金蜂拥蜂进入中国,或与当地伙伴创办合资公司,或收购中国平安和太平洋保险(ChinaPacific)等公司的股权。

    Foreign financial groups and private equity funds have flocked to China in recent years , striking start-up joint ventures with local partners or acquiring equity stakes in the likes of Ping An and China Pacific .

  12. 大型金融集团中国信托金融(chinatrustfinancial)早些时候宣布,计划通过私募或公开发行方式发行新股。

    Chinatrust Financial , a big financial group , earlier announced plans to issue new shares through private placement or public issuance .

  13. 国外已有很多金融集团、投资机构和养老基金管理公司采用VaR方法控制金融风险。

    There is a lot of financial groups , investment organizations and pension fund companies abroad adopting VaR method to control the financial risk .

  14. 美国纽约银行(BankofNewYork)和梅隆金融集团(MellonFinancial)昨日宣布合并,从而缔造一个规模达430亿美元的证券服务及资产管理巨头。此举可能引发全球资产托管行业的进一步整合。

    Bank of New York and Mellon Financial yesterday unveiled a merger to create a $ 43bn security services and asset management giant that could trigger further consolidation in the global custody industry .

  15. 尽管一些保险计划可通过一种特殊的可自由支配的资金为其投保。然而,Barrette和Grant无法让其保险公司加拿大永明金融集团(SunLife)为其报销这种配方。

    While some plans will cover it through a special discretionary fund , Barrette and Grant cannot expense the formula to their insurer , Sun Life .

  16. 苏黎世保险(ZurichInsurance)董事长汤姆.德斯瓦恩(TomdeSwaan)主张,由于大型金融集团很复杂,因此它们应该分别任命董事长和CEO。

    Tom de Swaan , chairman of Zurich Insurance , argues that big financial groups should separate the roles because of their complexity .

  17. 最近进入该产业的公司包括地产开发商恒大(Evergrande)、金融集团中国泛海(ChinaOceanwide)、以及中国最大的民营果汁生产商汇源(Huiyuan)。

    Recent entrants include Evergrande , a property developer , China Oceanwide , a finance group , and Huiyuan , China 's largest private juice maker .

  18. 其它寻求与印度扩展业务的金融集团包括中国工商银行(ICBC)和中国银行(BOC)。

    Other financial groups seeking to expand business with India include Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China .

  19. 在外国金融集团的竞争日益逼近之际,中国最大的本土投资银行中信证券(CiticSecurities)计划增发3.5亿股新股,为扩张融资。

    Citic Securities , China 's largest home-grown investment bank , plans to sell 350m new shares to fund expansion in the face of impending competition from foreign financial groups .

  20. 无论问题何在,过去一个世纪,花旗集团(Citigroup)等西方金融集团在全球各地建立起了人脉、拿到了经营牌照,它们应该会进行一些调整。

    Whatever their problems , western financial groups such as Citigroup have global relationships and licences built up over the past century that will take some shifting .

  21. 总部位于加州圣塔克拉拉的SVB金融集团(SVBFinancialGroup)是唯一的新晋成员,排在第50位,资产为237亿美元。

    Santa Clara , Calif. - based SVB Financial Group was the lone new entry coming in at # 50 with $ 23.7 billion in assets .

  22. 在此之前麦格理也做出了类似的动作,这家澳大利亚金融集团于2015年11月出售了其在2009年收购的华澳国际信托(Sino-AustralianInternationalTrust)的19.9%的股份。

    The divestment followed a similar move by Macquarie , the Australian financial group , which sold its 19.9 per cent stake in the Sino-Australian International Trust in November after entering the business in 2009 .

  23. 参与谈判的人士表示,如果其它陷入困境的金融集团例如花旗集团(citigroup)被纳入政府控制之下,它可能还会为分拆这些集团提供模板。

    It also could provide a template for carving up other troubled financial groups such as Citigroup should they be brought under government control , the people involved say .

  24. 麦格理(Macquarie)将设立一家总部位于伦敦的证券经纪业务分支机构,目前这家澳大利亚金融集团正寻求扩大其欧洲业务的范围。

    Macquarie is to set up a London-based stockbroking arm as the Australian financial group seeks to expand its range of activities in Europe .

  25. 该公司不得不承担与三菱UFJ(MitsubishiUFJ)金融集团合资企业的6.55亿美元亏损。

    The company had to absorb $ 655 million in losses from its joint venture with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group .

  26. 瑞银和高盛近年来都曾在中国多家金融集团的香港大规模IPO中担任顾问,其中包括中国银行(BoC)在2006年100亿美元的上市。

    Both investment banks have advised on the biggest IPOs of Chinese financial groups in Hong Kong in recent years , including the $ 10bn listing of Bank of China in 2006 .

  27. CME集团旗下的芝加哥商品交易所(ChicagoMercantileExchange)是全球最大的期货市场和明富环球金融集团的自我监管机构,该交易所表示这种做法违反了规定。

    According to the CME Group 's ( CME ) Chicago Mercantile Exchange , the world 's dominant futures market and the designated " self-regulatory organization " of MF Global , those rules were violated .

  28. 三菱东京金融集团的跌幅最大,主要由于该公司购入UFJ银行的坏账后遭调低盈利预测。

    Mitsubishi Tokyo Financialpuorgwas a key decliner after forecast earnings downgrades as it absorbs UFJ 's bad loans .

  29. 随着我国加入WTO及经济的全球化,面对国际金融集团涌入国内市场,加快整合我国金融业、提高市场竞争力变得越来越迫切。

    In this paper , we reveals that with China joining WTO and economic globalization , it is more and more urgent for decisive sectors to integrate finance industry and increase market competitive power in the face of international finance groups giving gushed into domestic market .

  30. 数据供应商dealogic表示,在一些西方银行备感煎熬的一年里,在关键的亚太银行业战场,非美国金融集团增强了自己的实力。

    Non-US financial groups have strengthened in the key Asia-Pacific banking battleground in a torrid year for some Western banks , according to data provider Dealogic .