
  • 网络estate economy;Real Estate Economy;real estate economics
  1. 以科学发展观统领城市房地产经济的发展

    Following the Scientific Development View to Develop City Real Estate Economy

  2. 房地产经济周期与我国房地产宏观调控政策审视

    Real estate economy circle and China real estate Industry macro control policy

  3. 房地产经济公司KnightFrank的调查表明,按季度环比计算,在全球45个国家中23国的住宅不动产价格持续下降。

    On a quarter-on-quarter basis , residential-property prices are dropping in23 of the45 countries surveyed by Knight Frank , an estate agent .

  4. 在《中国的房地产经济》(TheCasualtiesinChina’sEconomy)这段视频中,乔纳·M·卡塞尔(JonahM.Kessel)对年轻人面临的买房压力,以及投资失误的后果进行了报道。

    In the video " The Casualties in China 's Economy , " also available in Chinese , Jonah M. Kessel reports on the social pressure that young people face to buy an apartment of their own , and what happens when those investments go wrong .

  5. 从虚拟经济的角度重构房地产经济理论

    Reconstructing Real Estate Theory from the Angle of Virtual Economy

  6. 中国房地产经济周期波动影响因素分析

    Analysis of the Influence Factors of China Real Estate Economic Cycle Fluctuation

  7. 必须关注房地产经济的特殊性及其对金融的影响&对我国现阶段房地产经济的理论分析

    The Characters of Realty Economy and Its Influence to Finance

  8. 浅议房地产经济的市场发展战略

    A Brief Talk On Market Development Stratagem Of Realty Economy

  9. 国家政策对房地产经济波动的影响

    National Policies Influencing the Fluctuation of Real Estate Economy

  10. 房地产经济中三类利益主体关系研究

    Research of the Relationship among the Three Interest Groups in Real Estate Economy

  11. 随着我国房地产经济蓬勃发展,社会财富迅速在这一领域聚集。

    With the rapid development of real estate , the investment is heavily .

  12. 房地产经济的虚拟化分析

    The Relationship between Fictitious Economy and Efficiency of Growth of Real Estate Economy

  13. 我国房地产经济泡沫的形成机理与区域性特征

    Mechanism and Regional Characteristics of Economy Bubble in Real Estate Industry of China

  14. 住宅行业研究、特别是关于住宅开发的专题研究,滞后于太原房地产经济的发展实际。

    Residential development on the research behind the actual economic development of real estate .

  15. 我国房地产经济安全与政府控管研究

    Study on the Security of the Real-estate Economy and the Government Regulation in China

  16. 政府对房地产经济干预的核心关注点有哪些?

    Which does the government have to the real estate economy intervention core attention spot ?

  17. 论旅游驱动型房地产经济的发展&以深圳华侨城、西安曲江房地产开发为例

    Development of tourism-driven real estate economy : a case study of Qujiang in xi ' an

  18. 近年来,房地产经济活动已经成为全民关注的焦点。

    In recent years , the national economy of real activity has become the focus of attention .

  19. 从长期看,房地产经济的发展呈现出向上增长的趋势。

    Looked for a long time , the real estate economy development presents the upward growth tendency .

  20. 然而房地产经济具有波动性,其波动必然冲击金融体系,产生巨大的金融风险。

    The real estate economy undulation attacks the financial system inevitably , produce the huge financial risk .

  21. 近年来,关于房地产经济是否过热的问题已经成为大众争论的焦点。

    In recent years , the issue whether real estate industry has overheated has been the focus of disputation .

  22. 会展经济与旅游经济、房地产经济已经被誉为21世纪的三大无烟产业,会展经济与旅游经济发展以及城市发展有很大的关系。

    Industries of meeting and exhibition , tourism , estate have been known as the three no smoke industry .

  23. 第七章研究了房地产经济安全的监测预警系统,重点研究房地产经济安全监测预警系统的指标体系和预警方法;

    Charter Seven studies the earlier-warning system of SRES , focusing on its indexes system and method of early warning .

  24. 房间里没有电源和暖气源,房地产经济人斯科特说,要使这间房能够住人,还需买主支付5.9万美元的房屋改造费。

    With no electricity or heating , Scott said it would cost an additional $ 59,000 to make the room habitable .

  25. 情境:房地产经济人吉姆正向玛莉和她丈夫约翰介绍一栋公寓。

    Situation : Jim , a real estate agent , is showing Mary and her husband , John , an apartment .

  26. 第三部分(第五章至第八章)研究房地产经济安全与政府控管的关系。

    The third portion ( from Chapter Five to Chapter Nine ) study the relationship between SRES and the government regulation .

  27. 郭锡恩:他来到美国时是80年代,房地产经济非常繁荣。

    A : When my dad landed , this was the ' 80s , the real-estate economy was doing very well .

  28. 在此前提下,对房地产经济的调控与管理(简称控管)成为维护房地产经济安全的必然选择。

    Under this precondition , it is a necessary option to regulate real estate economy for protecting the security of real estate economic .

  29. 住房公积金制度在我国住房经济乃至整个房地产经济中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    The housing accumulation fund system plays an important part on Chinese housing economy , and even on the whole real estate economy .

  30. 作为房地产经济的一个环节,质量控制在实际操作中的作用越来越重要,本文主要就三控之一的质量控制进行一下探讨。

    As a tache of tenement economy , quality control is more important in actual operation . This paper discusses the quality control .